Night Crow Master Chapter 450


Chapter 450: 450

In the violent impact, although the steam knight was hit by this violent blow, he almost lost his balance .

But, in contrast, the muscular Leon hooker is significantly less powerful than this monster made of hard metal .

With the sweep of the knight’s gun, Leon hooker’s arm was smashed, and he was shot out .

Among the thumping was the sound of Leon hooker’s broken arm bones and the sound of Leon Huck flying tens of meters into the church courtyard wall .

Simon’s eyes widened . He didn’t have time to pacify Leon hooker . . . .

What’s more, what’s more, what’s more, what’s more, what’s more, what’s more, what’s more, what’s more, what’s more, what’s more, Simon’s eyes widened, and he didn’t have time to Paci?

How could it be?

Ryan Hooker was the strongest attacker in their team .

He can easily smash a three story building with a fist in his rational state .

However, now this punch obviously hit the opponent, but even the knight’s gun can not be broken, and there is no real damage . How can it be?

Confused and confused, Simon looked at the Centaur metal knight . There was no crack on the gray iron Knight’s gun, only the blood of Leon hooker .

“Ho ho ho –”

the defeated Leon hooker fell in the rubble of the courtyard wall, and the anger brought by pain made him lose his sense .

Roaring, he propped up his body with his just broken arm and was about to stand up and attack again .

On the other side, art controls the magic eyed spiders out of the main hall of the church and observes the movements of the Centaur metal knight .

The strength of this thing is about lv17-lv19, and it has multiple levels of strength .

A little curious .

From the perspective of soul state and belief state, we can clearly see that this steam knight has no soul state power or belief state power .


In other words, it’s a pure physical state .

He wanted to get a sample .

Just try the power of the Eight Legged hunter .

[arrogant transfiguration · spider Pope:

active: when activated, becomes spider Pope, all attributes are increased, and all skills of Eight Legged hunter will be increased .

Aura: rapacious spiders and spiderlike elves near the spider Pope have increased their full abilities . 】

based on the previously designed Eight Legged Hunter skill template, Yat activated the skill .

The next moment, his body changed .

The power of purple and black magic eye surged and condensed in his lower body, forming a purple black mist .

Then, the fog twisted and deformed, forming the anterior and ventral posterior body, dorsal armor and sternum of the spider .

At the same time, the power of the magic eye at the edge is also wriggling and changing shape, forming sharp claw limbs, claw teeth and other spider feet .

In his upper body, the power of purple and black magic eye constantly clings to his body, forming a wonderful and mysterious tattoo on his body . Part of the power of the magic eye still converges on his face, forming a purple black faceless mask .

A pope’s crown condenses over his head .

The deformation is completed .

A two meter tall creature, half human and half spider, emerged from the dark purple fog .

“Not bad, by the way, the name of the Pope of the Eight Legged church is the ghost spider . . . ”

after the transformation, Yat remembered another thing and controlled the power of the magic eye to change .

At the next moment, the frozen spider Pope’s body becomes illusory and looks like a ghost .

And . . . He didn’t cover up the breath, just slightly limited the strength of the breath, releasing the spider Pope’s breath .

Delores, who is keen in perception and watching nervously, immediately feels this terrible smell after the spider Pope, who is transformed from Yat, deliberately releases her breath .


It’s creepy .

Trembling, she turned her eyes to the source of the breath and saw a purple black mist floating on the side of the church .

A half human and half spider, translucent body monster, is standing in the fog, looming .

“What is this?”

She widened her eyes . When she noticed the spider’s body in the lower part of the other person’s body, she thought of something, and exclaimed:

“eight limb church!? How could it be! ”

Then she saw the monster go to the other side of the church, towards Simon’s place .

Simon, on the other hand, is also aware of the spider Pope in Yat’s transformation .

Once again, the steam Knight flew out of Leon Huck, and turned to look in the direction of Yat .

“Danger! DANGER! Discover A-class strength organism! Search object . . . Not entered! Not entered! Unidentified creature! Search approximate target . . . Spider like drow! Response plan selection! “Under the metal helmet, there was an emotional mechanical sound, but there was a sense of urgency .

Kick! Kick!

The steam Knight wields his knight’s gun, and the four metal feet advance a few steps, and then retreat again, as if preparing for a charge .

Not only in the opposite Yat can feel, all who observe him know what is stored in that body —

because, above his body, constantly gushing white hot steam .

Kick! Kick! Kick!

As the sound sounded, art saw the steam Knight charging .

It’s probably OK to have a hard fight in front of him . . .

Yat thinks that his physical strength is only multi-level and multi-level, that is, lv22 level .

But because of the power of the eye – it’s multi-level .

Therefore, the highest strength that the body can actually play can also reach multiple three levels .

It doesn’t matter if you want to fight head-on .

However, he always felt that there was something strange about the steam Knight . . .

raised his hand, and Yat used another skill .


active: gnawing at the target and restoring yourself . When you take the cocoon of laziness as the target, you will absorb the original sin force in the target body .

Passive: when in spider Pope state, summon a predator spider with the same effect . 】

the power of the magic eye surges and changes, and a huge glowing red spider phantom rushes out of art’s hand and hits the steam knight .

At the moment of the appearance of spider shadow, the power of magic eye surging in Yat’s body formed more than ten burning red giant spiders of the same size on the ground around him .

Seeing the huge spider shadow, the gears and mechanical components in the steam Knight’s body accelerated, and a spherical core emitted high temperature .

Some liquid, as a coolant, moved faster through his body, evaporating water vapor .

Each horse’s foot on the ground left a deep hole .

It’s like the rumble of the earth .

“Crush the target!”

The “eyes” under the mask of steam Knight radiated red light . On the knight’s gun in his hand, a spiral red flame came out, winding around the knight gun, and stabbed fiercely at the spider’s virtual shadow .

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