Night Crow Master Chapter 364


Chapter 364: 364

In the regular cloister, modu, or art, who controls modu’s body, is getting familiar with this body .

It is very simple to erase the memory and consciousness of a three-dimensional physical state .

It is hundreds of times more difficult to erase the memory and consciousness of a soul state life .

To erase the memory and consciousness of a belief life, it is a hundred or even a thousand times more difficult than the former .

However, it is easier to erase the memory and consciousness of a soul belief dual form life than to erase the memory and consciousness of a life in the belief state, but it is also more difficult than the soul state .

Memory and consciousness are located in different parts of the brain in the three-dimensional material state of human beings and high-level elves . It is not necessary to wipe out the consciousness even to destroy the brain, only some careful operations are needed .

In the soul state of life, consciousness is at the core of the soul, but memory is everywhere in the body, and every soul contains memory .

In the belief state, consciousness and memory are inseparable, and every trace of faith force that constitutes the body has memory and consciousness .

If you have memory, you must have consciousness . That is to say, if you want to erase consciousness, you must erase memory .

After erasing the memory and consciousness, the body of belief loses its “self”, loses its uniqueness and collapses into the power of common belief .

At the beginning, Yat regarded modu as a being who had reached level 4 . When he controlled the force of doom to pour into his body and was ready to clear most of his memory and consciousness, he found that modu did not reach level 4 .

It’s called “modu” . It’s just a level 3 peak close to level 4 .

However, the body share of moduta’s belief state is almost equal to the soul, that is, the difference between 50% and 45% .

Now, there are only half or more dark blue soul parts left in modu’s body, and the power of faith, the light gold power, is gradually collapsing and losing the shape of the body because of the loss of consciousness and memory .

However, if you want to recover, you can’t do it .

the way to transform the soul state into the belief state is to

in the process of combining the power of belief with one’s own soul, we should implant memory and self-consciousness into the force of belief, and form the memory and consciousness consistent with the soul state and body .

Moreover, because of the uniqueness of the power of faith, it is better to use the power of belief derived from one’s own soul to construct the body of belief state, because it is derived from the same source and has the highest degree of agreement .

It is not impossible to use the power of belief derived from others, but the degree of fit will be greatly reduced, and the degree of fit will be reduced, and the difficulty of construction will be increased .


Once the belief body breaks down, it can only be replanted .

And now . . .

art can’t do it now .

That wonderful sense of empathy, the ability to control the doom of the world, has disappeared .

He couldn’t find that feeling, the feeling of raising the angle of view, the feeling of emptiness and ethereal, had disappeared .

Art knows that the sense of existence is a higher level of feeling than the rule level .

Even the core of the system could not defy his will .

The feeling of absolute control, for him, was a novel experience .

He didn’t know why he was in that state, and that state lasted a short time .

Crow commander . . .

it was an instinctive feeling, and after entering that state, he subconsciously used the skill of transforming into a crow commander .

It’s not to be a crow leader, but an instinct to “turn back to crow . ” .

It seems that art is a crow in itself .

A crow made up of the force of bad luck .

After this state has been maintained for a period of time, he can feel that he can’t support himself —

as if he was seriously injured and fell to the current state, and that state is the reflection of the light . . .

No, no, it’s not the word, it doesn’t mean it .

Should it be called . . . Temporary recovery?

At the end of this state, art can feel that he has become much weaker, and the force of doom that constitutes his noumenon is reduced by nearly a third .

It seems that the force was used when the injury was weak, resulting in the injury getting worse .

That’s why he ended the situation in time .

Otherwise, he may fall into a long sleep . . .

deep sleep?

The word “deep sleep” comes out of Yat’s mind, which makes him more conjecture –

is there any connection between this and the things he has traversed?

However, these things should be put aside . What he needs to do now is to take control of Mordo’s body . After that, it is very simple that there is no one in the world who can stop him . If he wants to recover, he can wipe out all the bad luck of the whole world and swallow it into his stomach . The doom of the whole world, which could have been controlled, has now returned to its original place . If one can observe the track of doom, it can be found that countless dark doom gush out of the rule corridor and return to their original position .

The core of the system has also been released from the state just now and has taken back the chain of doom that blocks the world .

What Yat can control now is only two-thirds of the force of doom left in his body .

Cautiously, Yat gathered together the forces of faith that Mordor had broken out – the forces of faith, and when he had the power, he would refill him with them .


Now, what art needs to do is to familiarize the memory of maudo’s soul – the consciousness of the soul has been shattered and erased .

The body of art, the whirlpool of black doom, which is similar to the crow’s posture, is surging, once again seeping into the stagnant soul body of modu .

. . .

his original name was Li modu . He came from the earth world and China in the 21st century . . . .

one day, while watching the movie “where are the magical creatures 2” in his dormitory, he was thinking about how to make use of the living expenses he had saved and gain advantages in the price reduction war between G Pang and the world of Harry Potter because he knocked over the water cup 。

Later, it was learned that it was a copy of the Harry Potter World by a creator in the “gamers” organization, but Li modu did not know at that time .

Relying on the advantage of being familiar with the plot, limudu takes “modo” as the name, and gains various advantages in the copied Harry Potter World .

He followed Harry Potter, NTR took Harry, played with Ginny, and crossed a few boats . He shot many beautiful female characters, such as Hermione and Luna . It can be said that he is a self-propelled pile driver .

Without affecting the plot, modu got a lot of good things and learned a lot of magic charms through the advantage of mental strength several times stronger than others .

He avoided the war between Voldemort and Harry Potter, went to other places to hide and not participate in it . He didn’t care how many female characters he had sex with died – he just wanted to have a good time .

It was because of this move that he was not noticed by the creator who copied the world – he did not interfere with the normal operation of fate and bad luck .

Later, after Voldemort and Harry Potter duel, and Voldemort was killed, he became the Minister of the Ministry of magic through various means, and became a legend with absolute power and power .

And it was at this time that the creator of that world discovered him and crushed him with absolute power, because he interfered in the operation of fate and doom .

Later, when searching for his memory, he found that he was also from earth . The creator led him to join the game player and become a member of the faction of that person .

After that, the so-called “master of the game” is similar to the organization of the game .

Help the world to complete the destiny track, while the creator of that world gains the power of destiny, it also gets some rewards .

In this way, he has spent nearly 1400 years in the world of different time flow rates, and has grown to the peak of multiple secondary level .

Then, the leader of his original faction, the creator who copied the world of Harry Potter, controlled the world by another organization, the magic palaces, organizations like the main temple and nightmare space, which are everywhere in the multi world .

Zhumagic palace is an oriental organization, that is, the multi world organization of evil forces in the flow of Xianxia .

The world was destroyed by the attack of this group of demon cultivators, and the original leader of modu’s faction also died in this attack .

At this time, the bold Mordo took the opportunity to take away a large piece of Harry Potter World plane fragment, which contains a lot of Harry Potter World rules .

After that, he tried his best to find all kinds of pieces of plane cornerstone, including the land of Valoran, the continent of Arad, as well as some small pieces of replica plane of the world of the Lord of the rings, and then melted them together to establish the world of magic .

This is the reason why the world makes Yat feel serious . The rules are not perfect, even conflicts .

This world, which is similar to the Harry Potter World, has brought great benefits to Mordo . As the creator, he transformed from three-dimensional material life to soul life at a very fast speed in the next two thousand years, and then reached the point of soul belief dual form life .

Mo Du, who regards this world as the cornerstone of his growth, is constantly repairing and perfecting the rules of the world . He even tried to build parallel planes two or three times to construct a multi plane world .

It just didn’t work out .

In the process of constructing the body of belief state, Mordo also used ingenious means very cleverly . He kept the main memory in the soul through the thinking mode of soul segmentation, and filled a large number of memory fragments about his personality self constitution in the belief body——In this way, the consistency of his body self and soul self is quite high . His solution is to copy the other memories in his soul to the belief body when he completely constructs the belief body in the future .

Although this will lead to the later memory is not clear, but this practice makes him in the construction of the belief body, the difficulty is greatly reduced .

After a general review, Yat does not miss the details of Mordo’s various memories in the form of browsing –

many of the memories in his belief body have been lost . Yat needs to know all of Mordo’s memories . Whether he infers or pretends to be stupid, he must avoid exposing his horse’s feet .

the more things he knows, he will understand The more you need to get in touch with the game player organization .

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