Night Crow Master Chapter 361


Chapter 361: 361

On the other hand, seeing the glasses girl directly infected by the power of arrogance and original sin, and changing from human to devil at a very fast speed, Yat realized that it was not good . Without any hesitation, he immediately let the crow servant leave the original place, and converged the contract line to the extreme .

If the world’s will is strong enough to be able to find the line of contract like the will of glory, it would be terrible .

Rong Guang’s will was seriously injured and weak, and because of his fear of his own identity, he didn’t start . But if the world will of this world is a cold headed youth, he will be beaten up recklessly and killed . It will be over .

Taking the worst case as the first consideration, Yat entered a state of alert without much thought . The noumenon hidden in Walker’s soul was folded up .

However, it was at this time that he found that the system had no response to his own actions, and there was no hidden meaning, just like . . . The world will to judge the world could not find Yat .

After a little meditation, Yat controls the noumenon, and the black thread of doom tries to wrap around the core of the system to penetrate .

He is familiar with many operations, but there is no accident . The prompt appears again:

[the host level is too low, the permission is insufficient, the operation is refused]

sure enough .

For the first time, when he was promoted to lv10 and acquired Apocalypse ability from the rules of glory world, the system covered his actions and gave him the opportunity to contact the core of the system .

The second time, the system took the initiative to kill lenter, so that he could once again contact the core of the system to obtain information .

After that, no matter how many times I tried, I couldn’t get the information .

It’s a pity .

However, it is also certain that the world will of the world is not enough for the system to be fully prepared, resulting in internal loopholes .


Att didn’t take over the thoughts of the crow minions through the Raven mage’s ability or coax the Raven minions through shared vision .

He just ordered the crow minions to record everything they saw, and he limited the noumenon to the limit and hid in Walker’s body .

A tiny, huge will swept over the dense forest, over him and Anna, Cronus and others, on the mark of creation on his body, and then moved away without stopping .

Then, at can feel that after this will shift, he pauses for a moment on the marks left by the scythe, and then moves quickly towards the position of the glasses girl .

Then, accompanied by an imperceptible strong fluctuation –

that is, the intensity that Yate can feel, the power has at least three levels of diversity .

But it is difficult to detect that no one can find out that Anna and kronsu around him are totally unaware of anything except him .

Maintaining the guise of an ongoing investigation, ATT thought that the attack seemed to be an attack by the world itself .

The form of attack is . . . Similar to the attack in the form of soul, and with the power of belief .

This level should be . . . Multi level three is close to multiple level Four .

Cautiously, Yat conceals and judges with the perceptual features .

The creation of this world may be able to perceive more or less soul attacks, but the power of belief at a higher level is not something that can be perceived by creatures at the level of three material soul dual form life .

In other words, there is a special kind of existence in the dual forms of soul and belief, that is, the conjurer .

Good believers who are devout before death will be brought to their respective kingdom of God by God’s envoy for rebirth and eternity in the kingdom of God .

The conjurer is similar to the one who goes to heaven after death . But they can’t generally leave the place that God has prescribed . After the death of their God, they will die forever, or become the supplicant of other gods who killed their gods .


Those who wish to merge still have the obligation to defend their own gods, even to participate in God wars .

This kind of special existence transformed by gods has strong and weak strength . After the death of the body, some believers can continue to provide the power of faith, and the incomplete soul will enter the kingdom of God and be transformed into a prayer by God .

The strength of only multiple zero level pray for merger is not without .

Obviously, the will of the world is certainly not the product of the forced transformation of the merger, but a true and false existence, which achieves multiple four levels through the form of transformation or similar transformation .

What’s more, the most important thing is that as the creator of this world, he has almost unlimited power in this world before the world’s power is exhausted .

Even if there is a multi-level five level existence, there is a class gap with the multi-level four strong, but not necessarily in this multi-level four-level creator’s world to get any benefits .

This is the difference between the lone and the creator . Is it about four levels of pluralism . . .

Yat thought silently .

Regardless of the system’s release, the Yat of lv21 level can produce the power of three levels through metamorphosis · crow command, which is about lv32-lv35 .

with 2000 crows, they can play the power close to lv40, but they are close to each other and can’t reach it .

No, the level of the crow minions is not enough . Not to mention the 2000 lv30, even the 2000 lv20 crow minions can start to deal with the high rank . Unfortunately, the crow minions he has produced in this world is only lv15 .

In high-level combat, it can only provide him with computing power . . .

No, it should be said that lv15 can provide him with computing power .

It doesn’t necessarily work to use the ability of master crow to shoot cold artillery nearby – it’s OK to deal with enemies of individual size . Although the firmware is only lv15, the power released by crow’s servants is the same as that of him through the skill of master crow .

The pistol can shoot missiles .

Two thousand crow servants, if they only attack, are two thousand ATTS .

However, the problem is that the goal of confrontation is a world, not an individual

his original advantage is that the blue bar and blood bar are thick, but with the support of the world itself, not to mention the blood bar, the blue bar of world will is much thicker than him .

If you expose the crow servants to each other, you lose the advantage .

In particular, the passive skill of “metamorphosis · crow commander” is to improve its own attributes according to the number of crow servants .

If the crow’s minions die too much, their strength will be reduced .

In general, the number of firepower increased, but more advantages were lost .

The crow minions are not allowed to participate in the war, reducing the number of firepower, but can ensure that the strength does not decline .

But after thinking about it, the result is the same – we can’t confront the will of the world, and our strength is not enough .

However, from another point of view . . .

as long as it is not exposed, he can subvert the world .

“Wait a minute . . . Am I really a villain?”

Feeling that the bespectacled girl, who was eroded into a devil by the arrogance of the original sin, was smashed to pieces by the will of the world . After that, Yat could not help saying to herself .

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