Night Crow Master Chapter 355


Chapter 355: 355


Colina yelled, then drew out her wand and waved it at Anna .

“Water like spring . . . ”

“eliminate sound!”

As soon as she waved the spell, a silent mantra flew out of marlenford’s wand, hitting Corina and stopping her incantation chant .

In an instant, the magic of the gathering dissipated and did not interfere with the surrounding water .

“Damn it!”

Collina cried out in silence . After reading “water like a spring”, she suddenly found that her voice had disappeared and her wand had not successfully interfered with the magic power .

Although there are silent incantations that can be used without sound, Corina did not learn those incantations . After being silenced, she lost the ability to fight .

She waved her wand, pointed to Anna and others, opened her mouth and swore silently, then ran to the warehouse without looking back .

“I can do it without your help . ” Anna took a look at Marlene Ford and said with a certain displeasure .

“Of course I know that . ” Marlenford didn’t respond to Anna’s slightly impolite tone . After shrugging her shoulders, she murmured that it would be miserable for you to do it .

If that’s right, the action she just waved her wand should be the first section of the blade curse .

At this time, Yat, who had been watching the whole battle in soy sauce, came to Moff, stepped on his head with his foot, and then asked Anna with a smile:

“do you want to abolish him? The kind that makes him lose his status as a magician . ”

Anna is still a little happy when she looks at art trampling Moff’s head with her feet, but what Yat says makes her stunned:

“no, no more . ”

“Is it?”

Art took his foot off Moff’s head and said nothing more .


Accustomed to Rongguang world’s ruthless and resolute action of eradicating the roots, when Yat meets the enemy, the first thing he thinks of is either to completely control or to kill directly .

Kronsu raised his glasses and looked at ATT, which was quite correct when he was treating the black wizard .

As a member of the Gandalf family, it is quite in line with their values to “strike hard at the enemy” .

But . . .

kronsu looked down at Moff Mashan, who fell to the ground . He should not be considered a black wizard .

In this way, it would be a crime to make a magician lose the ability to use a magic spell . . .

again, he held up his glasses and said to Yat earnestly:

“if you abolish him, you will be counted as a crime . ”

“I know . ” Art grinned, and a common feature of the jarot family, the slightly longer canine teeth, revealed, “isn’t that humorous enough?”

Marlene Ford, who was behind him, laughed twice, bent down and put Crusoe’s neck around him from behind:

“Susu Susu can’t understand cold jokes . ”

After dozens of seconds of their chatter, Yat turned around, took a few steps, and returned to domier: “it’s up to you . ”

At the moment of his voice, malenfeld didn’t understand what was going on, but Cronus had already pulled out his wand, which looked like a giant sword, and took a step forward and waved it with a huge force that was not fit for his body:

“iron armor!”

Magic gathered into an invisible barrier, gathered in front of him, blocked the three magic spells, and reflected back nearly 20% of its power .

“The water is like a spring!”

Daili, the leader, waved her wand, and the surging water blocked the three reflected incantations .


Then she stood a hundred meters away from Anna .

In addition to the three who were still in the warehouse, the other four, as well as Corina, who had been lifted from the silence curse, stopped following her .

“Sword wand? Are you from the gandalfs? ”

Daley narrowed her eyes and looked at Cronus waving the metal wand as the leader of the team .

“Yes . ”

Kronsu stood up straight, put down his sword wand, then habitually lifted his glasses and asked:

“you are students of Nereids School of magic, aren’t you? Do you have permission to use wands off campus? ”

On hearing what he said, before Daly answered, Corina beside her yelled:

“you attacked Moff!!! You black magicians

“Shut up, watch! Eliminate the sound

Hearing her words, Anna raised her hand is a silent mantra thrown out, but by Daley’s side of another person using a defensive charm to block down .

Marlene Ford came out and frowned at Corina:

“your brother stopped us and used it on us . . . “”Black mage!” Clara shrieked, raising her wand and waving at Anna, “the fire explodes!”

An orange ball flew out of her wand and shot this way .

“Anti -”

kronsu will raise his sword wand to defend .

However, three invisible blades flying from behind him hit the fireball that can cause explosion, breaking the round game .


The one who did it was Damier .

The crowd watched her move at a very fast speed, and even did not hear her recite the magic spell, they used the sharp blade curse to smash the explosion curse .

Then he used the shape shifting and shadow changing mantra to appear beside the people in the opposite side, and used a winding mantra to tie Colina in place .

Art did not move, just looked at the scene quietly, and then seemed to think of something, also pretended to draw out the wand .

Of course, he knew what was going on . In his perspective, a overflowing emotional force spilled over the body of that Corina Mashan, forming . . . Anger and jealousy .

“There are some omissions . ”

The power of overeating arouses the desire of overeating in the organism, but the desire for overeating is not a separate thing . If it triggers the desire for overeating, other emotions and desires will also have a chain reaction .

There is not much power of gluttony in this woman . Among the magical creatures infected by gluttony, only a small part of it infects Corina .

But the power of overeating is inhibited by the idea of . . . Restraining eating, but it triggers other emotions and desires .

For the inferiority of her own origin, the jealousy of others’ origin, etc .

jealousy, anger, hatred . . .

Yat can feel all kinds of emotions gradually surging in her body .

With a blink of an eye and the gesture of ready to use a wand like others, Yat is thinking about how to deal with this situation .

He needs to separate all kinds of original sin desires and emotions, and let several crow servants evolve separately .

Not together .

Domie can use magic without chanting a magic spell . This speed makes Dali and others who are used to the turn based game fail to respond . They only react after Corina is bound by the fetter curse . However, domie just glances at them and waves the magic wand in her hand .

“Shoot down the wand!”

All five people’s wands were smashed away in an instant .

In order to make these fools understand the situation, domie explained as foolishly as possible:

“she’s infected . ”

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