Night Crow Master Chapter 358


Chapter 358: 358

In the forest beside Mashan pasture, the rows of trees were cut off because of the one hundred meter long sickle .

All kinds of animals hiding in the forest and magical creatures fleeing into the forest due to the poor treatment of the pasture are more or less injured, and some of the black mages who are searching for the legendary sleeping valley near the forest are also injured .

Dozens of meters away from the mark of the scythe, a group of black magicians from the tombstone gathered together . One of them held his fist and was on guard nearby . He was ready to recite the magic spell, make gestures and launch magic .

Other people, except two are intact, the rest of the body are stained with blood, more or less with injuries, light fractures, abrasions .

There were also penetrating injuries that looked frightening, with broken hands, legs cut off, and a branch on the chest, as if on a horror movie set .

“What curse is this?”

The black mage, who was clenched and alert, whispered to himself, then turned to look at the others:

“where’s Heku

He asked where the leader of the operation was .

Those who were still active were using the healing mantra to restore the others . One of them shook his head and replied:

“I don’t know . I haven’t seen Heku since just now . ”

Another person raised his arm that had just been repaired:

“I found that Heku was missing, so I went to look for it, but I couldn’t find it everywhere . Maybe it was . . . I left directly? Or what did you find? ”

“It’s impossible to leave . He’s the leader this time . ”

The speaker was a bald man . At this time, under the spell of another man, a temporary bandage floated from the air to his leg, wrapping his thigh, and there was a faint trace of blood seeping out .


“Fast healing –”

looking at the wound that broke again, the man frowned, moved his finger, and used a healing mantra .

The faint green light twined around his thigh again .

“It seems that Heku has found something . It’s far away from us . ”

The black mage, who was on guard, whispered, “you have to contact him as soon as possible . ”

They didn’t think about the fact that Heku was dead . Heku was the strongest person in their operation, and his strength was comparable to the members of the magic Council .

Creatures with social attributes always like to make some classes to reflect their identity .

The bottom is naturally Muggles, Muggles that don’t have any magic .

Then there are the apprentice magicians – the students in the magic school .

Third from the bottom is the official magician, a fresh graduate from the school of magic .

The fourth is the elite magicians – Auror (magician soldiers) and teachers of magic schools as the scale .

The third is the councillor level Magician – slightly better than Auror, professors of various magic schools, members of the magic Council .

The second is the elder Magician – stronger than the councillor, but weaker than the speaker, the patriarch of seven pure blood families and so on .

The first is the speaker level – the legendary president of hogmot, amberlier, the speaker of the magic Council .

Although there is no clear level division on the surface, an apprentice wizard may kill an Auror, but black mages often use the white magicians as their benchmark of strength – or, in other words, XX is stronger than XX in white mages, or XX is weaker than XX in white mages .

XX was killed by XX!?

XX was defeated by XX!?

Both the white mage and the black mage can be used .

Ironically, although the white mages don’t look up to this set of usage, they also use it as a benchmark to judge their strength .


Most of these tombstone black mages who come to the forest are elites, while Heku is a member of Parliament . Naturally, he is the leader . His strength is beyond doubt .

If they want to beat hekku head-on, all of them can do it together, but no one can do it separately .

In the hearts of all, it was impossible for Heku to be killed without any news .

They didn’t think that way at all .

“Guto, what should we do now? Hekku, he’s not here now

The others cast their eyes on the bald man .

In the absence of hekku, the strongest and most qualified, he became a temporary leader .

When people cast their eyes on him, the feeling of rising status made him very comfortable, and his faint pain was ignored in the past .

“Let’s do it for the time being . Now we have a lot of losses . What’s more, such a big move will attract other people . Mage Bai will soon know about this . . . ”

the bald man hesitated for a moment”We retreat first, avoid the white mage, and pass the message to the higher level . We may have met the headless knight . ”

Looking at dozens of meters away, that nearly 100 meters long narrow gully, Rao is his physique, also can not help but take some cold sweat .

The fear of another such attack was also his concern .

He didn’t want to die here, because he had a Horcrux and was not afraid to die . He had seen many black mages who were crazy at last .

Guto himself didn’t want to be part of it .

After looking at each other for more than ten seconds, the others nodded and agreed .

On the treetop in the forest, a pair of crow eyes looked coldly at this group of “Backpackers” supporting each other and leaving the forest .

. . .

at the edge of Mashan ranch, Yat is standing next to a herbivore that is completely infected by a glutton, and is gnawing at the same species of herbivores .

He looked into the direction of the forest with a faint smile in his mouth .

Then, suddenly, an idea came to his mind –

if he diffused all kinds of original sin and emotional forces, let those black mages on the tombstone serve as carriers?

So far, what he has done now is to constantly search for luck and misfortune to upgrade and cultivate the original sin crows . However, he has not been able to find the most crucial trace of the will of the world .

He still doesn’t know how strong the will of the world is .

This is still unknown .

It is precisely because of this situation that he does not dare to try to spy on the fate slate through the power of the agent .

Looking at the crow mage who is about to rise to level 22, and the Dark Wizard experience slot that is about to rise to level 21, art squints .

He needs to speed up the harvest . When he reaches level 25 and makes a core breakthrough, he immediately takes action to test the strength of the will of the world .

Methods . . .

it is a good choice to cause chaos through the power of original sin .

First, you can throw the pot on the devil, and you are not in danger .

Secondly, the large-scale diffusion of the original sin of desire and the power of emotion is beneficial to the study of his path of desire and emotion .

Thirdly, to cause chaos and chaos is an action in line with the road of doom and disaster . If the means are appropriate, it will be of great benefit to him .

Maybe you can reap a strong wave of bad luck .

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