Night Crow Master Chapter 319


Chapter 319: 319

“Children, you will see a beautiful, mysterious and magical world . . . ”

with the sound of his speech, Yat looked curiously at the old wizard from Gandalf family in the position of headmaster . The experience of each other is quite legendary .

In his youth, when he had not mastered much magic, he defeated an adult flying dragon in close combat . The flying dragon was different from the giant dragon, but the adult Nanzhou flying dragon also had the strength of lv10 .

When he was young, he took advantage of the entanglement of other magicians, took the opportunity to attack the leader of the black Mage at that time and killed the other party .

Later, he occupied a place in the magic Council and united with powerful courage the families of white magicians who were in serious internal strife at that time, and suppressed the temporarily revived black mages at one stroke .

After he became the president of hogmott, the magic University, which was in decline because of the separation and independence of the two colleges at that time, was rejuvenated .

He has developed and innovated many magic charms and so on . . .

all kinds of legendary experiences make this old man with grey robe and long beard covered with glory of various honors and fame .

Ambrose Gandalf .

Art scanned the wrinkles and gray hair of his face, and if he was right, this would have been the protagonist of his time .

There is no doubt that this world is inferior to the glory world . After seeing amberlil, the strongest old magician in the magic world, art is convinced of this .

Take Rongguang world to limit the strongest people to two lower levels . For example, the strongest are only lv20, which is about lv20-lv29 . Then the world itself is multi-level three or multi-level four .

According to the various loopholes found before, the possibility of multiple three levels is higher, that is, about lv30-lv39 .

The advanced and powerful world will be set in great detail on the fate track .

Because the stronger the world is, the stronger the control will be, and the actions of the products can be controlled in detail . Therefore, we dare to set the fate track in detail .

And the weaker the world is, the weaker the control power is . Therefore, in terms of fate trajectory, it is quite vague .

For example, XX played an important role in a certain era .

It will not be certain that on an event, the time range will also be very wide, and the specific contact with whom will not be set up details .

Even the protagonist of the event is replaceable – as long as there is such a person doing such a thing, no matter who does it, as long as it is the creation of the world .


In this way, the world will be able to obtain the feedback power of destiny completion from the creation, so as to enhance itself .

Moreover, the lower the world is, the more afraid it is to operate in multiple lines –

the Sao operation of 20 leading characters in an era is not very common in the seven level world, which is learned from lyndt’s memory .

In general, there are one or two lucky stars in the world, and then the world opens golden fingers to the leading characters indirectly, so that the protagonists can grow up and reap the power of destiny .

And after the end of the era, they will lose the identity of the protagonist, lose the protection of luck .

Just like now . . .

in art’s perspective of doom, what you can see in amberlil is that black is more than white .

The fortune of this world is white, not the blue of glory world .

This old man, has entered the road of death .

According to the ratio of bad luck to good luck, the old man will die within ten years .

However, Ambrose Gandalf did not know that a seemingly ordinary crow had declared his death .

He just felt an inexplicable chill .

This chill made him stop his speech, and his heart was alert:

is it the dark mage who has done something?

On the armrest of his chair, a beautiful red bird raised its head and looked around after its master’s action .

A bird’s and a man’s eyes flit over all the students, including art .

But art’s noumenon is hidden in the depths of the crow’s soul . To find him, we need not only to be able to see through the soul, but also to be at least a belief level creature to find the existence of art .

Now it seems that there is only one existence in the world that can find him – the will of the world .

Moreover, if the other party has only three levels of diversity, even lv39 needs to actively break into the rule corridor of the world and meet the will of the world in a short distance, so that the other party can find that he is not the creation of the world .

Art was not stupid enough to break in .

And . . .

there are systems .

If the system is willing to contribute, even if Yat runs to the world will of the world, it is not sure whether the other party can detect it . At amberlier’s side, except for the indifference of the dean of gorem college, the other three presidents had some doubts about his action to stop his speech .

The white robed Dean of the unicorn academy squeezed his eyes and asked in a voice:


“Ambrose, I don’t think you’ve forgotten your speech . ”

“I’m not old enough, Clement . ”

To his friend’s quizzical inquiry, Ambrose only whispered:

“I’m just a little upset . ”

“Restless?” Clement repeated, “maybe I should check hogmott’s defenses . I don’t want to see the dark mage come in again . ”

“You should have done that long ago, clement, or you can leave it to me . ”

The dean of the black bat academy, the youngest looking voluptuous woman, said languidly .

“No, Elizabeth . If it’s given to you, there’s going to be trouble in hogmott . ”

Before clement in the white robe answered, the voice of the Griffin master FRA had already sounded .

Seeing their actions, even Ambrose could not help shaking his head . Looking at the students chatting below, Ambrose suppressed his uneasiness and said in a loud voice:

“children, let’s start the branch ceremony – it will decide which college you go to . ”

“Bright, just and beautiful unicorn . ”

“Free, intelligent and brave Griffin . ”

“The traditional, powerful and mysterious black bat . ”

“Calm, erudite and subtle gorem . ”

Hearing this announcement, the students from the magician family, who were already impatient with the lengthy speech, could not help but be happy .

Only the new students from Muggle families who have little knowledge of the magic world will listen to the speech with interest, and they, like most old students, are already sleepy .

In fact, the branch ceremony is mainly aimed at the freshmen of Muggle origin .

For the freshmen from the larger mage family, it has basically been decided which college to go to, but obviously only about 40% of the freshmen from the black bat college or Griffin college are on the whole .

The rest are Muggles or centrists .

Muggles will not be assigned to the black bat Academy . They will choose between the unicorn or gorem College of the neutral school, or the Griffin academy close to Muggle . However, witches from neutral families may go to any college .

Subsequently, the deans, in accordance with the usual practice, began to preach the disciplines and concepts of their own colleges .

But old rival Griffin Dean FRA and black bat college president Elizabeth naturally began to mix in the introduction of private goods, mutual derogatory .

Marinfeld listened to the two deans’ speeches and whispered to Cronus:

“that’s what women are . . . ”

Cronus glanced at him, then turned his head and continued to look at the dean of gorem College: “mariford, I hope your speech will not be regarded as sexism . ”

“How could it be? What does it have to do with sexism . . . “Marlenford wanted to say something, and then she thought of the neurotic pastoral feminism .

Unlike normal feminism, the kind of crazy people like cancer patients are very disgusting .

As a family of Muggles and magicians, malenfeld had a lot of contact with Muggle world .

Because of the beautiful female characters in cartoon games, many companies have been complained about on the grounds of “materialized women” .

Moreover, such a trend has also spread to the magic world . . .

the advertisements of magic shops published in the magician’s daily have been complained about using beautiful female magicians as models .

“Perhaps a patriarchal organization should be set up to complain about all kinds of works using handsome male characters to ‘materialize men’, and an animal equality association to accuse the elimination of ugly and unhealthy animals . ”

After a few murmuring complaints, marlenford looked again at Cronus:

“which college do you want to go to? Susu Susu

“It’s Cronus! Not four sous After a habitual complaint, cronsoxi held his glasses and replied, “I want to go to gorem college . ”

“Well, I know . ” “I’d better go to Griffin college,” said Marlene Ford, who did not have the look I expected

You don’t have to think about it .

Although lax college is a neutral school, the requirements for magic talent and art are relatively high .

Gorem college will add alchemy and potions, and malevold doesn’t want to be exposed to that .

So Griffin Academy .

Then he looked at Anna with a smile:

“miss jerlott, I hope we will be a college . ”

“I don’t want to . “Anna glanced at him, ignored his enthusiasm, but threw her enthusiasm to Fiona:

“Fiona, have you decided?”

Standing on the table, Yat also takes a look at Fiona and is more concerned about her decision .

Although staying in any college is almost the same, it will affect his action more or less .

It’s better to be Griffin academy or black bat Academy .

Compared with a bad old man and a middle-aged man, two beautiful deans who can raise their eyes are better .

“I . . . I don’t know . ”

People’s eyes, let Fiona can’t help pursing her mouth . Although she knew the direction to choose from Anna for a long time, she didn’t know which one to choose after so long, and the division ceremony had already started –

the black division hat, which looked like Mandela grass and could detect shallow consciousness and personality, was noisy in the auditorium Echo:

“Walker jerot, proud and traditional young man, you belong to black bat

Anna’s eyes widened at the words .

“Walker!? Black bat!? What is he thinking? ”

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