Night Crow Master Chapter 463


Chapter 463: 463

The red mist in Banksy’s eyes is full of anger .

The next moment, half human and half spider Banksy, the body has changed .

Expansion, hardening .

The red fog accelerates to expand, wrapping, twisting and deforming the whole body . In a flash, Banksy has changed from a half human half spider form to a red giant spider with a body length of more than five meters .

The edges of the limbs are covered with hard red horns, just like the exoskeletons of shrimps, crabs and insects .

He tore off most of the jealous spider silk on his body and rushed to Banksy .

At this moment, the giant spider in Banksy’s incarnation raises four spider feet, not from the tail . The red spider web secretes from the tip of the four spider feet and pulls out a huge red spider web in the air .

Seeing the red spider web, akorn’s anger at the pain of severing more than a dozen of his arms was mixed with a sneer:

“anger will only become my food!”

However, with the roar of rushing, acorn, who bumped into the red spider web, only felt a strong sense of bondage . His strength was gradually passing away and was sucked into the red spider web .

“Damn it! Let go of me

Akorn is bound by the spider web, more than 60 arms are constantly waving and tearing at the red spider web, but it has no effect at all .

On the contrary, his movements become weaker and weaker, and the arms that grow out of his body are shrinking, just like the strength is being pulled away .

among the ruins on the edge, a purple black one eyed spider controlled by Yat is watching all this .

“It looks good . ”

The red power, to be exact, is not the power of anger sublimated by anger, but the power of demon hunting reversed by the original sin of anger, which is specifically used to deal with the power of angry original sin .


Although it only works against the original sin of anger .

The original sin hunters, whose source comes from hell and invade the world, seal the demons who are similar to the devil in weapons, stripping them of their power and converting them into energy .

In the world of night crows, Yat also set up a group of night crows to master the power of demon hunting, and together with the white night troops, they served as the safety valve of various original sins .

In order to make it easier for the Eight Legged hunters to hunt the original sin, he naturally added the magic hunting power derived from the original sin reversal of desire .

However, there is a great burden on the derivative transformation of this power . The faster the transformation is, the heavier the burden will be .

At the most basic level, a single type of original sin reversal needs to be put into practice at the bishop level, that is, about two levels of pluralism .

With the material body as the relay, it turns the original sin emotion of the soul state into the power of demon hunting .

This state? It’s supposed to be a “demon spider”?

However, Banksy’s soul capacity is not enough, although it can confirm the success of the transformation, there is no way to fully test the transformation limit .

The limits of quality and quantity .

However, according to the predetermined settings, it may be difficult to change the original sin of desire directly to change the belief state, and it is also difficult to transform the seven original sin of desire into the power of hunting demons .

More powerful experiments are needed .

Use hat magic to summon crows?

Although the virtual shell beetle has the chaotic power on the mimicry crystal shell and can disturb any space transmission or summoning below five levels, it is still possible to break through the limitation if the substantive level of the system is above the multiple seven levels .


It’s just that it consumes a lot of power . It’s better to directly create spell creatures to experiment .

Then he continued to turn to Banksy and acorn .

“It would be better to capture them alive, but before that, all resistance must be removed . ”

Banksy’s incarnation of the demon hunting spider slowly strides on its feet and comes to the struggling akorn to continue to weave a web that can absorb the original sin of anger .

At this time, Banksy’s action suddenly stopped, four spider feet toward the side .

A dark shadow came out of nowhere and opened its mouth and bit on the feet of two spiders on the right side of the giant spider in Banksy’s incarnation .


The dark figure was fully visible in the field of vision . It was a terrible mouth full of dark teeth, which could swallow the whole person in one mouthful, but the two spider feet did not have the slightest effort to open the monster’s mouth .

The monster looks like a wolf, but its thick scales and sharp nails are more like reptiles than canines .

Benxi’s mouth is frowning on the left .

The monster tried to release Banksy’s spider foot, but Banksy forced the spider foot up and down, making the monster unable to release his mouth at all .


The spider foot that stabbed hard on the left side penetrates through the monster’s mouth, penetrates through the monster’s body, and comes out from the other side of the monster’s body . Boom!!!

Just then, there was a loud noise .

With the sound of shells, the force of terror hit Banksy’s spider foot in time, and a dark ball hit the scale monster’s body, smashing the monster’s body .

Innumerable pieces of flesh and blood fell to the ground, and Banksy shook off the broken body of the monster from the spider’s feet and quickly retreated .

And the ball like thing, after rolling on the ground for a few times, unfolded –

a multi legged creature like a centipede .

“The Church of eight limbs? What’s the reason for the sudden attack on our black bell church? ”

As the sound rang out, a tall man in a wide windbreaker appeared .

With a wave of his hand, a flying dragon with two feet drilled out of his sleeve flew to the weaker akorn and tried to take him to his master .

However, at this time, to the man’s surprise, the red spider, who should have stopped the attack temporarily, did not stop attacking . After opening its mouth, the red spider web flew through the air at a very fast speed, covering the bipedal flying dragon with a body height of nearly two meters and a wingspan of more than four meters The body of a bipedal flying dragon, it is broken into pieces of meat .

“No why . ” The red giant spider in Banksy’s incarnation uttered a voice of indifference, “you’re babelon, aren’t you?”

Heard the other side say his name, the man slightly a Leng, then his face became more and more dignified .

It seems that the other party is not simply in conflict with the black bell church, but is aiming at the black bell church .

At this time, under the ground next to acorn, an earthworm like scallop creeps out of the ground and takes acorn straight out of the ground .

Although Banksy immediately ejected the red spider silk condensed by demon hunting power and aimed at the scale creature to attack, it was blocked by akorn’s arm .

As soon as the broken arm fell to the ground, acorn had been dragged under the ground .

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