Night Crow Master Chapter 479


Chapter 479: 479

“Tut Tut, isn’t this akbolamon? Formed an alliance with the steam knight and the eye of the storm against the God in the fog of my crimson church . ”

Above the blood tree, there was a sound .

Strange sounds, like children and old people, were heard all over the plane .

“I’m still strange, who should release those disgusting things near my territory? It’s you . ”

Dong Dong, Dong Dong –

without the structure of heart, akbolamon seems to hear the sound of heartbeat .

Damn, how did the Duke of the blood tree show up here?

Is there a place near here where the prince of blood trees keeps blood trees?

It’s impossible . This area should be a severe disaster area of space convection . There is no way for the plane to exist stably . All the planes near here are dead ones . Just like the blood tree, a whole plane can only grow one blood tree .

In any case, it is irreversible that the Duke of blood tree has discovered him through the blood tree .

Just escaped from the spider’s web of the Eight Legged God, and darted into the deep red forest of the Duke of the blood tree?

What’s so bad?

Or did the Duke of blood tree join hands with the God of eight limbs?

It is possible that the Duke of the blood tree and the Eight Legged God will probably join hands at some time as the target of other gods’ churches .

What he was attacked this time was that the Duke of blood tree and the God of eight limbs worked together?

Damn it!

. . .

at the same time, in the shell world, above a plane covered with crimson trees .

A huge castle stands in the center of the throne .

Around the castle, countless bright red plants bloom into bright red gardens .

This plane without sunlight, a blood moon is forever inlaid in the center of the red moon .


On the clean slate Road, a woman in a bright red dress walked through the bright red garden and walked to the huge castle in the center of the castle .

The bloody light fell on the vast blood colored plants, on the lush low flowers, and also infected her white skin .

Like the morning dew, the blood power condensed on the beautiful petals is shining with the light of red crystal .

The woman in the red dress glanced over the plants that constantly absorbed the blood power from the blood moon, and then walked to the huge castle without hesitation .

There is no hot summer or cold winter here, but the flowers here are eternal . As long as the owner of the castle is here, it will grow and never wither .

She was the servant of the Lord of the castle, the God called the Duke of the blood tree .

Or the virgin of the scarlet church .

At this moment, from the center of the castle, a figure flew out .

It was a man dressed in bright red, like a wizard’s robe and like a noble dress .

As he flew out of the blood tree plane, countless blood colored brambles and plants swarmed out of the surrounding garden on the bright red plane .

Seeing this scene, the figure gave a tut:

“the power of faith, after using the whole plane and the blood moon to do two-level filtering, the blood tree as the third level filtering still can not avoid the impact . The road of ancient gods is indeed inferior, but compared with the wizard’s road, the speed is still very fast, almost able to restore the strength of the glorious world Yes, what do you call it? Multiple five levels? ”

“I really didn’t expect that the spider in the shell with no world rules attached to it should be so deep . ”


“But it doesn’t matter, reverse the path of sin? Only the devil worries about its threat . ” With sharp ears, the prince of blood tree, like a female elf, turned his wrist . “If I still follow the path of prophecy, I would worry, but now, give up the road of prophecy?”

“It’s no longer a threat to me . ”

“On the contrary, I have to thank the little spider for drawing the body of the God in the fog out of the fog whirlpool and breaking this thing down, so that I can recover the power that I lost because I lost the blessing of the rule of glory . ”

“Fast, and Rosa, didn’t expect that I would recover strength one step ahead of you? It’s no use if you two hold together . After I recover my strength, you guys who haven’t recovered your strength, just wait to die . ”

Hatred lingered in her eyes:

“when the world of glory suffered disaster, you gave up your allies and parted ways with the northern Duke . What can you do to resist? You are not as lucky as the Duke of the north . After the fall of the world of glory, he has gained more power, and you have nothing

“Under the crisis of death, the true nature will be revealed, and the abandoned allies will become strong . ”

after saying a few words to herself in a sarcastic tone, she finally turns her eyes to the bloody plants that are flying towards her .

“To say, the path of original sin also has the advantages of the path of original sin . The residue of ideas in the power of faith can be absorbed directly without clearing and screening . “”Although there is no time to waste energy on the path of original sin, the power of original sin still works . After a thousand years of preparation, the plan to deal with God in the fog has been shelved for so long, and finally it can be used . ”

“Thank you, God of the eight limbs . ”

With a smile on his lips, Prince of blood tree:

“I haven’t been so happy since I took the body of luff and the elf queen in the disaster of glory and began to linger . ”

With a strong wave of her right hand, the bright red and still active plants were all stagnated, and the fresh will that had been surging in those plants was pulled out by her forcefully .

The idea residue intercepted by the filter function is pulled out forcefully and crumpled into a ball in the air .

A twisted, fleshy monster condenses in the air .

“It feels like devil’s,” he said

Looking at the gradually formed monster, the Duke of blood tree narrowed his eyes slightly: “it’s really ugly . Forget it, it’s even uglier than the God in the fog . ”

Holding out his hand and holding it, the devil like creature just formed disintegrated completely in the great power of peiran .

And those blood colored plants, after the relic of faith was cut off, gushed a stream of blood color power in the body, condensed into blood colored crystals on the surface of the body .

“The purity is good, but it takes a little time to clean up the residue carefully . ”

After thinking for a moment, the Duke of the blood tree shook his head helplessly: “I hope to get enough information from the corpse of God in the fog . ”

After the soliloquy, she looked down at the crimson Saint waiting respectfully:

“what can I do for you?”

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