Night Crow Master Chapter 349


Chapter 349: 349

“They are -”

after TOEFL introduced the identities of the two children and art, they looked at the crowd with strange eyes .

Just as the pure blood family is biased against the magicians of Muggle origin, there are also people who are biased against the magicians of the pure blood family .

It’s not hard to be a pure blood family .

After hundreds of years of development, all kinds of harsh conditions have been removed .

The only condition is that both men and women who make up the family are magicians, no matter whether the parents are Muggles or not .

The original disdain chain has evolved into the contempt for the magician family, but as the lowest level of Muggle origin, the magician can’t turn over naturally .

Neither of his parents was a magician, nor was his wife .

His two children, Moff Mashan and Corina Mashan, are not members of the pure blood mage family .

It’s not even the first family to marry a Magua .

His family only has the magical biological ranch inherited from his teacher .

Those pure blood magicians naturally won’t accept this, just regard them as vulgar upstarts .

Their treatment in the magic world is not good .

Therefore, for other magicians, especially those big families, the two brothers and sisters did not have a good impression .

In particular, art and Anna, as members of the jerot family, one of the seven pure blood families, got a slightly hostile look immediately after the introduction of TOEFL .

In the world of glory, if the lower nobles dare to show such eyes to the high nobles . . . They will die, child .

However, the power class gap in this world is not so big, and because of peace, nothing will be killed because of one sentence .

After glancing at the two men, Yat ignored their faces and went straight into the warehouse – not only because it was in Walker’s character, he wasn’t interested in the kids .


It’s better to see what kind of state the experimental subjects are than to watch them .

“Hello! You . . . .

“Moff, you go to the grottoes of the GERT mice in the East . I’m afraid they will run out . ” TOEFL Mashan immediately interrupted him, leaving Moff silent .

After a fierce look at art and Anna, Moff turned his head and left at his father’s command .


Anna, who was glared at, said discontentedly .

“Everyone, please come with me to the warehouse . I don’t know what to do with this kind of thing . The magic Council . . . ”

TOEFL made a ha ha, and shifted the topic to the business . Without waiting for a few people to say anything, he went to the warehouse .

After entering the warehouse, art saw all kinds of magical creatures .

They are listless, excited, manic .

Art feels it carefully . It’s not wrong . It’s the inflated desire to overeat .

The crow servant in charge of this area is . . .

Yat thinks about it for a moment, and then shifts his attention .

. . .

at the edge of the magical creature ranch, a dead bird fluttered down .

Its eyes swept over the magical creatures that had not been infected and eroded by overeating desire, and then touched a feather with its beak . As the spirit surged, it took a black ball out of the crow’s feather .

Then it flapped its wings again and flew to a fat creature on the ground, like a pig or a cat .

An ominous gray light flashed in the crow’s eyes . In the dead bird’s vision, the fuzzy black doom and the fuzzy white air appeared on the magical creature, and then it was inhaled into the mouth .

In a few seconds, most of the invisible luck and bad luck were extracted by it, leaving only a few .


The magical creature on the ground raised its head because it was found to be close to it . Then it was accused that the dead bird had a direct claw . The fur and skin on its back were lifted, and the black ball in its beak was stuffed into the wound of this magical creature .

After being stuffed into the flesh and blood, the black ball immediately dissolves and melts into the flesh and blood .

After doing this, it immediately flies away from its original place, ready to continue to repeat the plan to collect bad luck and cram the glutton seed into the magical organism .

The magical creature on the ground looked warily at the dead bird . After flying away, he was puzzled, but before he could think about it any more, the kind of gluttony that integrated into its body had already started .

If one can observe its soul and spirit, it can be found that a bright red force penetrated into the brain region, and then broke into the spirit and soul area, infecting its spirit and soul with red . The kind of gluttony – through the power extracted from the emotional force generated by overeating desire, it can be infected and induced by Yate’s modulation, which can greatly enhance the appetite of an organism and make the organism itself controlled by the desire to overeat . The disadvantage is that it is easy to damage the brain and spirit .

When the orange cat like creature began to bite the bark and attack other creatures, the flying dead bird slowed down in the air, and the light in the crow’s eyes changed .

“I see . It’s you, little one . ”

The voice of Yat came from the mouth of the dead bird . This little guy, if you remember correctly, is one of the first dead birds he made in the world .

At the time of uttering this sentence, Yat can feel the joy of the dead bird .

It’s like a child who hasn’t seen a father for a long time .

Art couldn’t help sighing .

Crow servants are loyal to him and have feelings for him . No matter whether the feelings come from the brainwashing feelings of crow affinity, there is no doubt about the feelings .

And art . . . The more loyal they are, the more difficult it is for him to treat them as pure tools .

There is also a reason to avoid naming them .

He was not cold-blooded enough to send those little boys who were loyal to him and took him to death .

Although they have not been taught language, their soul and spirit are strong to lv10 level, and their intelligence level is no longer lower than that of human beings . They try to understand art’s words, then they are puzzled and puzzled . Finally, they understand art’s words as “being worried” . At this time, some actions emerge from their hearts Act coquettish to comfort art’s thoughts .

“It’s a little foul, little one . ”

After leaving a line of “pay attention to safety”, Yat generally relieved the occupation of his body and turned his perspective back to his own body .

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