Night Crow Master Chapter 323


Chapter 323: 323

“Hey, Fiona, do you remember the ugly look on Professor gargogh’s face after you got it right? She had to add five points to gorem college, and her crows covered the whole classroom with feces!!! Oh, that’s crazy

In the evening, Anna talked happily about what had happened in the morning, which was so happy that Professor gergwood’s expression at that time would never be forgotten in her life .

But the dry smile Fiona just said, “don’t you think it’s dirty?”

“Well, it’s dirty, too . ”

Hearing her words, Anna was helpless .

Then she turned to the other person and said, “what do you think? My sister? ”

The object of her speech was celiana lavender, who, because her name and the syllables after her name were pronounced exactly the same, had come to call her “my sister . ” .

“I just want a feather, Angus, give me a feather,” she said, as she tried to grab at and pull a feather from art’s body . After art lifted her peaked hat and let her fall to the sky, she almost showed her pants . She stood straight and said to Yat:

“I just want a feather, Angus, give me a feather . ”

“I refuse, girl . ” Art flapped his wings, put his hat over her head, looked down at her “unless you want to show me your panties . ”

“Of course, if you want to . ”

“Forget it . ”

The girl who has no character has no feeling at all . No, it’s four nothing .

Art can find out that she really doesn’t care to show him the panties because it’s just a crow .

“I’m not a crow, little girl . ” Said Yat silently .

After Yat refused again, jeriana looked at Anna, tidied up her clothes and said:

“I think Professor gegwu’s crow is under the curse of overeating and excretion

“Overeating? More than excretion? I haven’t learned these two Charms yet

Anna blinked and Fiona, next to her, listened inquisitively .

“This is the curse of two side doors . ” “Very few people remember these two charms, even if it’s a formal magician . ”

Art next to him listens with interest .

If compared with the glory world, the distinction of power in this world is quite . . . Fuzzy .

There is only the difference between a novice magician and a formal Magician – and the condition of distinction is whether or not you have obtained a certificate from the school of witchcraft .

There is no specific division of low, middle and high apprentices, and there is no difference between Apocalypse level I and Apocalypse II .


If I have to say, the spirit power is about LV5 or above, which is the official magician .

The power of a spell is determined by the spell itself, or by the rules of the world .

Mental power can affect the power of a spell, making it stronger or weaker, but mental power cannot determine the power of a spell .

Just like witchcraft, the final decision is the rules of the world .

So . . .

just like the magic learned in glory world, any spell skill that is not transformed into the framework of crow mage through core breakthrough will be invalid after leaving the world .

What he can really use is the crow mage and the skills after the crow mage’s core breakthrough .

That’s what Yate can understand .

There are only two ways to use psychic spells without world rules .

One is to simply shape the mental force and carry out a direct attack similar to physical impact – quite primitive and direct attack .

Second, there is a framework of rules – relying on the rules to build a framework for the use of psychic magic .

The rules of the world, or . . . Systems .

In this regard, the system is a virtual machine, which can realize the magic of approximate world rules .

Crow mage’s professional skills are what it supports .

There are, and there are only two ways for Yat to get the ability to be universal in all the world .

One is to improve the skills of the system with the crow mage as the core framework .

Second, master at least one rule .

The rule is the existence of seven levels . If you want to master the rules, you have to be seven levels .

If he gets to level seven, then he still has to worry about these?

So, the second one is the same as “yes” and “no” .

It’s better to upgrade the professional level honestly, at least the system is not malicious to him .

Speaking of it, the world’s curse is still quite fun .

This kind of mischievous magic charm, he basically did not see in the glory world .

And then she said, “which one of you wants to try the curse of overeating?”Anna and Fiona looked at each other and shook their heads at the same time like a rattle .

“What about” more than excretion ”

The two girls shook their heads again .

“What a pity . ” Celiana replied, expressionless, and walked to the bedroom with her black cat in her arms .

When she got to the door, she stopped again and turned to ask:


“can I have an Angus feather? victoria? I know you will

Fiona is stunned and looks at Art:

“Ann . . . ”

“no, I refuse . ”

Art refused without hesitation .

Nominally, Fiona is his master, but in reality, the relationship is the opposite .

Fiona has no right to direct him .

“I knew that . ” Celiana said to herself, and then looked at Anna, “Miss Jerome, can you help me find the nose tip hair of a blood sucking bat and the left front leg of a dried lizard? I need them . ”

“Well . . . ” Anna thought, holding her chest in her hands . “Of course, it will be delivered tomorrow . ”

“I’ll pay according to the market price . ” After an answer, jeriana went into the bedroom .

“You are welcome! My sister! Can I sleep with you tonight? ”

Anna raised her arm with a smile and waved her hand vigorously .

“No, I have to make potions . You’ll disturb me . ”

A voice came from the door .

Anna’s hands were akimbo, a pity expression:

“it’s a pity that celiana has a good figure . ”

Att flew to her shoulder and echoed:

“mm-hmm, I’ll give her 85 points . ”

“Angus, do you think so? Why 85? What’s the full mark? ” Anna looks at art .

“A hundred, of course!” Art stretched out his wings .

“What’s Fiona’s score?”

“Eighty five!” Art rubbed his chin with the feathers of his wings and said .

“No, no, in that case, I think Fiona should have scored 100 points!” “Fiona is the best,” Anna said, somewhat unconvinced

“She’s really great . ” Art jumps from her left shoulder to her right shoulder, “but it’s not mature enough . ”

“You like something more mature, OK . ”

Anna nodded to show understanding, and then asked again:

“so why did Fiona and jelliana have the same scores?”

“You don’t know . Jelliana is in good shape, too . ”

Fiona is a gold scroll, and jeriana is a black scroll . There is no big difference in appearance scores . But if they are in shape, both of them are in good shape, and even jieliana is better .

And celiana put her body completely covered in the black robe . She was a “three noes” and was silent, so she dropped some points .

Att leans into Anna’s ear and tells her about the three circumference data of celiana:

“really? Angus, you are a genius

“I think so . ” Art nods hard .

“You . . . ” Fiona looked at the action of one person and one crow quite speechless . “You are really like each other . ”

“No, no, no,” Anna lifted up her not plump chest . “Fiona, it’s called interest congruence . Angus and I have the same interest . We all like beautiful women!”

After Anna tried to attack Fiona at night and was resisted by Fiona last night, it became clear that she was a lace .

“Yes, yes, we all like beautiful women . ”

Said Yat, echoing .

To his surprise, Fiona, who thought he should get along well, is not so easy to get along with, if there is no master-slave identity .

However, Anna, who originally thought it difficult to get along with, got along well because of the same interests .

If they were really demons, he and Anna should have the best sex .

This little girl is very interesting .

At this time, Anna, with her chest in her hands, touched Yat’s paws:

“Angus, Angus, how many points do you give me?”

“Do you really want me to say it?”

“Of course! I think I must have got 80 points! ”

“Where are you confident? Anna? You only have 70 points at most . You are too short and your chest is peaceful . ”

“Damn it! Angus! If you’re a man, you can’t find a girlfriend

Although the mouth said don’t care, but as a woman, so straightforward evaluation, still can’t ignore .

“Don’t worry about me, Anna . Wait until you find a girlfriend, as a man . ” Art looks at her airport and scoffs .

“Is this a challenge? Angus!? I’m sure I can find my girlfriend! What is the bet? “Anna, who did not understand Yat’s irony, raised her head and was eager to try .

“If I win, how about you give me a feather? Angus? ”

“What do you want?”

“If you had your feathers, I’m sure jelliana would have agreed to sleep with me . ”

Anna looked proud .

“What if you lose?” Art flapped her wings and flew from her shoulder to Fiona’s bedroom .

“Then I’ll let you touch my legs at will!”

“I’m just a crow! Miss jarot! And your legs are not attractive! I’d rather touch Fiona’s legs . ”

Before flying into the door, art’s voice sounded in the little living room .

“No! Angus! Your claws will scratch it! I’m the only one who can touch Fiona’s legs

Anna’s voice, full of reluctance, rings behind him and makes him laugh .

I’m so happy . . .

I haven’t been so happy for a long time .

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