Night Crow Master Chapter 452


Chapter 452: 452

The other party directly recognized his identity and his identity as “the God of eight limbs” .

This surprised art a little, but it also solved his doubts about why he felt the power of faith in these steam knights .

The steam knight who completely takes the path of material state probably separates his body as an extension of his limbs, or through this part of his limbs, he can obtain more material and cast more “bodies” .

Standing in his perspective to see things, as long as a little clue, many things can be inferred .

See a leaf and know the deep autumn, peep a spot and see the whole leopard .

In order to devour the empty shell insects, he started from his own point of view . . .

if it was as he thought, then the real body of the steam knight in front of him should be all over the world of shell insects, casting multiple extended bodies .

And the goal . . . Out of the shell? Even . . . To kill and devour empty shellfish?

Art doesn’t know if his conjecture is correct, but this goal is the same as his plan .

He plans to build multiple anchor points in the shell insect world, which combines inside and outside, breaking down the shell insect world for phagocytosis from both internal and external directions .

However, the steam knight, who intends to start from the inside, or . . .

in any case, art, who started thinking from the worst point of view, has raised the steam knight to the same level .

“I want the Eight Legged church to be stationed in fog city . ”

Art said that he would not say anything about those thoughts .

What makes Yat even more puzzled is that the steam Knight nodded his head in agreement with little thought:

“I agree, ally . ”

The decisive decision of the other side makes Yat more suspicious, but he has no idea what the other side is thinking .


The other is not an ordinary creature, but a pure material road that abandons all spiritual and belief forces .

The other party’s thinking is not through the spiritual power of the soul state or the spiritual power of the belief state, but through the material state .

In addition, the algorithm encryption is also carried out .

Previously, he designed a set of encryption algorithm to avoid getting the memory of the avatar .

If you want to get his memory, you will get a lot of messy memory .

When encrypting, because of the instability of soul state and belief state, once the encrypted content changes, it is very difficult for him to decrypt .

The physical state is much more stable than the soul state and belief state . Although the encryption ability is not as good as the soul state and belief state, the decryption is much easier .

But even so, without the corresponding decryption algorithm, it is extremely difficult to decrypt the thinking memory, which can only be cracked by violence .

However, the encryption of real-time thinking through encryption means has a great loss of computing power .

If we do not deal with the strong on the spiritual Road, we are still distracted to do this encryption operation when dealing with the enemy, which is completely self mutilation .

But in peacetime, when there is no enemy, real-time thinking encryption can also prevent many things .

Now, for example, art can hardly get the other person’s thinking .

It is also impossible for the other party to acquire Yat’s memory and thinking .

He is a master of mind . In the material state, he can’t decipher the other party’s thinking, and the other party can’t decipher his thinking .

The steam Knight takes back the knight’s spear, which was deformed in the collision with art’s spider foot . Under the gaze of art, most of the broken Knight’s spear begins to dissolve, and then combines to become a brand-new Lance .


Under the gaze of ATT, the metal Centaur, with four hooves, walked slowly towards the church which was about to be destroyed in the impact .

Then he turned and disappeared in the fading Purple Black Mist .

. . .

it’s terrible .

What kind of monster is that?

Although her upper body should be a handsome and straight man, she could not see what was hidden under the mask .

Maybe it’s a spider face, just like his lower body!

Delores bit her lips and held back her fear . Although she would love to see what happened to Simon and Leon hooker, what if the monster appeared again?

The steam Knight did not attack him, which means that he may be a member of the temple in the fog, the Church of the black bell, the tempest altar and even the steam hub .

There must not be such a man in the temple in the fog, as Delores knew very well .

In the eye of the storm church, the power of those people is mainly in the harbor east of the fog capital . This is the center of the fog city . It is not impossible, but the probability is very small . The steam Knight . . . That monster doesn’t look mechanical . Although he stops talking after fighting with the steam knight, it doesn’t look like the church power of the steam hub .

The Church of the black clock? Or . . . The eight limb church?

So far, she knows that, outside the three forces of fog capital, only black bell sect will be attacked .

The monster looks more like an eight limb church, but the eight limb church is not impossible because of the special case of black bell church .

And at this time, a voice rang behind her: “what should we do, drolise?”

Frightened, drolise was tense and turned her head and found a stranger .

By the way, the man looks like the one who was changed by aga .

“You are . . . Gel?”

Drolise asked in a quiet voice, not relieved, and forced to restrain the tremble .

“I’m Yager . ” The other side stared straight into the direction of the church, and kept his voice still low .

“Whoop -” drolish took a sigh of relief, and then looked in the direction of the church, and held her thin right hand around the corner of her dress . “Simon may be in danger . . . ” br >

then she heard Arg voice, “I’ll see . ”

Then, drolise saw that Yager had passed by her side, and in the moment she passed by, she became another person .

“Ya –”

drolise reached out to say something, but after a tangle, she put her hand down and held her hands together in front of her chest .

After walking out of drolise, Yat’s mouth showed a smile .

Simon and Lian Hooke certainly have nothing to do, but they can’t die anyway .

Even if you die, it’s easy to get a living .

Now it is important that the eight limb church can officially settle in the fog after the other churches respond .

The current three forces, the steam hub, are landlords, and he has somehow reached an oral alliance .

The church in the eye of the storm may have some reaction, but not very much .

And the God in the fog is more fun .

PS: most of the move is completed . The fog thief Jill is big in Hangzhou . The trouble of moving is too much [br >

br > to move www . mylovenovel . com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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