Night Crow Master Chapter 391


Chapter 391: 391

When art takes novella away with the intention of adjustment, several hunters come to the alley and search, but only the bodies of the two hunters are seen .

The death of the hunter made the search more rigorous .

On the other side, with the rapid footsteps, a group of original sin hunters arrived at the lane where ambassad, the equivalent of a B-level hunter, appeared .

“Here it is! Be careful

“Holy water? Are you ready? ”

“Take the original sin weapon and keep fighting! This is probably ambassad level demon envoy! ”

The leading C-level Hunter said to a group of C-level, d-level and e-level hunters . According to the terrain of the scene, they arranged the original sin hunters to act accurately and quickly, and then walked into the alley nervously .

For ambassad level demons, although some people are afraid, but inspired by the number of people, these hunters still plucked up courage .

This leader is of high level both in experience and in command .

Several original sin hunters clenched their original sin weapons and followed him into the alley .

At this time, with the roar, several twisted humanoid creatures rushed to several people .

“Hell creatures! It’s a demon

The leader was keenly aware of the strength of humanoid creatures, and it was not easy to use guns at such close range .

At the same time, he saw the direction of the devil’s attack and avoided the attack flexibly . Then he waved the original sin weapon in the shape of a short knife held by his left hand .

Although the power of demon hunting can only restrain the power of magic, it has no effect on other types of forces . On the contrary, it will also be restrained by the power type of restraining magic .

However, in terms of the restraining effect of magic, the power of demon hunting can almost match the power of holy light, only slightly less .

When the overflowing demon hunting power was wrapped with a short knife, a long scratch was made from the devil’s abdomen to his left shoulder .

Moreover, the magic hunting power overflowing from the original sin weapon expanded rapidly from the devil’s wound, and instantly expanded to the majority of the body of the demon servant .

“Ho -”

with the roar, the devil’s body lost balance and fell to the ground .


When it fell to the ground, several hunters following him also drew out their weapons –

the silver light flickered, and the body of the demon servant was directly cut into several sections .

The original sin hunters will not have any pity for them .

So far, there has been no case in which humans can recover after becoming hellish creatures .

But it’s just attention grabbing .

In the dark, a pale, elegant and tall demon who could not see any resemblance to the tramps before him appeared in an instant behind the leading hunter .

“Stupid human beings . ”

The devil grinned grimly and waved his hands . His abundant magic power formed a dark red flame . The fierce flame surged to fill the lane which was only one meter wide .

This flood of flame snake, let a few hunters have no escape space at all .

Although they raised their weapons to stimulate the demon hunting power to resist, compared with their strongest strength of level C, the magic strength of demons was far better than that of level C . the powerful magic flame directly broke the magic power . Moreover, the high temperature brought by the burning magic flame could not be resisted by the demon hunting force . The terrible high temperature directly roasted them into coke .

Looking at the four men who had become coke, the intact holy water bottle in their hands, and the original sin weapon which was charred in the corner, the devil tightened his brow, waved and threw out a darker red flame to smash the holy water bottle .

Kala –

the holy water bottle is broken, and the holy water mixed with the power of angels disperses, and the angel power slightly emits light, which disperses the darkness around .

“Angel of power?”

As the enemy of heaven, the devil clearly knows what level of angel power this is .

Angel of power – the same level as the Minster level demon, higher than his ambassad level demon .

But, fortunately, it was diluted .

The fists clenched and opened, and a fierce dark red flame gushed from the hands with sharp fingernails, toward the golden power in front of them .


at the beginning, the holy water that could resist the Hellfire was burned out by the continuous Hellfire after holding for half a second .

And those original sin weapons, also in the fury of the magic flame, completely destroyed .


“Stupid . . . ”

dusting the dust, looking at the hunter’s body and the broken holy water bottle, the devil sneered .

It doesn’t matter how much the devil he uses to fight for time . Anyway, he just wants to recover time .

“I’m going to kill you, kogah lanocchio!”When he thought of the original sin hunter who closed the gate of hell with the power of terror and beat him to the brink of death when he was about to pass through the gate of hell . He had to hide himself and spent months recovering . He hated the hunter .

However, he could not help shivering when he thought of the other side’s terrible power .

Taking a deep breath, the devil turned around, disappeared in the lane at a very fast speed, and escaped from the dead corner of the circle of hunters .

Because of the terrible dark red flame, there was a big loophole in the encirclement circle of the original sin hunters who were guarding outside according to the orders . Even if there were no loopholes, and there were no B-level original sin hunters, they could not prevent this ambassad level demon .

No one found that in the alley, which had been burned to a pitch black, melted metal and charred walls, a black crow emerged from the shadow and gazed at the direction of the demon’s escape .

. . .

“hmm? Koch lanocchio? ”

In a civilian hut, art turns her head suspiciously and looks at the alley where the devil is fleeing .

If the crow is right, it seems that they have mentioned the name of modo’s container in this world?

How far away can you meet someone you know?

Art searches through Mordor’s memory, but does not find the memory of the devil in his memory . . .

it is too weak to be noticed, leading to neglect, or not paying attention at all, or is it in the missing part of the memory?

The actual situation is not known, but what’s in front of him is more noteworthy than that –

a woman lying on the ground .

In her body, the strong, evil and dry vitality of Scarecrow and the magic of hell creatures have been completely blended together, forming a unique magic .

It’s just . . . From the perspective of his level, in the final analysis, it’s still the power of soul state, which is mixed with several kinds of power, and it doesn’t make much difference how special it is .

It’s tentatively named blood feast .

This blood feast magic surging in novella’s body can change with the emotional changes of novella and transform her into a scarecrow of blood feast in hell . Other aspects have also been adjusted and perfected by Yat –

the spilled blood and vitality will not form any crow’s outline, but directly present in the form of a devil .

In this way, we can avoid involving the art ontology .

It’s time to make trouble .

Let’s say . . . We can try it out .

Art’s eyes scan novella’s body . As the first experimental product, the strength has been reduced by one or two levels due to various factors . However, it is lv23 at least, which should be able to win the A-class demon .

Just take the demon just now to test its combat effectiveness .

After all – practice is the only test of truth .

Unfortunately, the goal of the skeleton curse orchard is too large . Otherwise, it is very simple to release a skeleton curse orchard directly and turn all the creatures in a city into scarecrows for blood feast .

At this time, the shadows gathered in the bungalow and transferred the collected bad luck to Yat’s night crow .

After perceiving the amount of the force of doom, and confirming that the power of doom gained in this instance can indeed be upgraded by one level, he nodded slightly satisfied .

According to this progress and the role that people will play in the blood feast, it is estimated that at least 2 levels of promotion can be achieved in the end . At most, four levels can be reached –

it is too much to steal enough bad luck to upgrade four levels, which is a bit risky .

Grab to 3 levels, immediately stop it, and change to a copy world .

Speaking of . . . Original sin Hunter as a vice occupation . . .

should I be a deputy?

Art shook his head and made a decision to plunder the bad luck . Then, the crow’s frozen body turned, and the dark shadow rolled up the sleeping novella on the ground and disappeared in the bungalow .

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