Night Crow Master Chapter 498


Chapter 498: 498

Black dragon breath surging, heavy bombardment in the middle of the mercury cover under the cover, produced an explosion .

The dark and evil impact of the force will directly smash the mercury mask .

But –

“you are too early to be happy, Bartos – Mercury feast!”

At the moment of the sound, a large number of globular mercury droplets poured in from all directions .

Like a grand banquet of aristocrats, the gorgeous and brilliant countless mercury drops burst out in an instant, covering the body of the dragon of resentment crystal .


Bartos was terrified . He didn’t find it at all – no, damn it . The mercury was hiding in the ground .

It’s over here!? no

The world he lived in was a small world with little extraordinary power .

Originally, he was just an ordinary magician who earned his living by performing magic .

From then on, he would repeat dozens of times a day, hundreds of times, and complete the magic cultivation according to the established plan .

Just to make money, to survive .

From the small magic of hiding props between fingers, to performing dangerous body cutting magic, 100 times, 1000 times, 10000 times .

Used to it? Numbness?

Repeated to boring training, so that he has an instinctive grasp of the magic .

It’s no different from eating and drinking water .

But even so, in such an environment, he was not able to be let go .

Cheated by trusted assistants, donated money to escape, chased by debt collectors, broken family, and parents died .

But even so, it’s not over .

They cut off his right hand and cut his right eye .

The magic that left him to support himself was almost exhausted .

But then . . . He got it!

He came into contact with the extraordinary world .

With almost no talent, he climbed from the bottom to the top of the extraordinary world and killed all his former enemies with a frightening black magic trick


however, it was at this time that the world was destroyed .

The terrible natural disaster destroyed the world in which he lived – and the culprit was this terrible world .

However, when he came to this world, he was very happy . His black magic, as if he had lost his shackles, expanded his power wantonly .

Then, he became a God .

Together with his companion, he murdered a God, and then let the companion die in confrontation with the original God who occupied the magic box .

Everything, everything!

It’s all about being stronger! To be stronger!

But now . . . No! Never! I can’t die here!!!

The voice of tearing heart and lung, let the curse power of the evil god garga, condensed on him, completely integrated into his body .

With the help of the curse, the blood of the grey crystal dragon has been completely integrated!


It is just like the curse of innumerable whining spirits in the abyss, like the roar of a giant dragon perched in the depths of mineral veins containing rich power .


On the dragon’s body, all the gray and black crystals are bright, and the evil and dark curse power spreads out like a nuclear explosion .

Infinite dark surging, the mercury that is touched is instantly polluted, the color becomes dark and heavy, and goes down .

All of a sudden, fast’s Mercury feast was eroded by pollution .

“It’s a powerful force . ”

Fast took a step back, his body suddenly appeared more than ten kilometers away, without any panic .

Next to Mrs . Black Rose chuckled, with a smile on her face:

“however, whether the multi-level five or the multi-level five is not so easy to deal with, even if the strength is reduced by the reversion of the collapse of world rules . ”

His hands were lifted up again . Under the ground, there were more, more than 10 times, 100 times more than before . Like a city, huge liquid metal gushed out, vaguely building a huge city .


“The city of mercury”

on top of the huge city built by mercury, there are strange light clusters, just like an array:

“Bartos, you don’t think that I was just watching?”

Witches don’t say “integrity . ” .

The huge array of mercury colored light clusters gives off a strong attraction .

Originally excited by the retreat of the two men, Bartos tries to escape and also understands what fast is preparing just now – seal .

Damn it! Trying to arrest him!

The meaning is obvious – they are not really equal to him, they are ready to capture him with ease!On his turf!

A sudden anger sprang up in his heart, and the dark and evil dragon head opened:


The roar of the evil dragon broke out in an instant .

The curse power surging in his body was also released by him on his own initiative and was no longer restrained .

The curse power that he collected deliberately wrapped his body and stretched his body apart –

with the crazy and evil roar, a huge black dragon with the size of several mountains emerged in an instant .

The huge evil dragon directly fell down and ran into the city of mercury . The dozens of walls that were instantly torn by the evil shining claws and tusks, splashed with countless mercury .

And those sealed light balls, also in an instant was torn one tenth .

“How many towns have you killed, Bartos

“It’s just cheap! Sacrifice for me is their best destination

The cursed dragon, wrapped in layers of cursed power, is constantly emitting a curse . On the dark, gem like scales, countless gratings are fired to pierce the light ball .

“What a surprise

Mrs . Black Rose chuckled, her eyes glowed black, her white right hand waved –

thousands, tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, millions?

Countless, dark energy butterflies fly at the speed of light to the Dragon locked in the city of mercury . In an instant, they hit the dragon’s body .

Roaring and roaring –

after explosions, the black decaying butterfly body bloomed and condensed into thick black thorns, which bound the body of the dragon of resentment crystal .

“Obediently . . . ”

Mrs . Black Rose was trying to say something, but her face suddenly turned black .

Seeing his expression, fast wondered a little:

“what’s the matter?”

“Bartos, he’s gone . ” Her beautiful brows wrinkled and her elegant face was only teased with anger .

Holding tightly with the right hand, the countless thick black thorns are pressed in an instant —

the bound dragon of resentment crystal bursts into pieces in an instant .

Looking at this scene, fast’s eyes widened, but he seemed to think of something, and calmly lifted the city of mercury .

. . .

“what a fool, you two . ”

Outside the plane of the magic box, at the edge of the plane gap, a black box is open .

There was a sneer at the corner of his mouth .

However, just at this moment, a voice sounded:

“you are almost the same . ”

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