Night Crow Master Chapter 416


Chapter 416: 416

“It doesn’t matter . I need starbirds . ”

Art does not have so much time to discuss with promi whether uncontrollable mutation evolution is good or not . What he has to do is to find a starbird as a carrier of bad luck .

“But master, you want pure starlings? ***

Prometheus flapped his wings, and the power of stillness spread out with his wings . ***

But only a few .

Art didn’t intend to use them, because they had a contractual connection with him .

What he needs is the starbirds that have no contact with him, implant coordinates into each other’s consciousness, and let them go to the world that Yate wants to investigate with the doom power of implanted Yat’s thinking mode .

“That requires the creation of new starbirds . ”

Prometheus, who had just stopped on the coffin, flapped his wings again and flew to the depths of darkness .

Art takes a look at the unconscious body of the Snake Girl in the coffin and closes the lid of the coffin .

Following Prometheus, a deep and wide road appeared, hanging on the walls on both sides . The wall lamps with powerful attack traps sent out dim light, illuminating the road under art’s feet .

The ground looks like an ordinary road surface, but Yat can feel that there are numerous traps hidden under the road .

For him, this thing naturally has no effect, but if it is of multiple levels, such as the previous canggui emissary, it can also cause serious injury to him .

As Yat moves on, the scene becomes more gloomy .

After running through several space transporters that need to be identified, Yat finally arrives at the destination with the idea of directly distorting the space to reach the destination .

This is a small space about the size of ten football fields, and countless culture tanks are all over this space .


What’s more, there are innumerable forces that block and disrupt the transmission of space around us . If we try to invade here by means of high-dimensional space transfer, we will plunge into the dark space .

It’s good . We’ve taken advantage of the dark gap .

Then he looked at the location of promi . In addition to promi, there were many bony Ravens moving around the incubator, monitoring the growth of organisms in the tank .

The skeleton flaming crow looks like the skeleton of a bird like creature . The black and blue flaming body is attached to the skeleton and can see the strange skeleton directly from the soul state body .

As a whole, it looks like a skeleton walking . The gray and black flame is burning on the skeleton, forming a posture similar to a crow .

The claws formed by the black and blue soul bones step on the ground beside the incubator, leaving a faint gray flame .

Art’s eyes pass through the incubator .

Human beings, elves, crows, spirit creatures . . .

there are all kinds of creatures in material state, soul state and semi belief state, and even the disaster shadow that Yate obtained in glory world before and used as body .

This guy, Prometheus, is just like a crazy scientist .

He shook his head and went to Prometheus .

In front of promi, there is a row of culture tanks, which are all empty creatures –

starbirds, transporters, megastomates, mayflies, meteorites, etc .

however, they are not complete, and they are all abnormal .

“Master, the material and structure of the void creature are very strange, and it is difficult to collect the material, and there will be some accidents when the structure reappears . . . ”

promi analyzed it very carefully .

“Of course, because of their power and order conflict, any action constructed by order forces will make their growth process abnormal . ”


Emptiness is the real chaos .

Any order imposed on them will be distorted, and the stronger the nihilism is, the more distorted it will be .

The reason why there is no obvious abnormality in a starbird whose strength is less than three levels is that the rule level power brings strong constraints, but if the constraints are not strong enough . . . .

at a glance, it can be seen that the starbird has been interfered by the power of the order side .

This state is called “order” . ***

However, starbird itself has been interfered by the forces of order side, and is not a pure chaotic side creature .

In a word, the phantoms of the glorious world are, in essence, the localized version of the void creatures, which can not be said to be weakened, but the “chaotic” characteristics of the void creatures have been largely eliminated . It is completely impossible to make the void creatures not produce abnormal phenomena when they are interfered by the order side forces –

at least after the order side forces of the same level interfere with the void creatures, they will be orderly .

The force of doom is also the force of order, but compared with the force of Qi, it is more inclined to the side of chaos .

If we are closer to the power of the chaos side . . . The darkness is also inclined to the chaos side . . .

in a word, the roads he intends to involve, including original sin, darkness, doom and death, all belong to the order side, but tend to the chaos side . The crow belongs to the complete order side, and the road he intends to extend through the doom is the thorough chaos Side .

If you want to really do something to the void creature, and you can’t let the characteristics of order disappear, you can only use the power of the chaos side .

Yat didn’t have to be so tight, nor could he be so well prepared .

Therefore, he just needs a starbird that is not interfered by too many order side forces as the carrier of bad luck .

Or go straight to the void to find the starbird, and do it directly .

It is impossible to obtain starbirds as carriers through breeding .

After shaking his head and letting promi continue his research, art leaves the underground space .

In the field of vision, the boundless gray and black color still covers the whole skeleton inflammation world, making the sky float with strong negative energy .

The dead and cold forces are circling in the sky, and the curling flame of skeletons forms a chain like cloud . Countless skeletons curl and form a chain like lock, and they want to attack Yat .

With a flash of gray light in his eyes, the dark power of telling the night surged out of Yat’s body, forming a whirlpool .

When his figure appeared again, he had left the outermost layer of the night crow world and came into the void .

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