Night Crow Master Chapter 438


Chapter 438: 438

At night, in front of a remote apartment in fog city .

A man threw a cigarette butt on the ground, and his black leather shoes stepped on it to stamp out the cigarette end .

In the quiet of the night and the slightly cold evening wind, I walked to the door of the apartment .

After fumbling in his coat pocket and trouser pocket twice, he found it in the inner pocket of his coat, and inserted the door lock and twisted it gently .

The slightly rusty lock cylinder was stirred by the key to produce some black and red powder . With an unpleasant squeak, the door was opened .

Entering the door, the man turned around and watched warily . After confirming that there was no pursuer, he closed the door .

In the dark room, the man took out a lighter from his pocket and lit it . In the dim light, he fumbled to turn on the light .

The light from the low brightness electric lamp sprinkles on the wooden floor and the gray wall .

Da, Da, Da –

the man stepped into the kitchen on the left .

In the corner of the kitchen, he removed a pile of sundries, and above the floor, a board appeared, which was not perfectly fitted .

Taking out the key just now, the man put the key upside down, inserted it into the lock hole, opened the door, looked at the exposed stairs, and walked down without hesitation .

Close the door, walk in the unmanned stairs, the cold air is inhaled into the mouth and nose, the man becomes more sober .

There are also lights in the basement – switches that have been turned on on on the ground, one of which is the basement .

The basement illuminated by light is only a few square meters in size, and its height is not enough . It is very narrow and low, and full of depression .

It’s not a warehouse or something . In the empty basement, there is only a deep and simple, gray and long table with eight legs, just like a huge white spider .


The ground is covered with white traces of oil or paint, like cobwebs .

And on that spider like white table, there is a glass general transparent container, which is clear liquid, and in the liquid, is a silver white spider .

The smooth appearance looks like a machine .

And the mysterious and lofty feeling that spreads out, let a person cannot help but have respect .

The same is true of the man . When he saw the Silver Spider in the container, he could not help showing a respectful look and an indescribable look in his eyes .

He tidied up his clothes and walked quickly to the table and knelt down .

“Our gods, weavers of destiny, noble Eight Legged gods . . . ”

he did not see a purple one eyed spider fall from the ceiling, into a container, and into the body of the silver white spider .

When the man finished his prayer, raised his head and was about to stand up straight, he heard a crisp noise .

The man looked at the direction of the sound in some doubt –

in the container, which belonged to the Eight Legged church, the Silver Spider’s spider’s foot penetrated the container and poked out the spider’s foot .

“This, this

The man holding three points of fear, three parts of excitement, three parts of reverence and one point of doubt, trembled at the silver spider that destroyed the container and put his body out .

Clear liquid ran down the table and dropped to the ground .

The man was relieved that the Silver Spider did not attack him .

But . . .

when his eyes swept over the head of the silver white spider, he saw a purple black line suddenly appeared on the head without any trace, and then suddenly split, and a huge one eye emerged from it .

In the moment of eye contact, the man’s eyes suddenly become dull, lost the focus, the whole person seems to become a walking corpse .


“It’s a gift from the gods . It’s our honor . ”

In his stupidity, he watched the Silver Spider come up to him and stab eight spider feet into his head .

At the moment when spider foot stabbed his head, the power of dark purple magic eye poured into his soul and divided his soul into blocks .

[Name: Banksy Frankie]

[Name: Banksy Frankie]

[age: 39]

[race: human]

[gender: male]

[Occupation: Eight Legged hunter]

[ . . . ]

one message after another appears and hides in the soul of a man, forming a silver black human figure .

as like as two peas in Banksy’s appearance, the silver black figure is carved out of a mold .

The dark self, the power of the magic eye from the Silver Spider, separated the negative emotions in his heart, and created the dark self artificially .

Now, this originally ordinary man, as a crazy believer in the Eight Legged church, has the ability of his own .

The Silver Spider also infused the Eight Legged hunter’s “duty” into his consciousness, just like the divine will . “To hunt for the iniquities of men, and to kill them with eight limbs . ”

After this consciousness was injected into Banksy’s soul, the Silver Spider’s body was stirred by the power of purple and black magic eyes –

the next moment, the Silver Spider’s body turned into a silver liquid and integrated into his body, and began to transform his body to make him more adapt to absorb the original sin .

When Banksy wakes up, he looks at the “religious vision” – the so-called system – in which his eyes are filled with growing fanaticism .

“Our noble gods, weavers of destiny, Eight Legged gods of hunting original sin!”

He chanted his prayers crazily, then knelt down and read aloud the name of the Eight Legged God, which had quietly changed .

Far away from the spider web plane, Yat felt the power of faith full of fanaticism . Although it was weak and had a lot of magazines, it would be of great help to improve the normal way if it was maintained for a long time and absorbed after careful separation .

In this regard, as a branch of the exploration of the path of faith, art controls the body of the magic eye and accepts it without hesitation .

Then he glanced at his skill –

the night crow believer .

The skill is not on .

But it doesn’t matter, or it’s better not to light it up .

This is not only the completion of the original sin profession, but also an attempt of faith road which he completed independently and did not rely on the system .

He didn’t want to get out of the system, his idea was – control the system .

In order to control the system, he needs to try many things, whether planned or unplanned, by chance .

Yat, who turns into a weaver of fate, slightly lifts his spider feet, and the purple black appearance gradually turns silver white –

after being eroded and reconstructed by the power of the devil’s eye, after a short period of repair, he has achieved the basic camouflage . . .

while in the fog city, a purple black spider occupies all kinds of spider bodies and finds the original fate Weaver In the same way, they have injected into them the system of “Eight Legged hunters” made by the original sin hunters simply changing their skins . Oh, no, it’s “the view of the believers” .

The benefits given by the gods to the believers and the power that the gods give to the believers are the “religious sight” that only the believers can see .

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