Night Crow Master Chapter 360


Chapter 360: 360

Magic world, rules corridor .

A man in a gray robe, dressed like a magician, floats in a regular cloister .

In this space, the lines of strange rules, which are difficult to understand by lower level creatures, are parallel and interlaced in this space .

This seemingly contradictory description exists in this space .

This man in grey robe is the will of the world and the creator of the world .

At this moment, he was looking at the lines of the rules with dignity .

“Alas . . . His strength is less than level 7, and he can’t understand the essence of the rules . . . ”

he scratched his head impatiently . The dense lines of rules were not created by him, and the world itself was just a piece together .

Think back to several common ways of promotion in the multiverse .

One is to retain the physical form of conventional material life ascension .

One is the evolution of life which is similar to molting .

Multi level zero – three dimensional material life .

The “spirit” is generated through biological current, and the spirit converges into soul, which is promoted to multiple levels .

Multi level one – life with two forms of three-dimensional material and soul or life with a single weak soul form

1 . The conventional way to promote multiple level two is to forcibly superimpose self matter – condense the body, soul, shadow and all kinds of energy into particles to form a four-dimensional empty shell, and forcibly raise one’s own dimension and promote four-dimensional .

2 . The way of transformation and evolution to three levels is to completely break away from the three-dimensional physical body and transform its essence from matter into a state of soul or soul like state .

Multiple two levels – four dimensional material soul dual form life or single soul form life .

1 . The conventional way to promote the multi-level three is to fill in the four-dimensional material, which will be completed as the entity of the four-dimensional life .

2 . The way to upgrade to the fourth level is to absorb the existence of various kinds of soul forms, strengthen and supplement their own soul, so as to make their own soul complete .

Multiple three levels — complete four dimensional material soul dual form life or perfect soul form creature

1 . Conventional promotion of multiple level Four: filling in four-dimensional material, integrating soul and four-dimensional body, combining spirit and flesh, becoming fusion life, or abandoning soul to become complete material form life, without soul, only body, becoming pure material form life Life .

2 . Transmutation and evolution: through the soul, the power of belief that belongs to itself is derived from the soul, and new belief power is continuously derived . After reaching a certain scale, it becomes a dual form life of belief and soul .


Multiple four levels: pure four dimensional material form, four dimensional material form of unity of spirit and flesh, and belief soul dual form life .

1 . Pure material promotion: elevate one’s own dimension, construct five dimensional empty shell, and complete it .

2 . Conventional level 5: derived from the power of belief, at the same time to build a five dimensional empty shell lifting and fusion action, and become a pseudo five dimensional and semi faith life .

3 . Transmutation evolution: to complete the power of belief, to reach the state of perfection, to abandon the soul and body, to transform into a complete belief creature .

Multiple five levels: five dimensional empty shell life, pseudo five dimensional belief dual form life and belief biology .

1 . Pure material promotion: complete your own material and build a six dimensional empty shell .

2 . Conventional level 5: to complete the power of faith and build a five dimensional shell, and then merge to become a five dimensional matter semi faith state of life .

3 . Transformation and evolution: try to contact with rules, and cast a kind of rule force from the power of their own belief or the belief of other creatures, and become the dual form life of belief and rule .

Multiple six levels: six dimensional empty shell life, five dimensional material belief dual form life, belief rule dual form life .

1 . Pure material promotion: complete your own material and build a seven dimensional empty shell .

2 . Conventional level 5: build six dimensional empty shell, melt and cast the force based on the rules of matter, and then fuse to become a pseudo six dimensional matter semi regular fusion life .

3 . Transmutation and evolution: casting a complete force of rules, promoted to rule life .

Multiple seven levels – seven dimensional empty shell life, six dimensional empty shell semi regular fusion life and single regular life .

1 . Pure material promotion: complete your own material and build an eight dimensional empty shell .

2 . Conventional level 5: the power to complete the material, build the seven dimensional empty shell, and melt the complete material, and then merge to become the pseudo seven dimensional matter single rule fusion life .

3 . Transmutation evolution: melting multiple rules to form a class of rules .

the grey robed man recalled his way of promotion and then thought about his own capital:

“now my strength is only close to level 4 . Although it is said that the material as the foundation of everything can accommodate anything, it is only that . ”

He built his own world by fusing the world cornerstones he bought from others in the organization .


However, there are many loopholes in his world, which is fundamentally different from the world in which the material is shaped and the framework of rules is constructed by itself . Although he was very smart, carefully and shrewdly selected various world cornerstones which are easy to integrate as the fusion materials to build the world, but the world fused in this way has its own rules, which make it difficult for him as a creator to manage .

He’s a member of a diverse world, an organization called gamers .

Although it can’t compare with the powerful organizations such as the old-fashioned god space and nightmare space, most of the game players are from the earth and have a natural affinity . Under the support of the pillars of “game players”, they have no small influence .

As one of them, a crossing age of only 4000 years, he has reached the strength of multivariate level 3 and level 4, and the identity of Creator is still very fast, which can be regarded as the level of middle and upper reaches among his peers .

“The cornerstone of the Harry Potter World, the world of heroic alliance, the world of poisonous milk powder, and the cornerstone of several other worlds . . . ”

he touched his chin . At first, the world he traversed was a logistics world created by players copying the Harry Potter World framework . Later, he grew up there, and then he joined the game player organization through trial .

Harry Potter’s world cornerstone is closely related to his future road . When building the logistics world, he bought a cornerstone of Harry Potter’s world, and bought some broken small world cornerstone for integration .

At first it was very good .

But . . .

I don’t know why, he always feels that there are some abnormal conditions in his world .

But when he checked, he couldn’t find the reason .

Luck and misfortune are constantly losing . . .

the creator of the grey robe looked at the fate slate with a frown: “is there any bug in the setting of the destiny slate?”

As for the other possibility, some intruders stole the luck and bad luck, he also thought about it .


Luck and misfortune are high-level things, but almost every world has them . Why come to his world to steal good fortune and bad luck? These things are only useful for cultivating the power of creation to harvest destiny . . .

“is someone going to follow the path of God of luck or God of Doom?”

Located in the game player organization, he has a broad vision, and soon thought of some things .

But . . . It’s not worth it .

What’s the use of these two things?

Almost every world has these two kinds of things . They are not cheap goods, but their storage costs are too high, and it is not difficult for powerful people to obtain them . Generally speaking, the profits are too low . Even all kinds of businessmen are not willing to waste their time in purchasing .

The big profiteer’s earthen pot in the game player’s organization will not have the idea of stealing Qi and bad luck .

Moreover, he has checked the slate records several times and found nothing unusual .

The death of creation in his world is all killed by another creation, and there is no abnormal death at all .

He also did not see any creation’s luck and doom being swept away and disappeared . The death mark of every creature was confirmed to be normal . It looked more like a drain, like a leak .

This makes him wonder if there is a bug in setting the slate of destiny, which leads to this situation .

The only time that an abnormal death occurred was caused by the traverser from the wizarding world, but she was . . .

not to mention other things, the strength of the woman named “jelliana” was quite strong, even compared with his creator .

But . . .

this is the world he controls, and this woman can’t make waves at all .

He also often went to see what the woman was doing . Except for all kinds of attempts to return to the original world, but he stopped them every time, he did not find any means to reap the fate of her fate . . .

originally, he wanted to wait for her to become stronger and use this woman as an anchor point to explore the wizarding world in reverse .

If the level is not high, invade it, if it is high, sell it to others in the organization .

Now it seems that . . .

in any case, step up the surveillance of that woman .

Mo Du, the creator of the grey robe of the magic world, made a decision in his heart .

But, just at this moment, he was stunned .

This evil smell . . . Is the devil!?

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