Night Crow Master Chapter 335


Chapter 335: 335

More than a month has passed since the headmaster and the deans discussed the invasion of the black wizard .

Throughout the month, everything has become very stable, even more stable than before .

Hogmott’s students, in the campus and hogmotley found a lot of crows .

Add up, there are nearly three or four hundred .

At this moment, the students are having a flight lesson .

On the huge, open grass, green grass swayed .

Students from various colleges gather on the lawn, holding their flying brooms with a little excitement and talking with their classmates and friends .

Even though they have had several flight lessons, they are excited by each one .

“The flying mantra of the Gana family is the best used among all the magician families, but our family is not bad either . My grandmother was called the witch at that time”

a griffin college female student raised her chest and boasted about her family’s history through the topic of flying mantra .

What won the race by flying broomsticks, what escaped the attack of fazhou flying dragons, what escaped the machine gun fire and missiles of aircraft in the Muggle war, and so on .

Griffin academy is an innovator, but it doesn’t mean that they will prohibit talking about inheriting lineage and family . In fact, lineage and family are inevitable . The older the family accumulates, the better the family knows how to cultivate new blood in their own family .

This is a family heritage . If it is said that “family and lineage have no influence on the achievements of magicians”, it is totally anti intellectualism .

Two magicians have the same talent . One has enough information and the other has no foundation . Regardless of the starting point, the resources they can obtain in their growth and the growth speed is different .

Just like Muggles, a civilian or a rich person, their own wealth is different, and their children can get different resources .

Even if the children of the common people are more gifted, they may not be able to surpass the rich .

However, it is no doubt that the most stupid act is to give up the effort .

If you work hard, the end point is 80, but if you don’t work hard, you can only reach 70, 60, or even 50 or 40 .

What they give up in their comparison is undoubtedly a kind of inferiority complex .

Try to be better for yourself, not for how others do .

And . . . When this civilian child becomes a parent to raise the next generation, as 80 and as 40, they can provide different starting points for the next generation .


The psychology of hating the rich is a very delicate psychology . The inferiority complex produced by comparing oneself with others has turned into jealousy, resentment and even hatred . Most of them will not notice the poorer people than themselves . Even if they do, they will put themselves in the same position with them .

In the past life, there were many people who were clearly middle-class, but regarded themselves as low-income or even non productive class, envied and resented the top-level people .

And if they get rich one day, it doesn’t necessarily go away – they will envy and hate people who are richer than themselves, then ignore the poorer classes and feel that the world is still unfair .

Art doesn’t understand this kind of psychology . What makes them have the illusion that the world is fair?

Fairness is always relative, not absolute .

When he is at the bottom, he feels extremely fair . When he is promoted to another class, he will feel that it is unfair . When he is promoted to the highest level, he will feel that it is absurd and unfair at all .

After all, the butt decides the head .

Back to the magician, rather than hide one’s ears and avoid the topic of family and lineage, it is better to accept it with magnanimity .

The idea of reformists is to “accept the Muggle magician”, rather than the anti intellectualism of “equality theory” .

“All right! children! Now you need to practice spinning and dodging in the air and using magic spells in the air

The professor of flight class is a woman of the Gana family who is not young and looks about 60 years old . Her voice is similar to that of President FRA, with an ethereal feeling .

She raised her wand and pointed to the birds flying in the air:

“the spell you need to use is . . . Clean up!”

“Clean up?”

The students were surprised to ask, cleaning up a new, or cleaning mantra, as the name suggests, is used for cleaning .

Then some people noticed that the birds were dirty .

“Of course, children, our flight class belongs to the basic application department . The main purpose of flight class is to fly . Attack and protect in flight is not something that should be learned in flight class of grade one . You need to be promoted to grade three . Professors of magic protection will teach you . I just want to familiarize you with it in advance . “The flight teacher said in a kind voice .

Hearing this, the students can also accept it .


Then, the flight Professor smiles and looks for him in the crowd, and then stops at Yat and . . . Milia:

“Walker, milaa, I think you’ll be willing to be the first to try it?”

Walker and millea are the two students who master the flying mantra best .

Even the students of the Gana family are just as good as the two of them .

“Of course, Professor Gana, I’d love to . ” Art comes out with his flying broom .

Because of the existence of thinking network, he took over the thinking of crow servants . Even if he was distracted as No . 1 among students, it would not affect his operation in other places .

Miriam also came out and looked at art as if she were looking at her lover with absolute respect .

They straddle the broom together, and then fly up together, acting in unison, with an amazing fit .

“It’s great, milaa and Walker . ”

“What an enviable couple . ”

Among the students, Anna and Fiona hold the broom and look up at the two of them riding the broom together .

Fiona didn’t know why, but she thought it was natural .

Anna is a little confused . Walker’s talent for transfiguration is very strong . Although she was surprised, this kind of thing did not appear in the history of the jerot family, so although shocked, it was still acceptable .

But . . . Flying . . .

Anna took a look at her broom .

Most of the jarot family’s flying mantras are not very good . Many of them have fallen off flying brooms .

Even in the family records, there was an ancestor who wanted to use the flying charm on the second floor of the tavern when he was unsteady and fell to the ground from the window and died .

Later, more and more, the magicians of the jarot family had experienced serious injuries when they fell from high places .

They can be white wolf, physical fitness is stronger than ordinary people, but “easy to fall” is like a curse, all over the body of every generation of jarot family magicians .

They even went to other magician families who were good at cursing and cursing to ask if there was such a hereditary curse .

But it didn’t .

In the end, it can only be attributed to the nature of constitution .

Anna was also taught to be as careful as possible to avoid falling and reduce the action to high places .

Over time, Anna even developed a weak acquired acrophobia .

Watching Walker flying in the air with a broom, Anna couldn’t help but nuzzle her lips:

“I can’t fall you . ”

Although she said that, she was still nervously watching art’s figure, holding her wand, ready to protect him with a levitation charm when he fell .

On Fiona’s shoulder, Angus, the crow, looked at her expression, and a ray of light flashed through her eyes .

And in the air, Yat, the corner of his mouth also raised a smile .

Sure enough, she is a lovely girl . . . Though not beautiful enough .

But it’s a pity that . . . He’s not Walker . . .

however, this does not prevent him from helping Anna and the jarot family as walker, and helping them when they infiltrate and control the magic world .

At the same time, he raised his hand, held his wand and threw a magic spell at some birds:

“clean up . ”

And Miriam Finn, to be exact, should be called – Miriam Finn harpy?

Milea, who has been completely integrated with the flesh and soul of storm harpy and is controlled by the captured crows, has hobby’s flying talent . She controls the flying broom very freely . She flies with Yat at almost the same pace as art . She casts several magic charms and hits the dirty birds to clean their bodies .

Almost all the students, including Griffin college students,

in their eyes, Walker “should belong to the Griffin academy which is brave and free”, which is more and more popular .

This is especially true after the news that Walker wanted to transfer to Griffin college, but was blocked by black bats .

The students of black bat college are mainly male students, and most of them are pretty ugly .

Especially those cheers, and mixed with them, Griffin college students for the black bat ridicule, is to make them angry .

Kids are not like adults . Even adults, there are few who can keep a good temper in this situation . From the perspective of magical creatures, Griffins and black bats have better flying skills than black bats, and they will not compare them with each other .

But from the students’ point of view, the students of the black bat college hated this “traitor of the black bat” .

Even though they were warning, mocking, and scorning walker, a fellow from the jarot family, from the beginning to the end .

Several students of the black bat academy looked at each other, stepped onto the broom and rushed into the sky .

They want to teach this black bat traitor a bitter lesson!

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