Night Crow Master Chapter 320


Chapter 320: 320

When the four looked up, the proud looking boy, Walker jerot, raised his neck and gave a sneer of contempt at the corners of his mouth . Then he walked to the long table where the black bat Academy was located .

Compared with other colleges’ welcome to the freshmen who are assigned to their own colleges, most of them are black bat college students from the traditional magician family . For walker from the jarot family, he shows doubts, bewilderment, schadenfreude and vigilance of all kinds of emotions –

but there is no welcome .

Walker was stunned by this, but bravely went to the new growth table of the black bat academy and sat down .

Compared with these, it was more difficult for him to stay with those humble magicians who were born in Muggles .

Looking at such a scene, Elizabeth, the dean of the black bat academy, has a strong smile on her face . She looks at flora with a slight irony . Although the other side’s face is calm, she still catches the gloom .

“What a good boy . ”

Elizabeth clapped her hands gently, trying to annoy flora .

The wind is gentle and violent .

The wand in the hand has not been lifted, the long strands of light green hair has been floating .

“FRA, please continue with the ceremony . ”

Headmaster Ambrose forced his stick down, and the clear sound spread throughout the auditorium .

“Flora looked at Elizabeth with hostile eyes for three seconds, then sat back in her seat .

The branch ceremony continued .

Yat watched the freshmen take turns to walk up and put the ugly black division hat on his head .

Although each one is short, but the total time, Yat can clearly perceive that the magic attached to the branch hat captures the students’ lost thoughts .


“Susu Susu Gandalf! Gorem college

Not long after Cronus put it on his head, the ugly faced branch hat opened its mouth wide and cried .

“My name is Cronus!”

Exasperated, Crusoe flung the division cap on the floor and frowned as he walked to the long table at gorem college .

“Against you! I’m going to sue you! Ambrose! Hornheim! How rude he is

Exclaimed the division hat, then jumped up and turned in the air, accusing the president amberlil and the dean of gorem college, hornheim holder .

The headmaster Ambrose just laughed . Cronus was a child of his family, and he was very familiar with it, so he didn’t say much .

Hohenheim, the expressionless middle-aged man, helped his glasses, looked at the branch hat and whispered to himself:

“too much talk, make a new one . ”

Although he was talking to himself, his voice was not small . . . .

“um . . . ”

the voice of the branch hat stopped abruptly and he didn’t speak at all .

At this time, Marlene Ford came over, picked up the branch hat, patted the dust on it, and then put it on her head:

“how about it!? Should I go to Griffin academy? ”

“Yes, marlenford schulke! Griffin Academy . ”

More than ten seconds later, the branch hat answers with concise words .

“Great! I love you! Dear old hat

Marlenford gave the division hat a hard kiss and handed it to the next boy .

The student took the branch hat with a slight dislike, put it on his head, and then the voice rang out:

“black bat academy!”

“Ah!” The freshman was stunned by the instant report of the present . He didn’t want to go to the black bat!

But there was no change in the meaning of the branch hat . The freshman could only pass the branch hat to the next person obediently, and then walked to the long table of the black bat academy reluctantly .


“Hank Arik! Griffin academy

“Fred Harry! Black bat academy

“Jelliana Lavender! Gorem college

“Shanga Donald! Griffin academy

“Charles . . . Gorem . . . . . . ”

“spike . . . Griffin . . . ”

“Carlos . . . Unicorn . . . ”

a personal name rings with the name of the hospital, and the branch hat frightened by hornheim’s recast manifesto no longer talks, and a continuous, concise and powerful branch decision is issued .

“Anna jarot! Griffin academy

“OK . ”

As expected, Anna took off the branch hat from her head and handed it to . . .

“Fiona, haven’t you thought about it yet

“Not yet . . . ” Fiona said to herself sheepishly, then put on the division hat . Anna goes back to her original position and sits next to art .

“I don’t know which college Fiona will be assigned to, if only Griffin college . ”

“Fiona Victoria! Gorem college

Less than two seconds after Anna sat down, the sound of the yard hat rang .

“What? Gorem . . . Why gorem . ”

Looking at the incredible face of Anna, Yat is quite satisfied .

He is good at alchemy .

Then he flapped his wings and flew up to Fiona’s shoulder .

After picking up the black cat, Anna also went to Fiona’s side and said earnestly:

“Fiona, don’t worry, I’ll find you!”

Looking at Anna’s expression, Fiona couldn’t help laughing:

“our dormitories are very close, and our classes are usually the same . ”

Then she walked briskly to the long table at gorem college, leaving Anna with a long face .

“Hello, are you on such a good relationship?”

Marlene Ford, sitting opposite her, looked puzzled .

“Shut up, stupid man . ”


. . .

as time went on, the branch ceremony was over, and all the students returned to the dormitory after dinner .

The dormitory is a room for three people – one room for each, but in fact, it’s a room for each person, just like a shared apartment .

With Fiona, of course, there are two girls .

One, named jelliana lavender, was a very “traditional” dressed girl who looked 15 or 16 .

Pointed black hat, half of the face is covered by hair, and the dark mage’s robe completely covers the curve of the body .

As she walked into the door, ATT could smell the strange mixture of many potions on her body . Magic was a black cat .

And another girl . . .

Fiona widened her eyes and looked at the smiling tiger tooth girl with a suitcase in front of her:

“Anna? Why are you here? ”

“I applied for a change of dormitory!”

“When did you apply?”

“That doesn’t matter!”

Two black cats tilted their heads at the same time, while jelliana was not interested in their actions . Instead, she turned her head and looked at Art:

“can I have two feathers?”

“What do you say?”

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