Night Crow Master Chapter 470


Chapter 470: 470

Whew –

the spider’s silk of the original sin of laziness, like the raging frost, will be touched and all things will solidify .

In the fog, the spire of the temple was solidified, and the high window, which was originally inlaid with gorgeous colored glass, was solidified in the strong fog .

At this time, the temple suddenly appeared in the fog of indolence and original sin, which was constantly inhaled by the power of the devil’s eye .

A roar of anger came from the interior of the temple in the fog .

“Is it delicious? My magic eye power? ”

Art smiles .

As if in response to his smile, the countless mists on the temple in the fog suddenly turned from gray to purple and turned into a strong purple mist .

The power of the devil’s eye did not really translate into the original sin of laziness, so what the guy sleeping in the temple in the fog absorbed after feeling the original sin of laziness was actually the power of the devil’s eye .

Unlike Yate, whose essence is extremely high and doesn’t care about the existence of the disorder degree of the lower level power, it’s not a good thing to absorb the exotic power of unknown origin .

Moreover, there is a master of this power .

With his hands spread out, the giant spider, which was gradually turning from gray to purple, opened his mouth and bit the temple in the fog .

And the purple black fog that filled the temple in the fog also burst out at this moment .


“Who is it! Disturbed my deep sleep

A strange creature .

Its body is similar to that of a lizard, but it has three heads, namely lizard, ox and sheep head . It has sword like tusks, lizard like arms, water bird like soles and three tails of scorpion tail, snake tail and fish tail .


In that broad back, grow a dozen pairs of wings .

Sickle like wings, bird like wings, bat like membranous wings, pale bone wings, all kinds of strange wings stacked on the back .

Although it is like a child stitching together a variety of features, but it gives a sense of integrity, as if it should have been so grown .

After it darts out of the temple in the fog, it turns its back on art’s giant magic eye spider, which is a claw .

With a tremor and harsh metallic sound, the monster’s claws pierce directly into the body of the magic eye spider .

“It’s a devil indeed . It looks more like a spider than me . There are seven original sins, and the weight of laziness is the heaviest . So it is . Did the lazy devil absorb all kinds of original sins? I see, but . . . “

Yat squints and smiles .

“Even if you fall asleep, you can’t eat indiscriminately . ”

Looking at the giant creature over ten meters tall, he snapped his fingers gently .

At the next moment, the giant magic eye spider just like melting, twisting and collapsing into a strong purple mist .

“What is this!? The power of the mind? No, there is darkness and arrogance . The original sin is the power derived from it . . .

after a brief thought, the devil, who seems to have seen a lot, has “discovered” the “essence” of the power of the eye .

“Fool, this kind of thing is useless to me!”

Its lizard’s face showed a grim smile, and then, the left sheep’s head opened its lips and teeth . The strange fangs bit on the strength of the scattered magic eye, and directly tore off a piece of purple fog and swallowed it into the abdomen .

“The power of original sin is far greater than anything else . ”


At this time, art steps forward toward the temple in the fog .

His pace was not powerful, and there was no emperor’s submissive momentum, only an inexplicable sense of illusion .

The ordinary looking face gradually broke up .

Along with the head, there is the human body .

Pride, original sin, darkness, soul . . .

the unique breath of all kinds of forces combined with the power of the devil’s eye escaped .

Moreover, there is a feeling that something is being gradually completed, as if there is something living from youth to adulthood .

“Damn it, this man is -”

the strange devil roared and waved his limbs at Yat . Every part of his body had the strange power of original sin .

Laziness, pride, jealousy, lust, greed, anger, gluttony .

All the forces of original sin come at art with the wave of the body .

However, in the collapsing purple fog, a huge spider shadow is gradually emerging .

A huge one eye twinkles with the power of the magic eye . The unique feeling comes out of the purple fog . Compared with the devil, a bigger body emerges in the purple fog . All over the spider’s body, the runes are dense, like the eyes, with a dangerous smell .

Feeling that kind of dangerous breath, the devil’s sense of crisis is stronger and stronger . “Die! Humble creatures

“Despicable creatures?”

In the purple fog, the face of the giant spider in the avatar of Yat shows an unidentifiable smile . The huge and frightening body slightly twists, and the incomparable power converges on the spider’s feet .


The spider’s feet, with the strong power of magic eye, hit the monster’s waving limbs .

In this terrible sound, in the force of shattering all objects within a radius of nearly kilometers and shaking the surrounding earth, the purple fog was blown away by the violent impact, and the giant spider remained motionless in the exposed place .

On the contrary, the strange devil was blown up thousands of meters in the collision .

However, being hit into the air did not make it feel safe .

On the contrary, although the left leg, which was completely smashed in the collision, is regenerating at a very fast speed, it produces a more dangerous feeling than before .

It seems to be . . . Flying to a spider web .

Cobweb? Is it?

Powerful intuition, what reminds it .

The next moment, the space around it crumbles, and several dark singularities emerge, crushing the surrounding space .

Then, from inside gush out numerous purple black cobweb, instantly this devil wrapped in it .

“God of eight limbs!? Destiny maker!? no no no Why? I am the God in the fog! If you do this, the God in the fog will never give up . ”

The devil cried out in terror .

However, as an answer to its words, a cold voice sounded:

“let him come . I’m afraid he won’t make it?”

A bigger dark singularity crushed the space, revealing a huge spider face like covering the starry sky . The six magic eyes containing the strange whirlpool made the devil’s thinking stop instantly .

At the next moment, a giant spider foot, like the size of a city, stretches out of the singularity and pulls the tiny spot into the vortex of space .

On the ground, Yat turned into a spider . After a smile, he turned back into a human and walked into the temple in the fog .

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