Night Crow Master Chapter 471


Chapter 471: 471

“Is there any defense other than the devil?”

Art looks at the weird door in front of him .

In order to save information and not kill the devil, he spent a lot of time setting traps .

If the devil doesn’t run out of the temple in the fog, he will control the spiders to penetrate the temple in the fog and launch an attack .

But things went well . The devil sucked the power of the devil’s eye into the temple in the fog . After he induced them to turn the lazy original sin into the power of the devil’s eye, the devil was awakened directly and ran out of the temple in the fog .

Have you been at ease for too long, forgotten the danger, and thought you were at the top of the food chain?

When provoked, he rushes out directly . . .

Yat shakes his head and stands in front of the gate .

The front door has been restored to its original state because it lost the power of the devil .

A simple, just look at people can’t help thinking disorder, malicious heart twisted lines all over the door .

However, this has no effect on Yat:

“a system that has never been exposed to is different from the power system of the world of magic, from the world of glory, and has little in common with the world of hell invasion . . . ”

is it a completely different power system?

According to the rules of the world, different systems of power are either abandoned or distorted by force, but they can coexist in the form of contradiction in the body of the empty shellfish .

In a sense, the ability of this empty shell beetle is really powerful .

However, even so, the essence of this power is original sin, which is a good snack for art who is exploring the path of the power of original sin .


With a flick of the right hand, the whole arm was twisted and deformed into a purple black mist, which formed a huge, sharp spider foot .

“Maybe it should be a name like” spider fist “? Forget it . It’s terrible . ” Art shrugged his shoulders, then swung his spiderlike arm and smashed it at the door .

When he did this, the gate seemed to have life and made a counterattack .

The strange lines were gathered together to form a sheep’s head – just like one of the devil’s heads, the devil’s head captured by his eight limb God .

Ignoring the evil sheep’s head, art waved his arm .


Purple and black spider feet immediately through the sheep’s head, from its forehead into the door .

In the sheep’s head in the eye socket of the two red light, slowly disappeared .

It’s not that the structure is destroyed that causes the function to stop, but –

on the original motionless ancient and simple gate, the strange lines start to flash and rush towards the spider foot of Yat’s right arm .

When the original sin lines above the pristine gate are completely absorbed, art pulls out his arm and shakes .

“It took so long to capture the ability to devour original sin, but it was a little slow . ”

Thinking about the shortcomings of his skill, Yat turns his eyes to the door and flicks his finger gently .

Click! Click! Click! Click!

A continuous crackling sound sounded on the gate that had lost the power of original sin . At the moment of the fourth click, the sitting gate was completely destroyed, making a dark passage directly into the deep of the temple floating in the thick fog .

However, after the gate was destroyed, there were other changes above the dark passage .

It was as if some mechanism had been triggered . Countless gates, the same as the first door, appeared in the passage and closed one by one .


“What a trouble . ”

If you don’t worry about destroying any important material, just tear down the temple in the fog .

As for the devil . . . Let the God of eight limbs directly eat the devil to steal the memory?

We can’t get rid of it so quickly . That’s the material of the original sin road .

Forget it . Let’s take it down one by one .

With a sigh, art raises his right arm . The power of purple black magic eye surges, and a sharp spider foot emerges .


The gates attached to various strange limbs were smashed through by Yat one by one .

“This guy’s imagination is so miserable, only his own limbs . ”

At 666, ATT penetrates the door with the spider’s foot, absorbing the force of original sin .

Then he raised his feet and kicked the huge iron gate which was half a meter thick .

Shaking his arm, the power of countless purple and black magic eyes collapsed and disappeared . Art, who changed his arm back to its original form, walked into the door .

“If I hadn’t been able to see clearly that the power of original sin on each door was different, and that the power of the temple in the fog was gradually declining, I would have been deceived into thinking that I had unconsciously fallen into an illusion . “666 times, impatient people have already given up .

After opening the door, a scene completely different from the dark, repetitive scene before art emerges .

This is a large hall with a huge coffin in the center of the hall . . . .

“when did the devil play vampire tricks?”

Art shook his head and stepped into the hall .

But at the moment when he stepped in, the whole hall moved . From the walls and the ground, strange lines similar to those just before appeared in all parts of the hall .

However, it is not the same as before, just condensed into the head of the devil, but . . .

a human head sheep’s head snake tail, a cattle head human fish tail monster, and a lizard like, palm sized creature .

But it’s not big .

After seeing the two monsters, Yat just glanced at them, and then went on regardless .

And the three monsters, after gathering together, were astonished at their own shape .

“How could it be!? Why is it so weak? Why? ”

“Noisy . ”

Art’s right hand is raised, and his right arm collapses into an invisible purple and black mist, and then recombines again and becomes –

a giant spider .

There was no intention of stopping at all . Yat moved forward slowly, while the giant spider turned into his right arm waved its feet like a finger and ran through the three monsters who were flustered .

Then, the spider opens its mouth opener and chews the three monsters directly into its stomach .

As for why this kind of creature is like a joke, Yat naturally knows .

Because he ate all the power of original sin in the 666 door, the power of the three monsters was insufficient .

In the end, it led them to die in front of art in such a ridiculous manner .

Naturally, Yat would not care about these small episodes . He easily killed the general boss of the temple in the fog . Even if it was an elite monster, it would not have any impact .

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