Night Crow Master Chapter 510


Chapter 510: 510

Except for the head in the middle, the other 87 crows carried one of her tentacles, chewing or swallowing .

No one can feel this fear .

Without saying a word, Hanhai’s daughter watched her eat her body as food, but she didn’t dare to make any moves, and even had to smile .

“I will make you my family . ”

“But I’ll have to die one time and let me eat it . ”

This sentence changed the strong smile on Hanhai’s daughter’s face .

Be eaten? How could anyone accept it?

From despair to hope, then to lose hope, such psychological ups and downs, so that the heart of Hanhai’s daughter almost collapsed .

In desperation, she unleashed her strength and tried to die with the chaotic creature in front of her .

However, at this time, she was shocked to find that the power in her body had lost control .

She looked at her body in amazement –

at the fracture of her body, black chains grew, which would firmly lock her body .

Her power, also blocked by these black chains, her own will, can not even convey the past, can not motivate the force .

“I’m sorry, it’s too late!”

Yat’s eighty-eight crow heads leaned toward her body . One crow head constantly tore the flesh from her body and swallowed it into her stomach .

In a short moment, the daughter of Hanhai, who was unable to move, was eaten raw by him .

The power of the evil crow runs fast, digesting the power of the daughter of the sea and the eye of the storm .

[88 yuan evil crow lv44]

digested the crazy moon, the vain dead, the God of hot sand, and so on . Although these two gods have not yet fully digested, the existence of two multiple four levels also provides him with some improvement .


But now . . . It’s OK .

Eighty eight crows looked at the sky at the same time, and the hoarse and shrill crows sounded .

. . .

close to the space between the planes of the shell of the world in the shell, a group of evil gods and gods still stay here, waiting for the hapless ones to fall into the world in the shell .

However, at this time, they were suddenly stunned –

on the crystal shell of the empty shell, there were a lot of black and disordered lines .

“Those, what are they?”

Some evil spirits looked at the disordered lines on the crystal shell .

“No, that’s . . . The power of the chaos side!”

Several evil spirits, who have a knowledge of the nature of the chaotic side power, infer the result from the messy, unrecognized lines .

Without any hesitation, they realized that the messy lines might be some kind of chaotic side force, and the evil gods and gods immediately turned around and urged the forces to stay away .

Seeing someone leave quickly, some suspicious evil gods and gods also leave .

There are only some brave guys left .

But . . . Soon, they discovered their mistakes .

Buzzing –

with the chattering sound, the disordered lines, or vortices, converge together .

A huge black vortex, converging out .

Quickly, next to the black whirlpool, another equally huge black whirlpool formed, and out of the huge black whirlpool, Yat emerged in the ontological posture .

“What kind of monster is that?”

The evil gods and gods did not escape . In their vision, they only saw an unidentifiable strange mass, a mass condensed by strange lines like an abstract painting, emerging from the whirlpool .

“Oh? I didn’t expect that there were so many guards here . It happened that . . .

Yat naturally noticed the gods and evil gods gathered below . For those who did not participate in the competition for the share of belief in the main material world, they just squatted in the garbage and tried to pick up garbage . . . .


“make me food . ”

With the idea of art . The next moment, the evil gods and gods around, suddenly appeared a chain, a chain to restrain their power, bound their bodies firmly .

Then one of Yat’s crows came out and swallowed them all .

The power of the terrifying Ravens instantly contaminates their bodies and their will . When they lose the ability to resist, they will be decomposed and digested vividly and transformed into their own strength .

In addition to the evil gods and gods who had already fled, the hundreds of other evil gods and gods left behind were devoured by Yat .

Although the power of these hundreds of evil gods combined to provide him with a level of power, but also better than nothing .

Ate finished eating, along the black whirlpool on the crystal shell, drilled out the world in the shell .

As he passed through the crystal shell, art felt the “pulsation” of the empty shell, which was similar to the pulse of the vital signs of the empty shell insect . Slow, but orderly .

The empty shell beetle is getting closer and closer to the true order side creature .

If this time it is transformed into a real order side creature . . .

then it will only take tens of thousands of years for it to become a real world .

And the will of the empty shell worm itself will become the world will of this world .

But, I’m sorry, you don’t have a chance .

Although the power of the order side needs to reach level 5, it can break the crystal shell of the empty shell beetle by force .

But if it’s with the power of the chaotic side, he can easily reveal it .

In particular, the eighty-eight abyss evil crow has the ability to easily open the door to the chaos abyss . It is very simple to create a “door leaf” on the crystal shell of the empty shellfish .

When he got out of the crystal shell, he saw a giant crow which was ten times smaller than the world in the shell, but still too big to reach .

Exactly, it can be used as a body .

Art’s body turns into a black shadow and flies towards the night crow world .

. . .

in the night crow world, Yat’s subordinates are gathering on the endless white night plane .

“Gol, when are we going to attack?” Prometheus, in the state of ghost, fluttered down with wings, “or ask Lord Gloria?”

“Lord Gloria did not come . ” Gol white night faithfully fulfilled art’s order, “the master has returned . ”

“What?” Lizzie slightly widened her eyes and looked around . “Where is the master?”

When she said that, the voice of Yat came from all directions:

“I’m here . ”

Yat, who has occupied the whole night crow world as a body, skims over the bodies of Prometheus and other subordinates, and the power of evil crows is transformed into various forces that adapt to their bodies and pour into their bodies .

At the moment of the power pouring into the body, the bodies of promi, gol, Lisse and others suddenly changed .

At the same time, all the creatures in the night crow world have become the family members of Yat .

And the world of the night crow itself, being occupied by art, is also changing .

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