Night Crow Master Chapter 483


Chapter 483: 483

Although the changes in the spider web plane have not been exposed, the magic eye force has been upgraded to close to the regular level of the force to meet the devil, which distorts the whole spider web plane .

The spider web plane, originally eroded by the power of the magic eye, is a huge plane condensed by the spider silk of the weaver of fate .

Under the interference of the power of meeting the devil, the distortion happened immediately .

Not only space, but also time on the cobweb plane, is distorted .

“Because of the lack of order? It’s easier to twist . ” Art’s strange and familiar operation is his power .

Unfamiliar, because he really has this power for a short time .

Familiarity is because he has been holding this power for thousands of years, adapting and getting familiar with this brand-new power at a very fast speed .

This magic power can distort the reality of the outside world with its own power .

The empty shell beetle, though tending to order, is still a kind of creature on the chaotic side . There is no real rule and no real order inside the body .

In short, the rules of the world in the shell are not strict, and the distortion of the world is relatively simple – his power can easily twist the whole spider web plane the size of a planet .

If it was in the night crow world . . . He thought, with the power he just used to meet the devil, it could only twist about a third . Moreover, such a situation that even time can be distorted is very difficult in the night crow world with clear time rules .

And it can’t last that long .

In the world covered by regular forces, the power will tend to be stable and hard to be distorted, and the regions with abnormal changes will recover slowly .

With his experimental transmission of the magic force to all parts of the spider web plane, the whole spider web plane has become more and more distorted, which can distort the regular force of meeting the devil . In a world without rules to repair, the effect is not to be said .


In the outer layer of the whole spider web plane, there are countless magic nodes .

If you get close to these nodes, you will fall into a distorted rule, whether it’s a magic node that slows down ten times, or a magic node that is exchanged between “front” and “left” .

The former slows down the time of being trapped in it by ten times, while the latter makes those who want to go left move forward and those who move forward to the left .

It’s not an illusion, it’s in these magic nodes that the rules are .

Unless the person who enters it has more powerful power than him, he can resist or simply destroy the magic node, and the weak . . . Can’t even detect the distortion .

After slightly adjusting his shell and adjusting the body of the pseudo Eight Legged Lord with the power of meeting the devil, art turned his eyes to the outside world .

When the God of death in the shell had been monitoring this plane, he felt that there must be something outside the spider web plane to monitor the plane .

The only thing he knew was to monitor the web plane, which had nothing to do with the fate of prophecy .

After all, he, whose nature is doom, can easily counter when he is regarded as the target of prophecy .

It is easy to find the target directly, kill the other party, and bite the other party with bad luck .

But right now, it doesn’t seem .

But . . . There’s a new group of . . . For the dead .

. . .

beyond the spider web plane, on the crack edge of the plane several light years away, on a small plane .

A layer of strange fog suddenly solidified, and the reason for that solidification was a shadowy, three headed and four handed strange humanoid creature .

There was a thick mist in the body of the shadowy creature .

The mist that enveloped him was coming out of him .

On his body, the wound is slowly surging to repair .

“Absolutely can’t stop . . . ” the murmur of the creature shrouded in fog, and one of its heads showed signs of fatigue .


At this time, a dozen figures suddenly appeared .

For this suddenly out of more than a dozen of figures, the creatures wrapped in fog, had to stop just raised the pace .

Immediately, the dozens of figures with strange emotions in their eyes turned their eyes to him .

The strange creatures entangled in the fog looked at the shadowy figures, and they couldn’t help but despair .

If it was not for his food in the trade with the devil, and even his soul and body were taken away, how could it be that there was no more than three levels of strength, and how could there be only the will to rest in the utensils?

The will placed in the necklace has been quiet for more than 10000 years . It was not until a thousand years ago that by chance, it recovered some and had its own self .

After struggling for a thousand years in this necklace, he naturally knew that the present God in the fog was not his essence .

In that trade, he has lost everything, and through various means to obtain the monster’s body, up to now, the strength of recovery is only so much . God magician . . .

why does the other party want to kill him completely?

He wanted to get help, but he provoked the pursuers .

He cast his eyes on the dozen people in front of him .

They are members of the magician’s church .

If he was still a God in the fog, how could he be afraid of this group of low-level creatures that could be easily wiped out before?

But now, he has to flee .

Under the gaze of the three heads, the dozens of figures, with the help of the dark environment, appeared around the old man in Yingshan, and immediately raised his hands at the same time .

Like a trick, a dozen daggers condensed by power suddenly swept out .

There is no sharp weapon with the slightest sound, but it brings a strong sense of killing .

Turned into heavy light and shadow, toward every vital part of his body is shrouded .

Hum –

accompanied by a strange black ripple .

The attacks made by the members of the magician church mysteriously disappeared in the air .

And the more than a dozen figures also froze their bodies inexplicably .

The reborn God in the fog stopped his steps a little .

Although he has no power, even the will now is only a low-level component of soul state .

However, he was able to perceive the greatness of that power . . . .

as powerful as he had been .

Who is it?

But, immediately that black light, is to rise again, from his body .

“How could it be!? Didn’t it save me? ”

With doubts, the reborn God in the fog became stiff .

He was as stiff as the dozen or so magician’s followers .

Then, out of their bodies came the power of crystal black .

Strange power, born from the heart, changed his body .

A terrifying, frightening change .

The skin burst suddenly, and the body became dry . The muscle tissue like straw expanded rapidly and became the tentacles of octopus tentacles . The skin of other parts of the body also burst, revealing the dried and dried flesh and blood like straw . The whole person’s body size doubled and looked like a huge red scarecrow, ugly and ferocious .

“God in the fog? You have completely lost the right to fight for the status of gods . They do not know that you are reborn, but it is useless for you to be reborn . ”

“Speaking of it, it’s really appropriate to use the power of meeting demons as a means of changing scarecrows for blood feast . It’s also appropriate to let you be the source of the war . ”

From the twisted space whirlpool, the crystal black eyes emerge, flashing a trace of pity .

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