Night Crow Master Chapter 486


Chapter 486: 486

A strange fog enveloped the whole city .

At this moment, a strange fog envelops the city of lorans, which is dozens of kilometers long and wide .

More than three quarters of the urban area has been completely shrouded .

Only a few areas on the edge are left .

At this moment, there are more than ten church members with various “false gods” in the Church of twenty major gods in the shell world .

Scattered in several places .

The old car came to a slow stop, and cobolen looked around .

At the edge of the line of sight, the storm cult, which belongs to the storm eye church, is dressed in turquoise priestly robes .

Next to them, there are several men and women in crystal black suits and hats .

“Corbolen, that’s . . . ” asked his companion in a voice .

Cobolen thought and looked south . “Is it fog city south of Lorraine? The main hall of the God steam knight . ”

“It sounds like it is . ” Another person nodded, “the fog city is also the God in the fog and the eye of the storm . . . ”

“well . ” Cobollen nodded . “The steam hub, the temple in the fog, and the tempest altar are allies, and the fog city is also exclusive . The only church in the fog city is the Church of the three gods . Other churches are not allowed to preach in fog city . ”

The man looked at the two groups in the distance: “so, is that the storm sacrifice at the storm altar? What’s more, it’s steam . . . “

” the members of the steam hub are all monsters with strange metal parts on them, and they don’t leave the church . Those people are not members of the steam hub, but the knights in the fog of the God in the fog . ” “What we need to pay attention to compared to this is . . . ”


he looks at another group of people .

His companion also turned his eyes to the group .

Two people, to be exact .

One was a woman in a dark black dress, while the other was a man in a silver grey suit .

“That dress . . . ”

“Apprentice of silver ember and maid of rose? Is there a dark red church nearby . . . “Cobollen frowned .

The most hostile force of the sorcerers’ order is the Eight Legged Church of the God “weaver of destiny”, but in addition, the “dark red church” of the Duke of blood tree is also the enemy .

Especially since last year, the dark red church has been regarded as an enemy by all churches . It is rumored that the gods of crimson church are carrying out terrorist activities threatening the world .

Now, the dark red church has become the evil god next to the crazy month .

The other is . . . It was said that the Eight Legged God of the church on earth was abandoned and came again .

As for the more specific things, cobolen is not very clear . More specifically, it is the information only known by the bishop .

And the bishops gave orders to report everything about the church .

However, there is no news about the Eight Legged church .

However, a few months ago, the upper echelon of the church sent people to Wudu . Is it the news of the Eight Legged Church over there?

Forget it, it has nothing to do with them .

Kobolen turned his eyes to the city shrouded in fog in front of him –

this time, whether he could go back alive or not, how could he have so much leisure to care about other things .

. . .

the annoying fog is gradually spreading out . If you look at it, you can only see the dry ground and strange fruit trees .


There are no leaves, no green, one by one withered, you can only think of the skeleton trees starved to death, growing on the ground one by one .

As if the vitality of the ground has been extracted in general, those dry cracks are spread out around the center of those strange trees .

And those strange, like the mummified trees, bearing a strange fruit similar to the human head .

On top of the fruit, there is a mouth and two cracks that look like eyes .

The peristaltic flesh acts as the part of the eye, which looks very strange and disgusting .

Strange sounds came from the fruit, like human beings, like wild animals, as if whispering, as if it was a scream .

The strange voice makes those who hear it feel dizzy and dizzy . The frightening fear comes from the heart . The strange fluctuation makes the power in the body uncontrollable .

At the same time, a black fog gushed out of the fruit’s mouth and became part of the fog that enveloped the whole city .

It can be seen that when the black fog gushes out, the light touched by the black fog is like a prey that has lost the ability to resist . It is torn, bitten and digested by the black fog and becomes a part of the energy for making the black fog .

Under the other tree, a hunter who had taken the risk to break into the dark country with a shotgun because of the hunting reward of the church was lying under the tree . At a rate visible to the naked eye, the hunter who just fell, was shrinking at a very fast speed .

The blood, flesh and even bones in his body were absorbed rapidly .

And what does this is such dry fruit trees .

When the hunter even belt bone was all extracted by the root of the tree, on the fruit tree growing on the tree, the biggest big fruit with Basketball Size on its foot, the cracked eyes and mouth showed a crazy smile .

The next moment, the fruit fell on the ground .

With the sound of a blood flesh rupture, strange limbs sprang out of the fruit .

It is not human body, but slender, bone like, straw like strange limb .

The same scene, in this silent city where the light is hunted, is happening everywhere .

And on the countless corpse like trees, on the top of the tree, a crow with crystal black is watching the change of the fruit .

And the trees around them, for the crow, there was no hostility at all .

It seems that it doesn’t exist at all .

The next moment, the crow turned around, and the crystal black feathers twisted with the body, and became a spider less than the size of his thumb and fell into the monster that had just been born .

After a while of stagnation, the monster twisted herself:

it is strange to attach to the scarecrow man at the blood feast

As he said that, he turned his head and looked around .

“This remains curse orchard, spread fast too . ”

With emotion, the monster stepped open, and walked leisurely in the silent dead land without light .

Darkness, for him, was completely unimpeded .

Instead, the dark environment is more suitable for him .

“Next, I will see which fish is hooked . . . I made boss with the spirit of the God of fog, and the brave man who hopes to challenge boss is the one I want . ”

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