Night Crow Master Chapter 383


Chapter 383: 383

Art’s eyes swept over the group of people, and their unique perspectives swept through them .

Most of the strength is multi-level, and there is a strength of multi-level two .

Power is basically the ability of the vitality system, and it is the road mainly based on the material state .

Is this Sorceress of dragon origin? Similar to the impression, it has extremely huge vitality . It can also be used as an energy spell by strengthening itself through vitality . It is a very common type . However, dragon people are a little strange . Find a chance to get some samples .

The power of this blonde is . . . The power of anger? No, it’s soul level . It’s a weakened version of the combination of anger and vitality . It can activate vitality and strengthen the body through the force of anger . There are also several kinds of energy that can temporarily strengthen the body through vitality . It’s interesting . It’s similar to war giants .

The world of rongatt can’t help thinking of war .

Well, this can also be used as a sample .

What’s more, this prowler and paladin, the power system is magic? No, it’s similar to magic, but isn’t it the same kind of energy derived from magic? However, the dissipation is a little high . Compared with magic power, the consumption is a little fast . However, the transformation efficiency of power is very high . Find the opportunity to point out the sample to study .

Well, this is very interesting . It is the derived energy of vitality . Art’s eyes stop on the girl with short hair sportswear for a moment . He feels a tenacious, similar to the existence of spiritual power . Through the will to activate the vitality in the body, so as to derive the power? Although the soul is not very strong, but this power itself can resist the attack of the spirit class, it is very suitable to take the self road .

However, it’s a pity that the mark of personal will of this force is too strong . . .

No, strong mark of personal will?

The pattern of this power can be used for reference .

Yat touches his chin, with a new inspiration in his heart, and then he looks at the last black haired man who cringes backward to avoid it .

There is also a feeling of . . . This blood power, is it a vampire?

What’s this? Blood erosion of their own body, difficult to be controlled by their own? A lowly vampire slave? Something more rubbish than a magician .

I don’t want this one .

Blood banquet crow blood performance is much better than this .

Dragon female mage > war giant like blonde > sportswear short haired woman > Paladin > sneaker

the members of this player team do not know at all . The mage players who appear in front of them and do not seem to be very strong have marked their value as commodities .


The blonde captain looked at art, who was standing on the roof of the house with a thoughtful look on his face, and said in a wary voice:

“Sir, you . . .

” what’s your mission? ” Without waiting for him to finish, Yat asks in the tone of a gamer who encounters other players in the copy .

It’s not uncommon to encounter other players in the dungeon world, but because of the penalty mechanism – players who kill non enemy players will be punished .

The so-called enemy player can only set up a social mechanism within the node state, which can mark a player as an enemy, and will not be known by the other party when marking . Killing the opponent can obtain 80% of the opponent’s items .

The non enemy players can only get 20% of the items after killing the opponent, and they will be subject to systematic punishment . There are various ways of punishment, which are basically equivalent to the value of “half the task points” and so on .

Unless there’s a big baby, there’s not a lot of people taking risks .

Within the normal copy, the gamers group does not advocate infighting .

Except . . . When the mission is hostile .

Each player will receive different mainline tasks according to their camp . Sometimes they are irrelevant, sometimes they help each other, and sometimes they have to be hostile .

And art asked the other side of the mission, is a lot of players in encounter with other people, under normal circumstances will do things .

For the players in this team, this situation makes them nervous .

They are the first time to enter the third level of the copy, for them, there are in this copy, can also be called senior .

They also know how dangerous things are when the mission is hostile .

At present, they understand that the senior players of this mage department will not let them leave .

Several people look at each other, and they have an idea –

bet that this person is not the enemy of the task . If it is not natural for everyone to be happy, they can even try to help each other . If so, they can only escape or fight for their lives .

It doesn’t look very strong . You can have a try .

Having made a bad plan, the blonde said:

“our task is to help the hunter Association find the hell creatures hidden in the hunter Association, eliminate a certain number of evil servants, and help the protagonist get promoted . ”

With that, he, like others, stares at art, ready to turn into a mad giant . And after art heard that, naturally, there was no action .

But in terms of power type, no one seems to be on the side of hell except the blonde and the vampire slave .

What’s more, these people’s free thinking, for the memory and ability of Yat, a misty crow man who has countless crow servant memories, especially now has become a white night crow man, can’t be said that the spiritual master is also a person with great spiritual attainments – it’s like wearing no clothes .


They were thinking about something, the agitation of their thoughts, as if they were talking aloud for fear that he would not hear them .

Att just wants the body to follow some players as a cover to cover up his control of the crow, causing chaos and searching for bad luck .

“Well . ”

Under the gaze of the six, he nodded, and then touched the player’s badge, showing the main task given to him by the node state to the six people .

[main task:

1, . . . .

2, . . .

3 . Kill the temple Knight Bagh who is abnormal . (task difficulty: Level 2) (unfinished)]

the six people did not expect that this strange mage player would simply show his mission .

And the next moment, Yat smilingly shows another thing:

[rank: lv24 (lv32)]


The highest level in this team is only level 22, that is, the team leader . After seeing the level of the smiling mage players, they have a look up mentality, and they can’t help wondering why the other side is doing this .

Art naturally won’t give them any suspicion . After putting up the display, he said in a voice:

“I will help you complete the task, and you will also help me to complete the task . Is this transaction suitable?”

This is a threat . . .

even when there is dissatisfaction in their hearts, they also understand the reason why Yat shows the task and the level .

At least here, it is unreasonable to pay attention to nothing, and a strong person will not treat the weak equally . This kind of threatening cooperation is the normal way to treat them .

The blonde bit his teeth, clenched his fist, and said to Yat:

“Mr . mage, your mission will not endanger our lives

Of course, they know the answer, but it also shows Yat that although they agree to cooperate, they will not risk their lives to do it . If they are allowed to do so, they must consider the consequences of “using them as cannon fodder” that may lead to mission failure .

It’s really easy to get along with smart people . If you are stupid, you have to take another way .

The other side responded as art expected .

Art smiles:

“don’t worry, your grade is not worth my bad idea . Now, it’s time for you to let me confirm your mission . ”

Hearing this, the golden haired man’s face turned black again . When he entered the third level copy for the first time, he encountered a senior person . . .

fortunately, he was not hostile .

While comforting himself with ah q spiritual victory method, the blonde shows the task:

[main task (team):

1 . Find the stone of original sin, and help the protagonist integrate the power of the demon auroc in his body and the weapon of original sin . (task difficulty: Level 1) (unfinished)

2 . Kill a certain number of demons, and killing high-level demons can offset the number (01000) . (task difficulty: Level 2) (incomplete)

3 . It helps the hunter association to find and eliminate the fallen in the original sin Hunter (020) . (task difficulty: Level 2) (unfinished)


seeing these tasks, Yat couldn’t help but smile at the six people:

“very cautious . ”

It’s smart . At least it’s a good word game .

The first task is to help the protagonist get promoted, but he doesn’t say that the actual work is just to find the “stone of original sin” . There is a lot of water and maneuverability in it, and the other side also put it at the end . According to the habit of releasing tasks in the system, the last one is generally the most difficult .

The second task, the other side only said the first half sentence – eliminate the devil .

The third mission, the scope of “hellos” and “degenerates” is needless to say, right? Most people will subconsciously target the real hellish creatures such as magic servants, magic soldiers and magic envoys, and leave out the fallen ones who are infected by the magic of the original sin weapons .

As for Yat’s words, forced by the gap in strength, the blonde just reluctantly smiles, and then shifts the topic and says:

“Mr . mage, is your task or ours the priority?”

He is actually ready for the other party to finish his task first, and then break his promise not to help them . “Just call me lanocchio . ” Art tells them the identity in the copy, and then says, “I’ll help you with two tasks first, then you help me with my task, and I’ll help you with the third task, OK?”

One is not good for the team, but it is much better than the worst .

The blonde sighed with relief: “I’ve accepted your proposal, Mr . lanocchio . ”

“Tell me first, then, what I shall call you . ”

The crowd looked at each other, led by the blonde man, and answered one after another:

“labor”, “Carles”, “Mina”, “luyanan”, “Jacqueline”, “Sasaki Liangjie”

the corresponding people are

blonde, Paladin, assassin, short hair sports sister, dragon female mage and vampire slave .

If there is no physical body in Mordo, it will take the form of boarding . However, if the players are normal and have a physical body, they will use their original identity and name .

Including Lu Yanan and that Sasaki Ryunosuke, which is relatively inconsistent with the background of the name will also be directly used .

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