Night Crow Master Chapter 325


Chapter 325: 325

As the man tells, crotti and Yat understand the situation .

The guardian of the botanical garden, after discovering a giant starlight firefly, tried to use the transfiguration charm to bind it, but failed to use the curse . The charm acted on himself and turned himself into a funny doll .

That’s stupid enough .

looked at the man who was laughing and make complaints about it .

Compared with the glory world, the magic in this world is much simpler and easier to control . But even such magic can be out of control, and it is enough .

That’s right .

“Chlotte, let him take you to the botanical garden . ”

“Yes . ”

Crotti responded obediently, then raised her head and looked up at the man with a dry smile and arms raised:

“how is Mandela grass in the botanical garden, suluk

“Mandela grass?” Su ruke heard the question, eyes a bright, straight body, “my training technology is first-class! Mandela grass is almost mature! Now there are three mature plants . Only in a few days, they will be all ripe! ”

The level of soruk as a magician is very poor . Even in school, most students above grade two are better than him . He will be recruited to hogmotry as a trainer, which is precisely because he is good at dealing with all kinds of magical creatures .

“Then take me . ”

Crotty spoke at att’s command .

“Ah?” Suluk froze for a moment and then nodded .

When he turned around and walked a few steps, he thought of something again, turned his head and said:

“Mrs . crotti, do you have the approval? Mandela grass cannot be taken without the approval of your Excellency the president . ”

“No “But I didn’t say I wanted to take the Mandela grass,” she said

“Watch it?” Suruk said that his chest was also higher . It was a very good thing for him to show what he had cultivated to others .

Then . . .

“so . . . Can I pick up my wand?”

“Of course, but you can’t hold it in your hand . ”

“All right . ”

Suruk shrugged his shoulders . Didn’t expect Mrs . crotti to be so mean . Is it menopause?

. . .

the reason why Xingguang lake is called Xingguang lake is that there are many ore fragments with fluorescence characteristics at the bottom of the lake, which can keep the starlight continuously and release light when it is completely dark, just like fluorescein .

They walked from one side of the lake to the other and entered the botanical garden . The road was bright all the way .


“Mrs . crotti, according to the rules, this time is not allowed to visit, but it is!”

Suluk coughed: “because you saved my life, this is a special treatment . ”

And while crotti was dealing with him, art flew off crotti’s shoulders and wandered around the botanical garden .

The moonlight passed through the transparent glass roof and sprinkled on the botanical garden .

In the huge botanical garden, there are many separate greenhouses . Each greenhouse has a different plant . Mandela grass is dangerous . Its sound can cause people to faint or even die .

So it is located in a greenhouse with good sound insulation .

Br > the shape of a cat like plant is raised in the area of Madame Mandela .

“Promise . . . No, wait a minute . You and he will go over there . I’ll have a look here . ”

Art gave crotti a command .

Then the skinny uncle, suluk, took an impatient step, and his spirits lifted him to the Mandela grass area .

And Yat, who stays here, just glances at it and doesn’t care anymore .

It’s just a pigeon . It’s not aggressive . It doesn’t destroy the plants like other creatures .

Cat grass is not aggressive, and it’s safe here .

And after they left here, art landed next to a cat grass .

After carefully confirming that there was no surveillance magic around, art began to operate .

This place can do some writing .

Some articles can be done at the bottom of Xingguang Lake – such as a basement .

In the botanical garden, a hidden passage can be made .

There are basements in hogmott’s basement . Most of the places with buildings have underground passages .

Except around here .

The botanical garden has not been established for a long time, much shorter than that in the underground area . So there are not many places to choose from to make a basement on hogmott campus .

It seems good to build a stronghold under the Xingguang lake .

This temporary idea, but the concrete judgment is quickly processed in art’s brain .

Dig a passage in the botanical garden and build a basement under the Xingguang lake .

Of course, this is not the only stronghold . Eggs can’t be put in the same basket . Yat still understands this truth .

We’re going to build a stronghold in hogmott forest .

Moreover, compared with hogmot forest, the stronghold in hogmot school will be safer and more convenient .

Just think about the location .

It’s better to dig out a basement under Xingguang lake . It won’t seep .

At this time, if only there were brown earth devil crows or shadow crows .


The brown earth Raven can sense the earth, and the shadow Raven can burrow into the shadow and move below the ground .

Although they can also use their capabilities now, because they are too far away, and because of the different world rules, their capabilities may not be able to take effect here .

For example, there is no element in the world .

It’s not about material elements like gold, silver, copper and iron, but elements like light, dark, earth, fire, water and wood .

There are no such elements in the world .

The ability of cinnamon magic crow to control the earth element is not able to play out here .

The shadow of this world will not give birth to the power of shadow, and there is no shadow plane . It is a complete and ordinary shadow .

It’s really troublesome . . .

it’s convenient to directly capture birds and transform them into crows, but the strength is not strong . In a word, we have to build our own laboratory to make crows .

What will be made after that?

Crow turns into flaming vulture?

A tree crow?

Crow like dead branch bird?

Smoke devil crow?

Crow like armored bird?

Dead bird?

Crow turns starbird?


Melting fire devil crow?

Fear of crows?

How many birds turn into birds?

Crow like mirage?

Shadow crow?

Maybe not . He didn’t have a blueprint for starbird’s life, because the time to capture starbird was too short . Although the research on the structure of starbird has been put into the plan for the crows to study, the result has not been reached yet, and he has encountered a space storm .

It is necessary to sue the dead bird .

Because the world is too low? Compared with the glorious world, the fortune and misfortune of this world are very few .

It is very important for him that he can collect bad fortune .

First, the crow turned into starbird, and then . . .

all the crows without the life blueprint were removed – crow turned into withered branch bird, hell crow, melting fire devil crow, crow into armored bird . . . All of which he had not yet obtained the life blueprint .

He also has no blueprint of life, but because of its strong effect on the dead, Yat specially asked the crows to analyze all the structures of the vulture, including the soul .

Although it’s not as detailed as the blueprint of life, it’s OK to create a flaming vulture . Can the inflammation of the vulture exist without fire?

Art is looking for a good position and sifting .

The main ability is to control the elements of crows are excluded, the world has no elements .

Mirage bird is a unique creature in the world of glory . Its ability basis is the unique energy of the world of glory .

The ability is to manipulate trees, and tree crows that parasitize trees should be able to do so .

How many birds turn into birds?

The main ability of multiple birds is that multiple heads can spit acid, frost, flame and lightning . . . In addition to the fact that acid is the material acid in the body, other abilities are lightning . . . .

but . . . .

multiple headed birds have the ability to regenerate their heads quickly, which is also very useful .

Moreover, multiple birds have multiple heads . Taking over the thinking of one bird can obtain a lot of computing power . It is an excellent material for establishing a thinking network and is necessary .

Shadow crow’s words . . . The world has no shadow power . . . This is a bit difficult to do, but try to make a few and have a look .

First, make a shadow crow, and then make crows to turn into many birds . Then, the ability of killing birds, crows turning into burning skeleton vultures, and tree born crows is a little chicken ribs . But if the ability of shadow crows can’t be used, it is a substitute . If crows turn dead birds into dead branches, their camouflage ability is not so important .

By the way . . . And one eyed crow, siren siren, blood crow . The one eyed crow’s disintegrate magic eye has excellent attack performance, and the blood crow’s ability to control blood does not need elements .

The siren siren siren is relatively easy to camouflage in the human shaped crow minions .

It’s difficult for the crow to move in this world . The siren siren, which has the ability to transform itself, is much more convenient .

The ability to move in the water and in the sky is also a very good attribute .

Sometimes, too many options to choose from is also a worry .

Artest thought of it in a bad way .

The crow formed a shape on it, and then formed a shape on it .

After that, it can be transferred through a hat trick .

Everything is OK . . .

“chlotte, you can leave . ”

“I see . ”

After less than five minutes in Mandela grass, chlotti responded to Yat and said goodbye to his skinny uncle, suluk, who was gushing praise for himself .

“Ah? Is this going to go? ”

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