Night Crow Master Chapter 327


Chapter 327: 327

In the dormitory of Unicorn Academy .

Next to the washroom on the third floor, the white wall reflects the shadow of four teenagers .

“Hurry up, Walker, puff . ”

The four teenagers look completely different .

“Boff, wait a minute . ”

“Where are we going now?” Yat controls young BAFF and asks Bofu, who is suspected to be the protagonist of the times

Walker also looked at him .

Even he could feel that boff had come to the unicorn college dorm with a purpose, not just a temporary one .

Boff grinned, and his face appeared to be hypocritical and kind, but no one could see it except Yat . He could only see the curious and inquisitive expression on his face:

“do you know what happened to the headmaster Ambrose?”

Walker shook his head .

Art shook his head .

Another thought: “defeated the Dragon when you were young?”

“Not this one . ”

Boff looked left and right, motioning for a few people to come .

After several people approached, he whispered:

“in the myth of the sandbank, there is a god named Horus . ”

“He was the son of the underworld god Osiris and the Mother God Isis, whose father Osiris was killed by his uncle Seth, the desert God . ”

“Horus finally won and ruled the sandbank . ”

“Horus?” Walker frowned, the myth of sandbanks, which he saw in Muggle storybooks when he was a child .

It is said that the Pharaon of every sandbank is the embodiment of Horus, the body of Eagle head .

“Yes . ” Walker went on to explain, “and Horus’s father, Osiris, who was mummified with the corpse, was resurrected . ”

“Even if he is dismembered, as long as he has a part of his body, he can continue to live . ”

Boff took the story at his fingertips .

“So what makes Osiris a powerful necromancer?”

But the other thought of something, stuttering and saying:

“there are necromancers in Unicorn academy?”

Just as humans in previous lives would try to explain all phenomena with “science”, in this world, magicians will also explain all phenomena by magic .

“That’s right . ” Boff nodded . “This is the document I saw in the forbidden area of the library, saying that headmaster amberlil had sealed a prop with a powerful curse effect in Unicorn Academy . ”

“Why?” Walker was a little puzzled . “Ghosts and curses are what we black bat academy is good at . ”

We? Not you .

Boff gave a sneer in his heart, but naturally he didn’t show it . Instead, he continued with a smile:

“it may be that headmaster amberlil is worried that putting that thing in the black bat academy will make our traditional school too strong . ”

“Ambrose wanted to balance the traditionalists with the innovators, not to make our traditionalists stronger . ”

Boff said his conjecture:


“that’s why I put it here . ”

On the other side, in Fiona’s room, there is a flash of light in art’s eyes .

The myth . . . .

This myth also existed in the previous life .

and the name as like as two peas .

The sun god, sky god, war God Horus, Osiris are the same . . .

Why do the same myths appear in different worlds?

There is no relevant memory about this problem in lyndt’s memory .

In other words, there was originally, but it was covered up by the system before, and only some marginal information was not covered up because it was distributed in different locations .

Then art again turns to control the crow phantom of BAFF .

At this time, boff didn’t give any more explanation . He led the people around and got into the empty common room next to the bathroom .

After watching a unicorn college student walk by, boff is looking for something .

And art began to observe the magic around him .

Then, in a corner, he found an extremely weak magic wave, which could not have been found if it had not been for art’s spiritual carpet search .

There’s a door there .

Just like the false door in the subway station, it is covered by combined magic spell .

At this time, art suddenly felt that boff’s luck and misfortune fluctuated at the same time .

Then boff fell flat and fell to the ground, just in front of the hidden door .

” . . . really . . . ”

this situation made Yat sigh . Different from the obvious attachment of the people around him, the luck and misfortune of boff’s body have indeed penetrated into every part of his body .

To put it simply, other people’s luck and misfortune are unbound and can be dropped and traded, while Bofu’s luck and misfortune are bound items .

Is it misfortune or luck?

Boff, with his back to the crowd, stood up with a somber face, and then put the mask of kindness on his face again:

“I found it, everyone . ”

His kind eyes passed over the three, and “puff” had a calm expression, walker had a smile, and the other snickered .

“Damn it . . . ”

boff was gnashing his teeth in his heart .

At this time, Yat discovered the changes of bad luck and luck around him .

Bad luck converged on the three and condensed in them .

The doom of all became strong, including buff, who was controlled by the avatar .

Art can feel a sense of hate in the misfortune that has poured into BAFF’s body .

Art is quite speechless . Walker and the other one laugh at him . He, no, buff didn’t do anything . Why is he hated?

However, it doesn’t matter . . .

with the appetite of swallowing bad luck, Yat pretends to be ignorant and asks:

“what have you found?”

“Just watch . ” Boff said, realizing that his tone was wrong, he coughed, “I found the password to open the door in the forbidden area of the college . ”


The password to open the door?

Such an important thing is left at random in the library?

Crotti, who has a background of tombstone members, did not know that Martha had been in hogmott for so long, so she was casually found by a student who had just been in school for a few days?

Art was speechless, and then, together with the other two, watched boff pull out his wand and waved it at the white, traceless wall:

“open the door!”

After reciting the spell to open the door, boff’s voice dropped and said in a weak voice:

“the black bat will put its nose in its mouth . ”

The voice was so low that no one else could hear it, but it didn’t include Yat:

” . . . It’s like master Edgeworth’s spell . ”

At the time of artophilus, the hidden door opens .

Boff: the wand GLOWS

After waving his wand and reciting the spell, the top of boff’s wand lit up:

with that, boff bumped into the hidden door, and a ripple of water appeared on the wall .

“Come with me . ”

On hearing the sound, Walker immediately followed in, and Yat took a look at the other man and followed .

After passing through the hidden door, under the light of boff’s wand, Yat can see his surroundings clearly .

It’s a hidden space, including walls and floors, with a smooth surface paved with the same white slate as the unicorn college dormitory .

A passage . . . Slanting down?

To the ground?

Boff is excited, Walker marvels, and the other is flustered .

After putting the expression into his eyes, boff called on them to move on with his eyes shining:

“let’s go!”

Without hesitation, he took off his robe, threw it on the ground, and waved his wand:

“the cloak hardened!”

A magic light shot from the top of the wand, which hardened the robe that had fallen on the ground . After that, boff sat on it, pushed his right foot hard, and slid down the inclined smooth secret road .

As boff’s body and light quickly disappeared, Walker licked his lips, took off his clothes, tied them around his waist, wrapped them tightly around his hips, and sat down on the ground and slid down .

The other was worried because the light disappeared . Like walker, he couldn’t use the glowing curse or the hardening curse . Once he bit his teeth, he learned walker to slide down .

Seeing their actions, Yat narrowed his eyes .

Then he drew out buff’s wand and used the transfiguration mantra:

“the slate is deformed . ”

When the wand struck the slate on the wall, a slate fell from the wall and deformed under his feet to form a skateboard .

“The stone wheel is smooth . ”

The stone turns the wheel to flash the light, becomes smooth and bright .

“I haven’t played skateboarding for a long time –”

he said to himself, and Yat stepped on the skateboard, pedaled his feet and slid down .

The surrounding landscape is constantly changing, and more and more white reliefs appear on the wall of the passage .

When he didn’t skate to the bottom at all, and used the deformation curse again to turn the skateboard back to the slate before going out, he only saw Walker and boff who were in a bit of a mess . The other didn’t know where it was .

“Where has he gone?”

Seeing art and glancing at the slate under his feet, Walker inquired in some doubt .

“I don’t know . ”

Boff replied casually, looking excitedly at the surrounding environment –

this is a huge basement with all kinds of white statues and reliefs all over the space .

There are walls on both sides, and in front of Yate and others, there is a wide and deep gully .

After staring at the wall on the left for a few seconds, Yat said in a voice:

“forget about him, he didn’t come down . ”

On hearing this, Walker widened his eyes and swore at the coward .

“All right, let’s go first . ”

Boff showed more and more impatience . After stopping for a few seconds, he found that neither Walker nor “puff” meant to move forward . He directly used the jumping curse on his feet and jumped out of the room with a standing long jump .

Walker had no time to stop it . He jumped out and landed steadily after making an arc in a gully more than four meters wide .

Walker was a little worried . After looking back at the motionless buff, his body shape changed –

the White Wolf, a gifted magic of the jarot family, was used .

Beast magic that can be used without a wand .

Walker, who became a Garou like figure, stepped back a few steps, and with a run-up, he jumped out over the ravine .

And Yat watched, not trying to jump .

Boff leaves directly, and Walker looks back:


“I can’t make it! I’d better go back! ”

Art said .

It’s not that he can’t do it or that he doesn’t want to, but . . .

the bad luck attached to bafu is constantly fluctuating at this moment .

As long as buff’s body dares to try to cross the ravine, it is bound to make mistakes and die .

And . . .

Yat squinted back, and a warning came from the avatar, who had stayed on guard near the hidden door .

Someone’s coming .

This body can’t be used .

As Walker turns around and follows boff on, art takes control of BAFF’s body and jumps straight into the ditch .

Before falling down dozens of meters and turning into mud, a crow phantom emerged from BAFF’s body and dissipated in the air .

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