Night Crow Master Chapter 493


Chapter 493: 493

At the same time, both those who came to stand outside the black fog, or those who observed the changes of the black fog from a distance, all felt this terrible chill .

Countless scarecrows at the demon blood feast spit out black fog and walk out . From the outside, it looks like a flood .

Any life, whether it is a snake grass tree, a microorganism that can’t be seen by the naked eye, or a floating dead soul, withers and withers in an instant . Whether it is the vitality or the negative energy that constitutes the body of the dead, it is absorbed by the fruit trees of the skeleton curse that grow from the ground after the trees are covered with black fog .

Without distinction, any energy that can be used is absorbed .

Even the light is the same, the light on the black fog is swallowed up .

No one can see what’s going on in the dark fog .

Perception is not good, the original black fog can only swallow light, but because of the chaotic world and unlimited power to meet the devil, the power is terrible .

When any energy comes into contact with the power of meeting the devil, it will be devoured, twisted and assimilated into the power of meeting the devil .

People who try to perceive the black fog in a way similar to the diffusion of spiritual force can feel that their perception disappears like a sea of stone when they touch the black fog, and even they feel a terrible killing intention –

eat! eat up! Eat everything!

It’s like an unconscious beast, raging outward, and . . .

also wants to drag their perception and drag them past .

People who extend their own power and perceive it, feel it and hold it tightly .

In the black fog, an irregular figure emerged, shuttling through the black fog without any hindrance .

The power of meeting the devil is the combination of the profession of the devil who controls the original sin of desire – “the reverse devil master” and the “agent” who performs and tampers with the fate . It can change the reality by the soul of desire .


Don’t talk about grasping perception, even Qi Yun can grasp it .

What’s more, art is not only able to meet the devil .

The greater power he possessed was doom .

The force of doom that could easily counterattack any prediction and detection against himself . . .

with the familiarity and practice of Yat, he has been able to touch the prediction that the target is not his object .

the power of meeting the devil is an opportunity .

Before, although he was able to use bad luck, he used it almost instinctively, and the way he used it was limited .

However, after the formation of the power of encountering demons, especially the mode of action that can directly affect the reality according to his thinking . . .

only then did he realize that the mode of action of the force of doom was not the crude and violent effect before, but was carefully woven .

Precise control is also the foundation . Sometimes, vague command ideas can’t make the magic power work .

The use of magic power is like weaving cobwebs . The more accurate operation can make the magic force play a more powerful effect and reduce the consumption .

For example . . .

Art’s eyes turn to a member of the magician’s order who is frantically trying to attack the black fog —

“the power goes wild and kills the companion . ”

At the moment of his thoughts, the power of meeting the devil was rapidly reduced as a leaf burned by fire .

The magician, who was waving his hat towards the black fog and shooting out countless magic daggers from it, suddenly felt that his power was out of control, and the magic that flowed into the hat in his hand suddenly exploded, causing the hat to deviate from the direction –

a magic dagger with a handle flew towards his companion .

The companion did not expect this kind of accident at this time, and let the dagger run through his head without any defense .


Moreover, the magic dagger, formed by runaway magic, exploded as it penetrated the head .

Red and white liquid mixed with red and white debris splashed out .

And the consumption of power to meet the devil . . . Compared with his direct attack to kill the other side, more .

If the content of his mind is – power rampage, dagger out of control, run through the head, kill the companion on the left .

It will reduce the cost of magic power .

If it’s his power .

Then . . . . . .

the idea of Yat rises, and the magician who killed his companion feels his power go wild again among the stupefied gods —

however, nothing happened next .

Although the magician can’t restrain his own magic, it doesn’t bring about the situation of killing his companions .

This is the weakness of the power of meeting demons, which is now perceived .

The power of meeting demons requires fine manipulation, which can make it stronger and consume less .

But it also has to be finely manipulated .

Both advantages and limitations . He can also use the force of doom to achieve similar results, but relatively speaking, the consumption of the force of doom is very small, and it is more difficult to detect some of them . Moreover, when used to attack, the effect of doom is excellent .

And it doesn’t need to be precise .

For example . . .

“the power is rampant . ”

The magic power in the body of all the people who were shocked by their partner’s killing them suddenly exploded –

one of them, the magic power at the heart of his body, suddenly exploded and died in incredible astonishment .

Death .

The other, looking at the screaming companion, was hit in the eye by a bone fragment from the magic explosion inside the other person’s body . The fragment passed through the brain and flew out from the other side of the skull .

Death .

When the third person turned his head to look at his companion, he suddenly twisted his neck . The pain for a moment made his consciousness slightly stagnant and his body was out of balance . When he tried to use the magic power to merge into the sole of his feet to maintain balance, the surging magic ran away, blowing his legs off, and several pieces of broken bones penetrated his body from bottom to top .

Death .

The fourth person, the cautious habit makes him react immediately, takes out the life-saving props and gathers the magic power to call out the magic box for changing positions . However, the original skillful magic somehow makes errors at this time and activates the blocking trap inside –

countless spikes shoot out from the box of the magic box, which originally pop up to block the pursuers after he shifts his position The spines made him a hedgehog .

Death .

All kinds of accidents and strange ways of death are staged in the vision of art, just like a large-scale death performance .

The cause of each person’s death is basically caused by his own or other people’s violent violence .

Among the causes of death, more or less “accidents” have become an important part of death .

All the magicians are destroyed .

The black fog, which was spreading rapidly, passed over them in an instant .

One by one, the fruit trees rose from their corpses, absorbing their bodies and turning them into food for themselves .

The next moment, the scarecrow was born from the plump flesh and spewed out the black fog .

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