Night Crow Master Chapter 328


Chapter 328: 328

Less than ten seconds after buff’s body fell off the platform into a pool of rotten meat, a white smoke appeared on the platform with a figure .

An old man with a white beard wore a wizard’s robe similar to a priest’s robe .

Clement laches .

The dean of the unicorn Academy .

He stood at the edge of the ditch, looking down, frowning .

Another form shifting mantra was used, and Dean Clement’s body appeared at the bottom of the ditch .

“The wand glows . ”

The top of the spiral white wand glows white, illuminating the bottom of the trench .

Nearly a hundred humanoid, gray, yellow, of different ages, are scattered at the bottom of the ditch . In the middle, there is a young boy .

His body fell among the bones, his body was pierced by several bones, and the red blood flowed out .

After art’s Raven phantom leaves BAFF’s body, the transfiguration spell has been lifted .

Clement was what he was .

The old man’s vision swept over the skeleton, and in front of the distorted body’s chest, he saw the unique emblem representing the black bat Academy .

“Black bat . . . ”

his brows wrinkled, and then he used the form shifting mantra again to leave the deep ditch and chase for boff and Walker .

And soon after he left, a black smoke curled up –

it was also the shape shifting mantra, but the user was not a human –

a crow .

One of the crows controlled by art .

Through crow mage, he can make crows use magic spell .

The crow looked at BAFF’s body, opened his mouth and inhaled . Among his corpses, the disappearing bad luck and luck were sucked into the crow’s body .

“It’s gone too fast . ”

In three minutes, less than one twentieth of the time is left .

Without any more pause, the phantom was used separately, and twenty crow phantoms emerged from the crow’s body .

The appearance is just like substance, even if it is touching and attacking, it can’t find out the truth .

After the crow phantom dispersed, it scattered around and searched through various openings .


Then the crow itself, after flying into the ditch, flew towards the entrance of the slope .

In the ramp passage, about two-thirds of the way, Yat controls the crow to stop .

In front of my eyes, on a seemingly normal stone slab, there are subtle magic waves .

This slab has been opened with a magic spell .

“Left and right separated!”

Accompanied by a magic wave, two adjacent stone slabs are separated from each other, like automatic doors .

After that, Yat controls the crow to fly in . After entering, Yat uses the magic spell to close the door .

. . .

inside the passage, a man in the shape of a student, holding a magic wand, was moving slowly .

With every step he took, his figure changed .

When he stops at the end of the passage, the whole person has changed into something else .

This is the fourth person who followed boff, Walker and BAFF .

Students at the black bat Academy .

Or . . . Disguised as a student of the black bat Academy .

A thin man with a dark face, who looked over 40 years old, glanced around with a slightly excited look .

The exit of the passage is a room similar to a warehouse .

The inside is different from the outside . It is not decorated with white stone slabs, but marble .

The room, like the passageway, is covered with dust .

By the light of the magic wand, a piece of broken, dusty spider webs are all over the corner of the wall .

Above the corner, there are a few shriveled spider bodies .

These spiders came in when the passageway was opened, but after being sealed in there, there was no food and they were starved to death .

Those cobwebs are the traps that they try to net .

The skinny man walked to the spider’s body, looked at it carefully and shook his head .

It’s not a magical creature .

Then he glanced around the walls and finally fixed his eyes on one wall on the left .

Walking to the wall, he raised his hand, and the front end of his wand hit the slate .


There was no response .

The thin man tried several times on different stone slabs, and finally felt a subtle sense of block on a stone slab in the corner .

A smile broke out from the corner of his mouth, and the light of his wand and his dry voice came out at the same time:

“the door is open . ”

After a click, the slate was opened to reveal a dark passage . After he walked in, a crow came out of the shadow of the corner and looked at the passage with flashing eyes .

. . .

“that’s cool . ”

Walker followed boff all the way through a series of obstacles until he came to a narrow stone gate .

The simple and ancient stone gate, with its relief and patterns, looks like the architectural style of six or seven hundred years ago .

Walker was so excited by this thrilling experience that the big green haired boy clenched his fist and said to boff:

“are we here? Boff

The whereabouts of the other two companions had been forgotten by him . After the big boy who had betrayed the jarot family and joined the black bat academy, he thought that they had just climbed up the slope and climbed out of the hidden door with difficulty . There was no big deal .

“Of course . ”

Boff turned his head and grinned .

With that, he pushed open the stone gate in front of him very easily, and then walked in, as if the stone gate had not been closed at all .

“Hey! Boff, how did you do it!? I didn’t see you using a spell

As he spoke, he stepped forward and followed .

What appears in his vision is a huge space .

Dozens of meters away, there is a huge, stepped platform, like a half pyramid .

And in the center of the staircase, floating a black palm .

In order to move in the passage, Walker’s half beast has been maintained, relying on his keen vision after the half beast, he can clearly see the black palms floating on the huge platform .

“What is that? Boff Walker asked in a voice, but after asking, the conversation immediately appeared in his mind .

“It’s the one you said, headmaster Ambrose’s . . . ”

“that’s right . ” After entering the stone gate, he kept going forward . Bofu, who was advancing towards the high platform, replied without looking back .

His eyes are full of greed and possessiveness .

“That’s mine!”

“It belongs to me, bove agalu!”

But they didn’t notice that a crow, who used an invisible spell, changed its body color like a chameleon, merged into the dark phantom, flew out of a narrow vent on the wall, and scanned the surrounding situation .

Through the vision of the Raven phantom, art looks at the black palm .

“Is this the treasure?”

Although we can’t get detailed information through direct contact, in his eyes, the so-called treasure is actually a bad magic prop with negative energy accumulation .

The only thing worth praising is the strong luck and bad luck on it .

The eyes narrowed slightly .

There is no doubt that this thing is the “golden finger” that the world gives to the protagonists of the times .

Just like in the world of glory, Mary gets the magic doll Bacchus, Hughes gets the harp of death, Arthus’s sword, etc . . .

these are the auxiliary items given by the world to the protagonists of the times .

That black palm is not a very powerful object . If Yat wants to, it is possible to copy ten or eight of them .

For him, the only value of this thing is the bad luck and bad luck on it, which is equivalent to an lv16-lv18 bad luck item .

Can barely be a snack .

However, this is what the world has prepared for the protagonists of the times .

If you get that thing and eat the luck and doom on it, it will probably attract the attention of the will of the world .

It’s really . . .

“boring . ”

The disillusioned art directly dispels the phantom .

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