Night Crow Master Chapter 485


Chapter 485: 485

“It’s really annoying . It must be the believers of crazy month who are doing something wrong?”

In an old car to the north of foggy capital, a man in a fancy suit, like a magician performing magic on the stage, waved his hand and complained .

“Corbolen, this is the Bishop’s order . ”

Sitting in the old car, the companion in his similar dress looked at him with a helpless expression on his face, and then made a voice .

“I know, I know . ” The man, named cobollen, leaned back in the back seat with compromise . “After all, why do we have to go to the sorcerers’ order? Isn’t there another church going? There’s no good in killing the believers of crazy month . It’s just a waste of manpower . ”

When hearing his complaint, his companions also showed a puzzled look, but they did not say much .

Cobolen was just venting his discontent .

In fact, no wonder he is so depressed . It is because . . . They are very clear about this matter, and they know that it is not good to deal with the believers of crazy month .

When dealing with the believers of the crazy moon several times, the believers of the crazy moon who are on the desperate road will not hesitate to choose extremely crazy means to attack, whether it is life for life or life for injury, or even self explosion without any significance .

There is no reason at all .

Although the number of believers in each month of madness is not large, but every time a lot of things are made, dealing with the affairs of the believers in the month of madness will become very difficult .

If there’s one mission that’s least popular, it’s dealing with the lunatic moon believers .

What happened in the city a hundred kilometers north of the fog capital, though in different forms, is undoubtedly written by the believers of the month of madness .


Originally, cobollen just sighed that “the believers of the crazy month are really good at jumping”, but when dealing with the affairs of the believers of the crazy month falls on his head, he is not so calm .

And, this time, it’s not that small .

This time, the whole city was occupied, and even the other churches in that city were completely destroyed .

In other words, this incident is not only dangerous, but also great danger .

Now, the whole city has become a slaughterhouse for the believers of the month of madness, and it has become a matter of concern to all churches .

Almost all churches have sent their members, and they are also members of this group .

If it is still too late to solve the problem, it is necessary to send bishops . . . .

if not, it is time for the Pope of each church to come out .

However, there have been no more than five disasters in history requiring the Papacy to go out .

This incident does not seem small . It is likely to be a danger that bishops of various churches will be called out .

However, as is normal, bishops will not be mobilized without recognizing the crisis that requires the deployment of bishops .

After all, the combat power of each bishop level should be paid attention to for its own church .

When the fighting power is weak, it is very likely to be attacked by the hostile church, and sending the bishop level combat power randomly may also reduce the church’s control in the local area .

But in the magician order people are silent, but found in front of a carriage slowly moving .

“That’s the . . . Headless carriage!”

The people of the Sorcerer’s order were still wary, but as the old car moved forward to see the horses, they were surprised to find that the horse pulling the cart had no head .


And around the carriage, there was a dark, smoke like, phantom like human figure .

“The dead brigade of the gods who have wronged the dead?”

“The brigade of the dead?” In the old car, a new member of the magician’s order, has some doubts .

“Ah, conger, you are not familiar with the affairs of the gods . ” Feeling the reduced speed of the car, cobollen looked at the carriage with dignity and said in a low voice, “the dead in vain are gods who returned from nothingness thousands of years earlier than my God . However, compared with my God, he did not preach his name on the earth . Moreover, close to his name, there is no living creature in his church . ”

“The deceased princess, who was called the devil by the people, was burned by fire . . . The warrior who killed the devil but was framed as the murderer . . . The followers of the dead brigade are all the dead . . .

” the dead Cobollen’s explanation made the new member of the order of magicians swallow their mouths . He asked in surprise, “is it the evil god?”

“Shut up . ” Kobolen hastily stopped saying, “the God who” wrongs the dead “is not an evil god . He is a god of neutral faction . He is not hostile to any God church, but has a hostile relationship with the God of” Sphinx “or” human face lion . ”

The members of the brigade of the dead are all kinds of monsters and have no direct belief conflict with almost all gods . Moreover, all kinds of curses and murders are not good for any church .

What’s more, the members of the brigade of the dead are not the objects of friendly conversation .

This group of dead in vain, the body is entangled with the power that makes all living uncomfortable .

Naturally, the magicians’ order did not need to conflict with each other, nor was it willing to approach the dead .

After more than ten minutes, the group of magicians, who slowed down their speed and even deliberately changed their routes, disappeared in their sight .

The order of magicians also breathed a sigh of relief from the uncomfortable power of the dead brigade .

After relaxing, cobolen thought again:

“this is big news . ”

You know, it’s the brigade of the dead!

Even the brigade of the dead is here?

As mentioned earlier, because of the relationship between the gods, the brigade of the dead is only hostile to the Sphinx temple under the Sphinx and the whole country, which worships the Sphinx temple, and the reisha Empire, which is protected by the Sphinx .

In other words, is there a sphinx temple in the church to deal with this issue?

Or people with the hot sand Empire?

What kind of situation is this?

The hot sand Empire should be very far away from here . There should be no hot sand empire or Sphinx people coming here .

After cobollen said this conjecture, the people of the Sorcerer’s order also talked about it .

Theoretically speaking, the brigades of the dead, not to mention the group of lunatic believers who participated in the extermination of the month of madness, did not appear in the brigades of the dead, even though the evil spirits recorded in the history reflected the situation of the world .

This time, what’s going on?

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