Night Crow Master Chapter 369


Chapter 369: 369

11 . [source of darkness lv25:

passive: in the dark environment, the recovery speed of spirit and life is increased by X%, and the active effect consumption of dark source is reduced by (x5)% .

Active: supply x% health or spirit value to another target, and the conversion amount is (x2)% . After the supply, if you are in a dark environment, the recovery speed will be increased by X% .

– “continuous flow”]

feedback dedication + shadow fusion?

Compared with the previous, the amount of conversion has decreased a lot, but there is no limit on the quantity .

In addition, the negative state of rigid supply has disappeared, and there is an additional buff to accelerate the recovery of supply .

That is to say, after the blood donation, eating more fragrant, recovering faster feeling .

After pondering for a moment, Yat moves on to the next .

12 . [long sleep Er ring lv25:

active: release ominous waves, cause damage, and make the target fall into a deep sleep . And the lower the enemy’s luck, the higher the damage caused . It has a great chance to reduce the target’s luck, and the lower the target level, the greater the probability .

“Eternal sleep”]

the prelude to the long sleep plus ominous fluctuations removes the preconditions that can only be activated by musical instruments .

Raising his hand, Yat tried to use this skill once —

this “unknown fluctuation” is not a force of doom, but can interfere with the Qi Movement in the target body .

At can do this without skill .

Interfere with the bad luck in the opponent’s body, let them attack the luck, or let the bad luck gather in the other person’s body, you can achieve the effect of “reducing the luck” .

As long as Yat wants, he can achieve this effect with any skill .

Therefore, this skill . . .

No, it can interfere in bad luck and luck without using the force of doom, and it is also a means to hide identity .

After that, he will go to the “gamers” organization, and use this skill as an explanation . . . You can think about it .

13 . [night crow’s nest lv25:

passive: when the night crow’s nest is attacked, it will automatically generate a shadow spirit to defend .

Active: condense the shadow to create a feather shaped black crow nest that can accommodate crow servants . After entering the nest, crow servants will fall into a deep sleep . The recovery speed of the fallen crow servants will increase by (x5)% . When leaving the nest, their total attributes will be increased by (x5)% .

“The nest of the night crow is full of Shadows”]

[shadow spirit: the self-conscious, defensive spirit generated by the night crow’s nest will attack those who attack the crow’s nest . The full attribute level is equal to that of the attacker, and the maximum attribute level is equal to that of the night crow’s nest . The ability is affected by the darkness of the environment . 】

Hide crow + flute of spirit .

If it changes . . . There is no fixed capacity and quantity limit .

As long as you have enough strength, you can create as many as you want, and the number is also . . .

thinking about this, Yat suddenly has an idea, which is a little similar to the world . . .


a small world?

It seems that there is nothing wrong with him . If he makes a nest of night crows with enough power to create a plane, it should be no different from the plane in size at least .

14 . [blood feast’s claw lv25:

passive: the target killed by blood feast’s claw will become “blood feast Scarecrow”, adding blood feast curse to it .

Initiative: condense a blood feast’s claw to cause shadow damage to the opponent . When the blood feast’s claw contacts the target, it absorbs the opponent’s strength and recovers itself .

“Delicious life”]

[blood feast Scarecrow:

blood feast curse: The Scarecrow has the same level as the target before transformation . When the scarecrow attacks the enemy, he will hungrily absorb the enemy’s power, and the strength he has absorbed will form a blood banquet crow around the scarecrow to cooperate with the scarecrow in fighting .

“At your command, master”]

this is probably . . .

Yat condenses a claw of blood feast, waves it twice and feels it carefully .

Dry curse + stealing crow’s claw . . . . . .

Scarecrow’s ability has also become stronger .

Blood feast?

By the way, this is the song of nightmare musical instrument – blood banquet .

And the hand of darkness .

Dry curse + stealing crow’s claw + dark hand + nightmare, because of the less used, almost did not recognize .

15 . [skeleton curse orchard:

passive: when the skeleton curse orchard exists, it will continuously release black fog to drive light . At the same time, when the black fog continues, a mirror orchard will be generated, and the appearance of mirror orchard is the appearance before erosion .

Initiative: pollute the surrounding environment into a dead forest . Enemies who enter the skeleton mantra orchard will continuously reduce their lucky value . The fruit of the bone mantra will make a sound continuously, exerting negative effects such as fear, silence and blindness on the target . The power of the target is extracted to maintain the survival of the fruit orchard . The dead target in the orchard will be transformed into blood banquet straw Man, to maintain the existence of the skeleton curse orchard as the goal of action . ——”Cursed orchard”]

curse ezsen + shadow orchard + ghost poet .

The camouflage of the shadow orchard and the astigmatism effect of the mirror world .

It’s a huge skill .

When he was in glory world, he experimented with the range of hazel orchard and shadow orchard, which could spread far away .

And seeing the effect of the bony curse orchard, Yat thought of those zombie movies .

As long as no one cleans up the skeleton curse orchard, it and the blood feast Scarecrow will continue to extract biological power to maintain its existence .

If you put it in this magic world, it is no problem to destroy all the creatures in the world without the creator’s management .

And it’s camouflaged, and it’s even worse if you don’t see that it’s eroding .

This ability can be used directly to attack a single target, but it is a devastating skill for army to city and ground .

16 . [words of madness lv25:

active: whisper and cause soul damage . It has a great probability to add madness to the target . The lower the target level is, the higher the probability is . When the target falls into the state of madness, it will gradually change into a crow headed Griffin . When the target enters the insane state and has not completed all the transformation, it will continuously release the indiscriminate madness roar, causing Physical damage, until the death of the individual, if in a state of complete insanity, complete the transformation and become a servant .


“Crazy crow headed Griffin”]

deceitful words + lion roar + soul song + puppet drama . . .

this skill is not very good to describe, because the previous skills are too strong, this skill is much weaker, but according to the description, it is also a strong ability .

Make the target insane and make an undifferentiated attack until you die .

The only drawback is that the target of transformation will be injured .

After that, no matter what the experiment is .

17 . [doomsday bone song lv25:

passive: the lower the enemy’s luck value, the higher the additional damage . When the target level is lower than lv25 and lucky is 0 or below, the target is dead .

Active: launch a large-scale dark attribute attack to attack the target killed within the range . The corpse will be eroded and resurrected . It will consume all the strength in the corpse and emit the skeleton song, causing range damage .

“Prelude to doomsday”]

doomsday omen + corpse Opera + song of doom

this skill is used for large-scale attacks, and the more targets you kill, the stronger the secondary damage .

Consume all the power in the corpse and emit the skeleton Song – chain explosion .

It’s also a very strong skill against the army and the city .

18 . [Ultimate transfiguration · crow master lv25:

passive: for every 100 crow servants, the total attribute is increased by 1% and the upper limit is 10x% . In the dark environment, the maximum skill effect is increased by 2x% .

Active: change yourself into a crow king . Within the duration, all the attribute values of yourself are increased by 5x%, the effect of all professional skills of the master of crow is increased by X%, and the attribute of all crow servants is increased by 10% . In the dark environment, the maximum skill effect is increased by 3x% .

Active: it can only be used after transformation to release the havoc of the polar night and erode a large area of environment into a polar night . Within the duration of the polar night, it will cause persistent dark damage to all the beings except the crow servants . In addition, the abnormal state of blindness, tiredness, passivity, cold and fear is added . All skills released by the night crow monarch have a certain probability to cause immediate death The lower the mark level and the lower the lucky value, the higher the probability of death .

“The king of the night crow, come”]

passive · dark polar region + ultimate transfiguration · crow King + transfiguration · crow Command + final catastrophe + mirror world · king of night

this should be the so-called big move, whether passive or active effect, is appropriate and powerful .

Taking the current 4 . 5w crow minions’ upper limit as an example, as long as his crow minions column is filled, he can get 450% full attribute increase . Unfortunately, there is a 10x% limit . However, according to the breakthrough of other skills, the upper limit may be removed if the core breakthrough is made later .

Add 50% of the original damage to the dark field .

After using avatar, the total attribute is increased by 5x%, that is 125%, and the skill damage is increased by 25% . However, we don’t know whether the calculation method is the superposition of passive and passive, or the product mode of growth after growth .

After that, just do a few more experiments .

There are other skills that seem to be eliminated when merging .

However, compared with those corner skills, these 18 skills are enough .

Moreover, he found one thing, which is about data . When he was still weak, the data of skills were very clear, but after the core breakthrough, the data began to become fuzzy –

the more powerful, the more difficult it is to accurately estimate the ability?

Art clenched his fist, and he could feel that even if some systems wrote “maximum” and “maximum” skills, he could break through the limit by stacking forces – only because the transformation of power is realized by the rules of the system . If he increases strength, he can break through the system’s restrictions and transform the skills into skills through rules The cost performance ratio that can be enhanced will be reduced .

Att looks at the system bar for “master of the night crow” and “agent Walker” .

After that, the level of core breakthrough is lv40 . . . .

he does not intend to add agent, a non combat class, into it . Moreover, he has made a plan to take the path of [original sin], [disaster], [darkness], [crow] and [doom] . Naturally, he also has to choose relevant types of occupation as the materials for the second core breakthrough .

When it comes to death, you can also think about it, while others are ignored .

However, the most puzzling thing for him now is why the system makes rules in the form of core breakthroughs in the game of the original world .

What is the connection between the game and the system, or is the game made by the system, or does the game involve more things?

That’s what he’s been wondering about .

After learning about the existence of a series of diverse organizations such as “gamer”, “main temple” and “nightmare space” from lyndt, he had some speculation .

After taking the place of modu as the creator of the magic world, he got part of his memory, and some new ideas came out .

What is the relationship between this organization, which spreads various “systems” in the plural world to cultivate new people, and its predecessor, that is, the “bad luck” of the previous generation’s conceptual biology that created this system?

Art’s understanding of self is “my memory + my consciousness = me” . Although this bad luck body has never died, its consciousness has been dead, and Yat doesn’t take the consciousness that existed in the past as his own .

Only art now is art .

As for the predecessor?

Sorry, I don’t know .

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