Night Crow Master Chapter 354


Chapter 354: 354

“Lilola, you first prepare the magic medicine for the treatment of rabies, and have a try . . . ”

the blue haired lady daili nodded and agreed to her action: “do you have enough materials?”

“Enough . ”

The girl named lilola patted the pendant on her chest .

“But –”

“let’s first see if the magic medicine for treating rabies has any effect . ”

Dali interrupts Maino, who wants to say something . Although the situation seems a little bad, there is no substantial confirmation .

Daley is quite aware of the impact of a new type of magical biological disease .

But also, if it is confirmed, these novice magicians who have not yet left the school are not qualified to contact them . Under the crisis of that level, they will only become marginal roles .

Now is a good opportunity to get first-hand information .

No one noticed that the usually gentle and kind fourth grade prefect looked at lilola, who took out the potion material and walked towards the magical creature . A trace of indifference flashed in his eyes .

If it’s a real new epidemic, it’s better .

If not, they can also get enough credit in this operation .

The indifference just flashed by . Looking at lilola as she went on, she raised her voice slightly:

“lilola, you should be careful not to be bitten . ”


The girl lilola answered happily . She was “encouraged”, and she breathed a sigh in her heart, and her self-confidence made her feel more confident .

In front of a magical creature like a combination of pig, rabbit and dog, lilola skillfully takes out one magic medicine material after another .

In order to facilitate, these materials are semi-finished products, only a few less complex operations can be used to make magic potions .

Taking out the wand, lilola raised her hand and pointed to the potion:


“material mixing -”

the simple mental power interfered with the magic power and formed the magic spell .

Other people on the scene also went to other magical creatures, took out wands and materials to make different magic drugs, and tried to find out the symptoms corresponding to the symptoms by exhaustive method .

Everyone, including Daley, has not found that among the magical creatures, a bird with the characteristics of crow is watching their actions with humanized eyes .

. . .

at the gate of Mashan ranch, in front of Yat, cronsou and Anna are looking at Moff who is blocking the gate of the Ranch:

“what do you mean?”

Anna is short, but to compare momentum, in the field, in addition to Damier and Yate, really no one can match this female wolf .

But the character set of Dorian, who is disguised as celiana, has always been reticent and has little interest in anything other than potions and alchemy .

Art has no interest in children and doesn’t come forward .

The two real big guys just stood at the back of the line and watched Anna play freely .

Obviously, Anna, who is a female, has no hesitation for the slightly handsome Moff . She takes out her magic wand and points it to her nose:

“you’d better give me an explanation!”

“It’s really hot . It’s a pity that this character doesn’t match the figure . ”

With her hands behind her head, at Anna’s barren figure, she couldn’t help but curl her mouth .

“Do you want to have sex with your sister?” the left eye, not covered by her long hair, turned her head

Rao is Yat, and he can’t help but be shocked by the cold and powerful speech of “jilianna” . However, after careful consideration, it seems that it is not impossible . Let alone blood relationship or other things, his body is transformed from a crow, and he just replaces the name of his younger brother, and has no blood relationship with Anna .


Even if there is, in this world, in order to maintain the lineage, the magician family intermarries with their relatives . What kind of sibling intermarriage is not new . Twin siblings and siblings all intermarry .

The harmful result of consanguineous marriage is that newborns are prone to problems, but for art, let alone diseases, it is not a matter of changing race . . .

wait a minute, why does he seriously think about this problem? Is

too busy?

Then art stopped thinking about it and turned to look at DeMille with a gentleman’s smile:

“Juliana, you know, Anna, she’s not beautiful, and she’s too poor to be a bed mate . ”

Looking at art’s smile, domie seemed to think of something . She shook her hand and said to Yat seriously:

“if you can give me the right material, I can consider being your bed mate . ”

“No, I refuse . You are in good shape, but your expression is so bad that I don’t think you can show the right expression at the right time . “Art has no interest in toumao . Neither cat ears nor brain tail nor cat’s paws are interested in him . Moreover, “geliana” is not the kind of woman with rich expression .

“Expression? I can think about it — “

the uninhibited conversation between the two made Marlene Ford sigh and admire her face . Cronsou lifted her glasses and still had no facial expression, but the slightly red earlobe showed that this innocent little girl was not so easy to adapt to the topic of adults .

Although Fiona also heard the conversation between them, she was more concerned about Anna’s affairs and did not listen carefully .

Moff Mashan didn’t know what “Walker jerot” and “jerryanna Lavender” were talking about in this situation, but facing them, he also understood that Yat and others who were talking and laughing did not take him seriously .

Think this woman can solve me!?

Moff immediately found a few people in the bad direction to ignore him, preconceived prejudice and inferiority complex, coupled with Anna pointed to the nose, his heart had fire, this was completely ignited .

Angry, he took out his wand and waved it at Anna:

“shoot down the devil -”

“faint to the ground!”

Seeing that Moff took out his wand and recited the magic spell, Anna, who had the experience of dealing with the black mage, did not hesitate to use the sleeping spell and launched an attack first –

with the sound of the spell, a magic power gathered at the top of the wand and hit Moff .

“Bang –”

the lethargy mantra hit Moff’s chest, and his brain was dazzled by the impact of magic . The rest of the mantra was not finished, and the whole person fell to the ground .

Yat, who has turned around because of the steaming anger, sees this scene .

And the same scene was seen by Corina Mashan, who was graciously preparing to entertain the people of Nereids .

PS: it seems that someone in the book review is quite right . I will drive unconsciously when I write articles . . . I have already let myself go . Ha ha ha ha ha, this is the nature of an old driver . I can’t help it_ (:з」∠)_

If the train and car are too explicit to drive, they can only play the edge ball and drive a tricycle www . mylovenovel . com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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