Night Crow Master Chapter 405


Chapter 405: 405

When the polar night recedes, the sky is empty .

And over most of the continent covered by the polar night, which is a little larger than Eurasia, creatures sleeping in fear, cold and tiredness due to the impact of the polar night disaster also wake up .

This is the case with the seven members of the labor force team .

The first to wake up is the Dragon female mage Jacqueline, Wu Daomei Lu YA’NAN and the captain crazy giant laborer .

But the chill of the soul did not dissipate from the beginning to the end . They stood up unsteadily, and the terrible sight remained in their minds .

A few people look around and see that all the objects become extremely bright, including themselves . . . .

they seem to have been taken away from them .

The shadow, the shadow is gone .

. . .

on the other side, at the edge of the continent, the edge of the spread of the great night disaster, a black whirlpool curls up to reveal Yat’s posture .

His state, quite full .


Moduna, originally relegated to lv32’s dual form of soul and belief, has now become completely dark .

The part of the soul state is filled with the power of death and darkness, and the soul power has been completely transformed into the power of death and darkness .

And the part of belief state, the power of belief has been completely transformed into . . . The power of black crime? The power of black bone?

Through the night of the Holocaust, art ate up the shadows of creatures on most of the continent .

On the mainland, what creatures have the largest share of power?

The original sin hunter’s hunting power, the devil’s magic power, the temple Knight’s angel power .

The shadow of the original sin hunter, in addition to the power of shadow itself, is also because the shadow is the projection of the soul, and has the characteristics of demon hunting power, so is the shadow of the devil and the shadow of the Templar .

With the exception of the original sin Hunter Association branch leaders and the Templars’ third level presence, the shadows of all creatures in the area covered by the night of the Holocaust were brought back by the night of the Holocaust .

Including those players .

Now, the power in modu’s body is a complex system of these forces .

And . . .

what he ate was canggui emissary .

The other party’s strange “power of life and death” is a rather strange force .


Among them, there are the so-called “white bone genuine Qi”, which is similar to negative energy, but has different structure . Its form is soul state and its level is multi-level . There is also a kind of “Buddhist wish force” which is similar to belief state and belongs to belief state and level three . Moreover, it is also mixed with a kind of “Shengzhi” which belongs to the soul state and has multiple three levels Qi ” .

These forces, mixed with the shadows brought by the great night disaster, constitute a force with strange characteristics .

This kind of power is characterized by the power of death and darkness, but it has many complicated effects .

although it seems huge, it is too complicated .

After the battle, Yat was away from the scene of the battle to deal with it .

Mo Du’s body is the body he needs to rely on in the future . The strength of this body needs to be cleaned up .

After that, Yat took a hill and waved it . The darkness poured down to the ground . He cleared a huge cave directly under the hill and went into it .

Att has set his own path . These strange forces seem good now, but they are actually obstacles to his path .

The power of death and darkness, heterogeneous shadows, and alien shadows belong to the path of darkness, and the parts that belong to the dark should be split and retained .

White bone Qi and negative energy belong to the road of death, and the part of death is divided and retained .

The power of hunting for evil and magic, which contain the power of emotion and desire, belong to the path of original sin, and the part belonging to original sin should be separated and retained .

Vitality, vitality, vitality, do not need, abandon .

The power of Buddha’s will and faith belongs to the “crow” road, which splits the part of retaining the power of faith .

The power of doom . . . .

among the forces swept by, there is the force of doom . . .

this is a bit difficult to do .

There is no doubt that the node state can see the power swept by the night catastrophe .

The force of doom, which is related to his predecessor, is somewhat sensitive .

He stealthily steals the power of misfortune and plunders it without concealment .

As a regular force, it is impossible for ordinary forces to interfere in the force of doom, let alone the plunder of this scale .


These forces of doom must be put back, or he will be in danger .

With his eyes slightly narrowed, Yat’s body, hidden in the deepest part of modu’s body, was slightly trembling, disguised as a part of his body . These forces of doom, which had been plundered, poured out of Murdoch’s body and returned to their original place .

Some flesh aches . . .

if he eats the bad luck of the crow, he can rise to level 27 . 5 . If he swallows the bad luck that has been plundered by the great night catastrophe, he can directly reach level 31 or 32 .

With a shake of his head, Yat concentrates on the action of screening forces .

Thinking network!

As soon as their bodies stagnate, their minds are all controlled by Yat and become auxiliary machines to provide computing power .

After that, Yat began to operate .

Destruction, resolution, separation, reorganization, combustion and sublimation –

various different forces are gradually separated under the efficient operation of Yate, and the unnecessary power is directly burned by Yate as fuel to provide power for the operation of separation, reorganization and sublimation .

Step by step operation, Mo Du’s body, only a strange black force .

It involves three levels of peaks and faith power in four directions: death, original sin, darkness and crow . There are and only these four characteristics .

After considering the secondary two names such as “the darkness of sin bone”, “the power of death” and “the power of sin crow”, Yat directly uses the professional prefix of the owner of the crow to determine a name that does not seem to have much to do with it .

At this moment, modu’s body has been completely transformed into a single belief body composed of the power of telling the night .

At this time, Yat seems to think of one thing, that is . . .

on the way of transformation, the completely faith-based creatures already exist at the fourth level .

At level 4 . . .

att controls the bad luck and temporarily removes the camouflage covering the two players’ emblems .

In this moment, he felt the detective scanning of player’s badge .

Instead of evading or interfering with the scanning, he allowed the force to sweep over “he”, scanning the new “power of the night” and those abandoned forces that had not completely burned out .

After he killed canggui emissary, he got another player’s badge from canggui emissary and scanned and exchanged information .

Then, two prompt boxes pop up in the player’s badge:

[tip: you killed the player “canggui emissary”, whose ID number is 4-48-569-7148-00006-194813-984568-1004082-wu Baidu .

Since the opponent marked you as an enemy player, and the other party also marked you as an enemy player, you get 100% of the revenue . After returning to the node state, all items in the player’s personal space will be transferred to your personal space . ]

[tip: for players with nickname “modu” and ID No . 4-48-569-7148-00006-1948 13-984568-1004082 – Li modu, you have reached lv40 and reached the upper limit of the node country . Please immediately carry out promotion task and go to the next level of node country after the end of the replica world .

Note: you must complete your promotion within three replica world missions . ]

PS: someone asked about the relationship between the morphological level and the rank . . .

the level is the level, and the morphological level is the morphological level .

How to say that, to use the mysterious metaphor, it is probably that the form is the level of skill, and the form of energy is the level of purity .

For example:

concept state = heaven level skill

rule state = ground level skill

belief state = dark level skill

soul state = yellow level skill

material state = no grade

but there is no inevitable relationship between form and level . Material state can also be level 9, soul state can also be level 9, belief state can be level 9, and rule state can also be level 9 .

For example, at present, he is a concept creature on the level of art, but his level is not high .

However, due to the different purity, the same level is level 9 –

Level 9 of concept state can suppress level 9 of regular state, level 9 of belief state can suppress level 9 of soul state .

The more special is the material state . In my setting, the material state is the basis of all forms . If the nine levels of pure material state exist, compared with other forms, there is no repression relationship .

Level 9 of material state may be just past level 9 of soul state, or it may be lost to level 9 of soul state .

This is probably the relationship .

As for the material state, I have a special setting here, but it is related to the important plot after it, so it will not be revealed .

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