Night Crow Master Chapter 362


Chapter 362: 362

Modu, the creator of the magic world and the will of the world, left after searching .

He didn’t think much about the spectacle girl who was killed by him .

The existence of demons and demons is notorious in the pluralistic world, although it is sometimes more difficult to deal with than the other virtual creatures that are prone to tens of millions of large-scale invasions .

After discovering the arrogance and original sin power of the bespectacle girl, he immediately started to destroy – with the power of faith .

Although he is the creator of the world, his actual level is only three levels of peak, four levels of the front foot, can take the hand of faith level strength is only the power of faith .

Material level power – mechanical energy, radiation energy (light and electromagnetic wave), electric energy (positive and negative electric potential energy), material energy (positive and negative material potential energy), etc .

soul level power – Magic, spiritual power, soul power, negative energy, shadow power, attribute elements, emotional force, etc .

belief level power – the power of mind, desire, original sin and belief The power of order, the force of chaos, the force of destiny, and the luck and doom derived from it are the rule level forces . However, any force of soul level, belief level and material level can become rules, and the rule level power is essentially the promotion of the original power .

Among the forces at the rule level, the force of destiny only exists in the level of rules, and its attribute is similar to that of order . Even in the multi world, for a period of time, the force of destiny is divided under the order .

But later, because the power of fate was too large, it was divided separately .

The luck and misfortune derived from it also belong to the rule power .

However, there is a very special feature –

whether it is the force of fate, luck or bad luck, if you want to control them, you need to rely on rules . Where there are no rules, they are uncontrollable – disordered, unstable and quite unstable .

Only in the place where the rules remain, will the force of destiny, fortune and doom appear to be more compliant, and even if they are less than the level of rules, they can be manipulated by the existence of stable rules .


It is also because of this feature that the creators of many worlds use these three unique rules as tools through rules .

Outside the world, because it is difficult to control and store, few people regard them as their main strength . Even if they are the foundation of their bodies, they will try their best to avoid leaving the world and entering the void without rules .

As the existence of the multi-level three-level summit and the creator of the magic world, modu’s advanced form is a transmutation promotion, and he is already a soul belief dual form life .

His own power includes soul level magic power, spiritual power and belief level creative belief power obtained from creator identity .

In the world of magic, the power of his magic and faith is almost infinite .

The power of arrogant original sin belongs to the belief level . It is impossible to destroy it with magic or spiritual force . If you want to destroy it, you need to use the power of belief level .

The power of mind is the belief level version of spiritual power, and the original sin of desire is actually the evil version born out of the power of mind . However, modu himself has not completed the road of promoting belief level creatures and has no complete spiritual power .

All he can use is the power of faith .

The arrogant power of original sin created by art is not so much the power of original sin as the power of desire, which belongs to the soul level . However, it contains a trace of the power of original sin at the level of belief . Under the high degree of agreement, the power of original sin is expanded by the glasses girl . In order to avoid the unexpected, Mo Du directly uses the power of faith to attack, which has transformed more than half of the “posture” The glasses girl who is close to the arrogant devil is wiped out directly .

After solving the problem of glasses girl, modo went back to the track left by the sickle again . After confirming that the energy causing the trace was magic, he left and went back to the rule corridor .


At the same time, as the creator, he began to search for traces of the devil all over the world .

It doesn’t matter if you don’t search . This search scared him .

The subject is soul level and mixed with a trace of faith level desire, sin 1, jealousy, gluttony, lust, rage, laziness and greed .

There are also soul level emotional power: fear, pain, etc .

the experimental objects infected by the original sin of desire and the power of emotion are still acting in accordance with their instincts without fear, and they are not like the crow servants to restrain their strength and hide them .

These unrestrained squandering of instincts were directly discovered by Mordo .

He has discovered various kinds of emotional forces and the power of desire and original sin in the whole area of fazhou and the edge of several areas adjacent to it .

“Damn it! When did the devil invade here

Without any hesitation, Mordo manipulates the power of faith in the world and sweeps the infected existence . Feeling all kinds of experiments infected by desire, original sin and emotion are wiped out one by one, and at the same time, Yat can’t help but feel happy . Fortunately, he stops the crow’s servants and reinforces them .

However, there are still about 200 crow servants, because they are too close to those experimental objects, among which the original sin experiment or emotional force experiment is not many crows, but they are obliterated by modu .

In addition, the other crow minions who have incorporated the power of desire, original sin or emotion, have not been found .

At this result, art can’t help but clench his fist .

No doubt, in order to explore the path of original sin, Yat made a mistake in the world to conduct original sin experiments, spread chaos and cause damage, but . . .

this does not mean that Yat is willing to accept the result .

Two hundred crow servants . Although he did not name any of them, there was no doubt that these crow servants were his subordinates .

He only helps relatives, not people .

At the moment of making this judgment, art did not realize that his noumenon, that dark and unknown doom, seemed to have untied some shackles and become more active, and what changes had taken place in the core of the system .

A desire to destroy and spread disaster emerges from the bottom of art’s heart .

When Mordo had cleaned up most of the experimental objects he had made, Yat felt the change, and without hesitation, he chose to accept the desire –

buzz –

return to modo in the rule corridor . Before he had time to rest, he was surprised to find that a piece of black appeared on the slate of destiny .

“Bad luck!”

Mordo looked at the black mark on the slate of fate with some disbelief .

When modu intends to leave the rule corridor again and check the situation in the world, he is surprised to find that the fate of the slate, the fate of the whole world, are riots .

Bad luck is constantly expanding, boiling, rampant, seems to be affected by some emotions .

In each creation, there is an abnormality in the bad luck that is in peace with the Qi .

They seem to be alive in general, vaguely condensed into the shape of a crow, into a black, ominous crow .

Open the beak of the bird, and the bad luck starts to bite and swallow the Qi around him .

Mo Du’s eyes widened . On the stone slab of fate, the white and black bad luck, which originally occupied half of each other, are now in the ascendant of the black, and form the shape of a crow .

The black crow, which was formed by bad luck, opened his eyes and looked at modu . His eyes were full of hostility!


“What happened?”

Mordo is still a little confused, but he can feel that half of the world’s fortune as a creator is out of his control .

Bad luck, out of control .

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