Night Crow Master Chapter 395


Chapter 395: 395

He Guang put up his bow indifferently .

And the light arrow killed the situation of the servants, also by the original sin hunters and civilians below to see .

Some of the civilians opened their mouths, cheered, and called sacred .

While the original sin hunters looked at the four winged angels in the sky, they could not help but marvel at each other’s strength, and all kinds of praise were revealed .

“Is this the real angel? This power, like hearsay

Many original sin hunters also saw real angels for the first time, looking at the broad wings of he Guang’s two pairs of constantly breathing fans with astonishment and curiosity .

And when their eyes focused on the white gilded bow in his hand, they couldn’t help but talk:

“is that the sacred vessel? The sacred vessels of heaven? ”

In the propaganda of the Knights Templar, the original sin weapon is actually made by imitating the “sacred vessel” possessed by angels .

But their curiosity was interrupted by the leader of the original sin Hunters –

“what are you still doing? Don’t hurry up to work!? Put out the fire

“Yes! Captain

“Humble old man . ”

At this level, he Guang can clearly hear the conversation from a distance of several hundred meters below .

After confirming that there is no demon, he shakes his wings again, turns into a golden meteor, and returns on the original way .

But . . .

just then, he felt a deep chill .

Several ferocious eyes were fixed on him .

He Guang felt the malice contained in his eyes . Without any hesitation, he stopped suddenly . The holy bow Maslow reappeared in his hands again, and a circle of golden glow gathered around him, forming a translucent golden veil .

“Heaven guard!”

At the moment he stopped, several bloody shadows came at him at the same time .


The cold suddenly gathered, and the magic of blood feast, with several tentacles, beat heavily on the golden cover .


The tentacles were shaken open, and the golden cover swayed slightly twice, and cracks appeared on it .

“Feather of heaven!”

At the moment when he Guang calmly reads out the name of the skill, the golden cover vibrates again . In the next moment, it explodes into countless golden feathers and shoots in all directions .



Accompanied by a few piercing sound and a hiss, he Guang’s eyes locked on the target .

It was a scarecrow like devil . On his back, a pair of broken membrane wings with skeletons similar to straw kept flapping, and there was a strong and bloody dark red magic all over his body . Dozens of holy forces gathered together to form the feather of the heaven bound were penetrating into each other’s body, and the holy power was constantly purifying its body .


The evil magic of blood red was dispelled .

“What devil is this? There was no mention of it in the previous purchase information . ”

He Guang had some doubts, but at the next moment, he saw the strange demon scream, and the strong blood color magic surged up, crushing all the feathers of the heaven .

Almost at the same time that the feather of heaven was crushed, the wound was completely recovered .

“The level should be less than level 25 . It is at least 4 levels lower than my level . The defense ability is very weak, but this recovery ability is very difficult . You need to kill it with a strong move . ”

After a long time in the battlefield, he quickly determined the way to deal with it .

When he found a way to deal with it, he did not hesitate . The guardian of heaven opened again, wings flapped, and holy power stirred, and his body flew upward .

At the same time, when the golden cover was formed, he bent the bow and built the arrow at one go . The whole bow became a few times bigger . The increasingly strong holy power also converged into a golden arrow ten times the size of a normal arrow in his hand .

Reserve your strength!

In the process of accumulating strength with powerful skills, the pale gold wave is constantly spreading outwards with great momentum .

Blood feast Scarecrow hissed and opened his mouth, and his upper head and chin showed a large opening of nearly 180 degrees –

buzzing –

the magic power of blood feast gushed out of his body, converged into a beam of light, and shot at the high light .


There is no need to gather the energy to spit out, let he light slightly surprised, but such a force, as long as not hit head-on, is not enough to destroy his heaven guard .

He Guang’s wings fluttered, moved a little distance, and a circle of golden light flickered on the four wings, and the golden cover became thicker in an instant .

Whirring –

the bloody light beam rubs over the golden cover that surrounds his body, and erases the small piece of cover on the edge .

By this time, his skill accumulation has been completed .

With the release of fingers, along with several circles of ripples, a large, golden arrow flew out from the bow string . When passing through the shield formed by the protection of heaven, part of the holy power was rolled away, which enhanced part of its power . The arrow beyond the speed of sound blows countless rings of golden gas in the air, hitting the scarecrow of blood feast .

From top to bottom, the scarecrow is permeated from the middle of his body . His whole body is like a burst balloon, purified by holy power and turned into powder in the air .


And the arrow that runs through the blood feast Scarecrow hits the ground .


The golden light diffused to form a sphere nearly 100 meters wide, and large holes tens of meters deep were blasted out of the ground .

But looking at the scene of the holy power explosion, he Guang is a little . . . Puzzled .

Although he expected that the defense of the other side was very weak, it was so weak that originally, what he expected was that the residual strength of the divine arrow was at most half of the current level . . .

the defense capacity was only lv15 + .

But it doesn’t matter . It’s all gone .

A glance left and right, hull was about to take the bow away, but the next scene made his eyes wide .

Nearly a hundred strange demons in the same shape as the strange Scarecrow demon just now gathered around him and occupied the sky for several kilometers nearby .

Straw people hiss, a pair of huge, blood condensed wings, fluttering behind them, the dried straw like skeleton covered with blood membrane as liquid flow .

A terrifying shrill sound enveloped the whole sky .

“How could there be so many?”

With a dignified expression, Hal grasped the holy bow, and the four wings behind him glittered with gold, which thickened the cover of heaven .

“Is there a big hell gate nearby?”

The appearance of the big gate of hell means that there are upper demons . Only in this situation will nearly 100 middle demons come to the human world .

At this time, this covered the sky of blood banquet straw, people at the same time opened their mouths, nearly a hundred bloody beams of light cut through the air, toward the body of the high light .

In the face of such an attack, he Guang didn’t dare to pick it up, and without any hesitation, he used his life saving card –

twinkling feather!

A golden and holy feather broke in front of him . With a wave of space, his body instantly disappeared from its original place and flickered several kilometers away .

And in the moment he appeared, a strange, as if talking, like crow singing in his ears .

In the dark, a dark, faceless shadow was standing in front of him, and a black bird, similar to a crow, was standing on each other’s shoulders .

“How could it be?”

He Guang thought in disbelief that how could the flickering feather of random places be squatted in advance?

But before his mind continued to work, an unimaginable pain let he Guang completely lose consciousness .

“Random places? It is true that the choice of the target location is random, but the spatial fluctuation is regular, not to mention . . . “

the black shadow, that is, Yat’s nocturnal crow, walks in front of haguang .

“You have bad luck . ”

There was bad luck in him, and he could sense it wherever he went .

Fingers slightly move, he light around the body winding doom, will two things from the body of he light up .

The first is a dark gold ring – the function of the ring is to reduce the lucky value in other instances and increase the lucky value in the world with angels .

In art’s eyes, there is a mass of bad luck and a mass of luck in this thing .

The second is a strand of golden hair .

“Fixing the player’s badge on your hair . . . It’s really hidden . ”

Art spread out his hand . On his golden hair, a faint, unique force different from holy power was working, trying to send out a message .

But those threads of doom bound it to send no message .

Fingers twitch, and the thread of doom seeps into the player’s badge on his hair:

“system, it’s time to work . ”

Said Yat with a smile .

Although he can rely on the profession of the agent to make some operations, but . . . Compared with the system, there are still many deficiencies .

It’s like the difference between a rookie hacker and a senior hacker .

And . . . The rookie hacker has only one common host to use, while the senior hacker has thousands of supercomputers as calculation tools .

It’s OK for him to do some small things himself, but . . . He has to leave it to the system to make moves on the player’s logo .

At the next moment of his voice, Yat can feel that a unique and powerful thread of doom has penetrated into the player’s logo and operated .

Soon, the emblem of struggle had no movement and returned to calm . The bad luck that seeps into hull’s player’s badge is no longer moving and becomes an ordinary thread of doom .

At all this, art’s eyes narrowed slightly .

As expected, what distance is not a problem at all for the rule level .

As long as the crow servant can touch, it is the place that the system can touch .

It’s obvious – after all, being able to cast a spell remotely through a crow is itself supported by the system .

At random, ATT used the agent’s professional skills to see what had happened to hull’s player badge .

There was no change in the record, and there was nothing strange about it .

There was no attack .

And the monitoring function in the player’s badge . . . Has a loophole .

It doesn’t record anything about art or crows .

Moreover, this mechanism is only enabled when you encounter Yat .

Then, art looks at Hull . . .

under the influence of the crow song, the body of the other party is changing, which is transforming to the night crow .

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