Night Crow Master Chapter 393


Chapter 393: 393

“Such a strong attack . . . ”

marushal covered the wound with a solemn face .

Looking at the blood gushing out of the bloody Scarecrow like devil, malushal resisted the pain and flapped his wings .

Some of the broken red bat wings have been seen, fanning a scorching gale and rolling up the dust around them .

The dust rose and mingled with the hot air, as if the whole sky was covered by these dark brown dust .

Malushal immediately moved, and a hot track of heat rolled up behind him, stirring up the dust and obscuring his path .

“It’s naive . ”

Art looks at each other’s actions and shakes his head slightly .

His direct observation of doom and fortune would not be blocked by this method of concealing his sight, and the scarecrow of blood banquet did not eat this set .

Novenara’s Scarlet eyes, eroded by the lust of gluttony, swept away the dust .

Mars in the dust also couldn’t stop her sight .

Her vision is completely black and white .

Even the flame is black and white .

Only objects with vitality can have color .

Novella’s eyes are fixed on the direction of marushal’s escape . In her eyes, malushal is a dark red, strong vitality flame .

“No . . . want to . . . Escape . . . ”

with a hoarse voice in his mouth, the blood overflowing from novella’s back formed three blood demons .

Among them, there is a dark red blood devil .

This is the blood devil who takes the blood of malushar .

Compared with other demons, this one has no sense at all, and his body is quite distorted, just like an unformed baby .

Under the will of novella, the three blood demons grew feathered bat wings on their backs . They vibrated their wings and flew out to pursue marushar .

However, novella’s Scarecrow like body can’t provide her with too high moving speed . She moves forward step by step with a movement that is almost out of balance . Although the speed is several times faster than the world record of 100 meter race, for the existence of lv20 level, the speed can not reach the speed of sound?

This is the standard of a glorious world .

And in this world, the power limit, lv20, is close to a third of the speed of sound .

However, judging from the speed of novella, the scarecrow of blood feast, it is still less than half of the speed . . .


it is almost the same to say that it is disabled .

However, there are losses and gains . We lost speed and defense, but we got a strong recovery ability .

Blood feast scarecrow is more suitable for sustained combat – as long as it is not seconds, it can continue to fight .

However, it should be noted that because of their low defense and low movement speed, the scarecrow for blood feast needs blood bags – try to select the group, physical and vital opponents to fight .

In this case, in other words, the scarecrow will not die until the enemy and the blood banquet crow are dead .

Moreover, because of the relationship between being able to draw blood and vitality and condensing into blood banquet crows . . . The combat effectiveness here is stronger and stronger .

Yat watched and couldn’t help thinking .

During the adjustment, he found this problem and made some adjustments –

his eyes turned to novella .

After running for a distance in a strange pace, her split body and the dried flesh and blood are gradually closing, which makes her gradually recover from the scarecrow posture of blood banquet .

Except for the back .

The flesh and blood of her back stretched out to form a skeleton of withered grass wings, which looked like a bone palm .

At the same time, the blood in her body surged up, wrapping and connecting the flesh and blood skeleton, forming a pair of ugly giant wings .

Marushar, which has broken through the scorching dust and completely separated from the hunting market area, landed in the mountains .

“What the hell is that?”

The pain from the wound made his brow crinkle, but the dry and dry flesh on his left shoulder was no longer felt .

The blood, along with the vitality, has been completely drained .

“Find a few human beings first, recover . . . ”

malushal thought, and at the same time looked back warily:

“it should not be chasing . . . ”

however, three blood red shadows are flying towards him at a very fast speed – those strange servants!?

At the same time, a faster shadow is coming towards marushar at a speed far faster than the blood demon .

“Why so fast!”Malushal was a little surprised . When he fled just now, he noticed that the strange Scarecrow demon was extremely slow .

However, it was too late for him to think about it .


The incompletely folded membranous wings unfolded again, and the surging magic rolled up a dark red flame and gushed out from his palm .

The sharp fingernails hold the magic flame and fling it out .

A crazy red light flashed in his eyes . In the air, novella’s arms suddenly spread, and the dry flesh and blood expanded into hollow tentacles, which were thrown out forcefully .


Like the right arm drawn out by the whip, it carries the magic of blood feast and disperses the dark red fireball .

At the same time, three blood demons have surrounded marushar .


Novella’s body also fell, fell in front of the three blood demons, body expansion and distortion, into a blood feast scarecrow .

Knowing that the situation was critical and unable to escape, malushal roared . His thin figure had changed . The dark red magic flame twined around his body and faintly condensed into a huge dark red bat .


At the moment of completion of the change, sound waves spread from its mouth .

With the body of marushar as the center, the flame was lit everywhere .

The first to bear the brunt is, of course, novella .

As the sound wave spread, the magic flame of terror hit novella’s body, burning most of her body’s flesh and blood into coke in an instant .

But . . .

in novella’s body, the rich magic of blood feast played a role in an instant .

Her body is healing in the face of the Hellfire, and her recovery rate is faster than that of her body being burned to coke .

But there are at least some hopes .

Malushal was surprised and forced to endure the reverse of the power beyond the limit, and the magic flame continued to flow towards novella with the sound wave .

At this time, he found that the strange devil stretched out a few tentacles .

Sneak attack? Flank attack?

Impossible, this fire attack!

Exclaimed malushal .

But . . . The target is not him .

Dry flesh and blood tentacles shoot at the blood devil .

Mercilessly, the blood feast tentacles pierced into the blood devil’s body and inhaled their bodies .

Whether it’s blood feast magic or blood .

What made marushar despair happened .

The magic flame that he used with all his strength and brought him back to eat was originally faintly pressed, but now . . .

that strange demon, the burnt black marks on her body, is recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye .

It looks like his magic flame is completely useless .

Although, he knows very well, is the other party’s recovery speed is too fast, fast to his flame to destroy the other party’s body speed is not equal to the recovery speed .

Besides fighting, the blood demon is also the blood bag of scarecrow .

If you don’t get rid of the blood demons, and you can’t wait for the scarecrow, you can only watch the other party recover .

“How could it be?”

“How could that be possible!”

Malushal, who was incarnated as the Hellfire bat, cried out in despair . Then, dozens of dried blood banquet tentacles, wrapped with bright red magic, whipped them .


With an explosive roar, marushar was blown to pieces .

In the flames .

The dried up flesh and blood in novella’s body successively turned into blood feast tentacles, which drained the vitality and blood from his corpse as food for his body .

When the fire disappeared, there was only one intact Scarecrow and two blood demons .

Novella, who had just had a night snack, because of the sense of fullness, her desire to overeat subsided and her sense recovered a little .

But . . .

looking at the flames that were gradually extinguished due to the lack of magic power, she laughed, and her swollen flesh and blood gradually narrowed and closed, and she became a female human figure .

And, compared with before, to be more charming and beautiful .

Although she regained her senses, she was still laughing madly, her upturned mouth cracked to the root of her ear, ferocious and terrifying:

“more . . . I need more blood . . . ”



Behind her, two blood demons echoed, sending out a cry of unknown significance .

Art looked at all this and nodded slightly . “It’s OK . It’s not too bad . ”

The scarecrow made by the claw of blood banquet can still be called good in combat effectiveness . Then his eyes turned to the raven, which was collecting the bad luck that was scattered with the corpse:

“the amount of bad luck is not bad . ”

But at this moment, he suddenly narrowed his eyes and turned his head, as if to see something:


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