Night Crow Master Chapter 380


Chapter 380: 380

The people who came were members of the original sin Hunters Association, and they came here with the middle-aged man .

When they saw art, some people didn’t recognize it, but two hunters’ eyes lit up:

“Lord lanocchio!”

The two hunters, one old and one young, holding the original sin weapon which had been sealed with the devil, quickened their pace and ran to art .

Yat looks at them and finds their identity from his memory –

the one armed old man who looks nearly 60 years old, with a face of vicissitudes and blurred eyes, is a C-level hunter named mashander, who was met by modu before .

And the younger man, almost thirty years old, who was almost the same as mashander, was his son, Shante .

The two hunters appeared before in two missions, one is to help Langke defeat the Hellman orlock and the other is to close the door of hell opened by the devil orlock .

(in this world, there is no difference between demons and demons . They are the same thing . The game kingdom classifies these “demons” into demons, but the creatures in this plane call them “demons . “)

They’re the . . . Acquaintances of the leading actor named Frank?

The relevant memories are scattered and some are missing, so Yat doesn’t know every detail of what happened .

The general information is –

orlock is the devil that Ranke tried to seal as the original sin weapon, but the devil did not die . When his body was sealed into the weapon, he woke up and affected him through the original sin weapon, which opened the door of hell and caused great disasters nearby .

However, as a leading actor, Ranke is not so easy to die . He did something wrong and killed his friends under the control of the original sin weapon . After that, he expelled the demon oroque who invaded his body .


And Mordo’s task was to help Ranke suppress orlock, and then Ranke seemed to kill the devil .

Mordo then dealt with the opened door to hell .

These two hunters, who were sent by the hunter association to deal with the abnormal situation at that time, were only a few left in the last few dozens .

The mashander and son are the two who survived .

It is precisely because of this that these two talents know the identity of modu, the “Koch lanozi” .

Not only do they remember, they still remember the “powerful” that Mordo showed at that time – a powerful old man who can remember those S-level hunters is quite powerful . Although he is not a member of the hunter Association, he is a genuine original sin hunter, and a powerful hunter with strength of s level or above!

So after seeing art, the father and son were so excited .

“If I remember correctly, are you marzande and Sant?”

Art glanced at them and said in a Mordo voice, “are you all well?”

“Yes, Lord lanocchio . ” Shante nodded excitedly, and said, “Lord lanocchio, are you not hurt?”

The reason why he was so attentive that he wanted to be the apprentice of Lord lanocchio, and finally inherited the powerful original sin weapon from Lord lanocchio and became a new S-level original sin hunter!

“Of course not . ”

For his gallantry, Yat just hung around and pointed to the middle-aged Hunter whose side was covered by the falling wood and debris on the roof so that no one else could find it:

“someone has been knocked down by the devil . Go and see his injuries . ”


Shant did not hesitate to agree to Yat’s command . After looking around, he beckoned the crowd to the pile of debris and dragged the knocked down middle-aged Hunter out of the wood pile .


“Lord lanocchio, something happened . . . ”

at this time, just as he was trying to say something, he noticed the body of the dress devil lying between the benches not far behind art’s back .

He looked tight, and then he grasped his old rifle like rifle gun and leaned over . After the body of the dress devil was completely in sight, the old hunter widened his eyes:

“this is . . . Minnister level demon

Although the body had no head, the old hunter could also tell what level it was .

This exclamation also attracted the attention of other original sin hunters . Except for the two middle-aged hunters, all the others ran over .

“Yes! This dress, and the hand, is a Minster’s emissary

“Is this the devil that the Lord has just dealt with?”

Just refers to the middle-aged hunter who was knocked down after fighting the dress devil .

“It’s a magic emissary of Minnister level

“How did it die?”

As soon as a young man finished this sentence, he found that everyone’s attention had turned to the mysterious hunter in black robe and black stick . Shante, who was nearly thirty, looked like a teenager, with an excited expression on his face, inquired to Yat:

“Lord lanocchio, are you the one who hunted this Minnister

Minnister level demon emissary needs at least A-level original sin hunter to be able to deal with it . Now the adult has just been knocked down, but this demon is dead here . It must have been hunted by Lord lanocchio!

Lord lanaoqi has no consumption at all . He is indeed an S-level hunter!

in his heart, Sante exclaimed, while the other hunters showed admiration and even reverence after they understood it .

However, under the baptism of a group of crazy believers, Yat will not feel any sense of this level of reverence, and feelings such as complacency will not even appear .

“You can contact the guild’s demon hunter and seal it into the weapon . ”

After a brief answer, Yat left the church without looking back .

He doesn’t want to waste time on these things . He needs to find some good materials to study .

Although some of them are special, there is no doubt that these so-called demons are demons, and they are carriers of good original sin power .

On the contrary, because of Yat’s behavior, the young brain made up the reason that “this is the style of the strong” and immediately called the people to contact the demon hunters in the association .

While the old man mashander looked at his son and stopped talking .

Br .

Among all the supporters, a gray bearded, expressionless old man entered the association with a frown .

At this time, a gasping man ran to the door and yelled:

“there is a Minnister demon emissary in the e area who has been killed . Sante informs that the demon hunter should go and deal with the corpse . . .

” what? Minnister? True or false “

” Sante? Who? Is there a hunter like this? ”

“All I know is a C-level hunter named Shante . ”

During the discussion, they also glanced at the old man from time to time .

Naturally, the old man also heard this sentence, and his eyebrows twitched:


Without much to say, he went directly to the hunter who was passing the message and grabbed his collar:

“take me there!”

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