Night Crow Master Chapter 447


Chapter 447: 447

Looking at the old gentleman who fell on the ground, Yat couldn’t help laughing . The power of the devil’s eye surged in each other’s body and analyzed the man’s body .

The power used is the spirit like force of the soul state . There are many runes in the spirit sea, which are similar to the spell sequence .


All the runes have lost their power and cannot be used . There are only some specious, rough and fuzzy new runes nearby .

It’s no problem to deal with the weakest of the three levels, but the stronger ones can’t .

However, because of his rich experience in combat, he is still a mage and has a plan . He will be well prepared before he starts . He has not lost in the shell world .

Memory, it seems to come from a remote lower world, this goods is the strongest in that world .

Can a multi-level three be the strongest? A small world like the magic world?

After the goods became the strongest, they were arrogant . After a member of the pluralistic organization went to the world, he directly destroyed the will of the world . However, the goods were almost killed . The residue left after the world was broken was eaten by this empty shell worm . After that, he spent hundreds of years in the shell world to recover .

It can be explained in a vivid way that a mage’s magic is basically sealed, and he imitates his original skills and makes a lot of different kinds of magic .

The reason for his weak will is also that his original world is broken, and the magic arts supported by the world lose their strength . After the collapse of his power, he will be damaged . Although he has cultivated for hundreds of years, he is still a fragile empty shell . . .


how strong do you think he is . . .

Art shakes his head and sorts out some useful information from his memory, and then he gets it right Get rid of the old man .

He thought about it for a moment, and then gathered his magic eye power to create a magic eye spider . In Banksy’s awe stricken eyes, the magic eye spider bit the old man’s body in half, and then said:

“Banksy, you can pay more attention to the affairs of the black bell church this time . ”

There was no mention of the old man who died on the spot .

Of course, there are no good people in the eight limb church . Naturally, Banksy didn’t react to an old man hanging up on the spot . On the contrary, he took it for granted .

“I see!”

“Good . ”

Without waiting for Banksy to say anything more, he turned and opened the door and went out .

At this time, the magic eye spider just ate the old man’s body .

Banksy looked at the huge spider, whose color had changed from purple black to red black, and retreated in awe .

And the red and black spider, at the moment when the door was closed, gradually became smaller . At a very high speed, in a short time, the magic eye spider digested the strength of the old man’s body and melted it into itself .

Then . . .

the body of the magic eye spider began to twist and transform into the old gentleman .

. . .

outside the bar, Simon has just stepped out of a small shop a few hundred meters away from the bar, with a newspaper in his hand .

Looking at the direction of the bar, Simon’s eyes stopped for a few seconds . In order to avoid being found, Simon shifted his eyes like a normal person . In his heart, he was a little anxious:


“I hope Yager can find some news . . . ”

This is Yager’s second action, the day before yesterday’s action, let him have a lot of trust in Yage’s ability, but he is still worried about what will happen .

“I don’t know what’s going on with koranke and amansera . I hope it’s ok . . . ”

While waiting for Yager to return, Simon pondered about the other two groups .

Their team was forcibly divided into three groups, which should be difficult for people who are used to the original match . However, it is necessary to find out whether there are traitors and to guard against possible dangers .

Just then, he saw an old gentleman in a red and black suit walking slowly out of the bar .

This man, he saw him go in not long ago, but he didn’t wear this color before?

Why change clothes?

Simon slightly puzzled, a little doubt in his heart .

But when he tried to catch up with him, he heard a voice nearby:

“Simon . ”

Simon resisted his subconscious defensive reaction and turned to look at a stranger he didn’t know .


He inquired in some doubt .

“Well . ” The other party nodded, “it’s a stronghold of gangs, and many illegal transactions have been carried out . . .

hearing this, Simon just shook his head:” we are not police . We don’t care about things that have nothing to do with extraordinary power . Is this stronghold related to the Eight Legged church? ”

“Maybe it’s related . There’s too much time . I don’t get much information . ” Art responded, “it’s not ruled out . “Of course, he will not directly veto it . In such a short period of time, of course, there is no way to find any important news, but . . . You can shake the pot .

“By the way, I noticed that there were two people whose breath was a little strange and felt like us . ” Art continued .

“Much like us?” Simon mused, “did you write down what they looked like?”

“Write it down . ” “A man looks sixty or seventy years old, dressed as a gentleman, wearing a top hat, holding a stick of civilization, and a white striped black scarf around his neck,” Yat described

“The other one looks in his thirties, wearing a deer hunting cap, a plain grey windbreaker, and a briefcase in his hand . . . ”

as he said, Yat looked left and right, motioning Simon to come with him .

When he came to a dark alley next to him, he changed his posture, one by one, showing Simon how they looked .

The change was so intuitive that Simon remembered it all at once .

He has met both of them . The first one, the old man, just came out of the bar and changed into a red and black suit .

“Shall we go after . . . ”

Simon was thinking when, wearing a pink grey lady’s coat and a wide brimmed hat, Delores passed by from the outside . Looking around, she saw Simon in the lane, and came straight over to see art . She frowned and lowered her voice:

“Simon, is this Yage? ”

the sub characteristic nodded and recovered under their gaze .

When she saw that it was indeed Yat, she said solemnly:

“I need your help . ”

“What happened?”

The look on her face made Simon serious, and at showed a serious expression .

Delores took a deep breath and replied in a deep voice:

“Leon hooker, out of control! He attacked amansera and disappeared . ”

Leon hooker is out of control!?

Simon was stunned: “how can it be? He . . . “

” don’t worry about that much . Now it’s important to find Lian hooker first . ”

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