Night Crow Master Chapter 317


Chapter 317: 317

When the magic train stops, the four get off the train together .

On a broad platform, groups of students, aged 15 to 20, were walking to hogmott’s address under the guidance of a few employees or teachers .

And what guided Fiona was Martha Olivia, who was dressed as a magician .

Art, standing on Fiona’s shoulder, notices the slightly twitching corners of her mouth .

“Hello, beauty ~”

Yat deliberately makes his tone strange .

“Let your demons be quiet . We will pass through the outer forest in a moment . There are many magical creatures in the forest . ”

Martha, who had found many ways to break the contract but failed, took a deep breath and said in a tone of caution .

“Magical creatures?”

A Muggle born magician asked .

“That’s right . ”

Martha half turned and pointed to the distance .

In a huge forest, there is a high bell tower standing in the middle of the forest, vaguely, you can see the traces of buildings around the clock tower .

“Hogmot is built in the middle of hogmot forest, so it is called hogmot . . . ”

“ah? Did it get its name because of this? ”

“Do you think the school was founded by the great mage of hogmot? Or do you think it has all sorts of special meanings? ”

Because she saw art, all kinds of worries and indignation, Martha, who didn’t come from anywhere, said sullenly .

In fact, she used to be a very easy-going teacher .

But such behavior, let her in the freshmen’s mind, the first impression and “serious”, “difficult to get along with” hook .

Looking at the freshmen, Martha continued:

“there are many magical creatures in this forest . It’s hogmott’s tradition to walk here to enter school, so you can really touch a corner of the magic world . ”

“Many of you haven’t really touched the magic world before, but have seen magic, and have been found to have the talent to use magic, and then received the admission notice . ”

After explaining the reasons, Martha warned:


“they have a variety of habits and have made peace with the magicians . You can observe them from a distance, but it’s better not to disturb these magical creatures . . . ”

“if you want to be a pig nose or a dwarf until the end of the school ceremony, try to annoy magic as much as possible The creatures . ”

“Perhaps this result will be more impressive as the first day of your enrollment?”

Hearing this, all the apprentice Muggle magicians immediately rushed to gather up their own demons .

It’s a freshman from a magician’s family . He’s prepared for it, so he doesn’t panic at all .

In the freshmen panic to find a way to make their magic quiet, everyone has set out, and Martha did not wait, with the freshmen into the forest .

The dense forest is extremely gloomy . In the vision of the freshmen, there are shadows shuttling through from time to time, which makes their mood fluctuate continuously .

Fiona, including Fiona, was also nervous, and Anna took the opportunity to occupy a few waves of deviation .

For Yat . . .

“that one is a little similar to the flower demon mantis, except for its strength, it should be the same kind . ”

“That one feels like goblin . . . ”

“that’s right . Is there a centaur in this forest? At the beginning, in order to solve the problem of the experiment, many thunder light centaurs were used . I don’t know if this one has any extraordinary ability . It seems that it is not . It’s too weak . Forget it, it’s not worth catching . ”

“There are no extraordinary birds here . . . Can only capture ordinary crows?”

More than an hour later, after a breathtaking heart beating journey, the tired freshmen finally arrived in front of hogmott’s campus .

Through the forest, the end of the path spread out a nearly 200 meters long, flat area, towering, like castle like buildings standing in the forest surrounded by a sudden plain .

In addition, there is a large school wall around the spire shaped buildings, which are four or five times larger than the average campus .


“There’s hogmott ahead . ”

Martha looked at the crowd and said, walking to the campus .

The freshmen also followed . When they entered the campus, they found that . . .

all the freshmen had arrived .

“Why?” Fiona asked in surprise and doubt .

“Because it took the farthest route . ”

Martha’s behavior of deliberately circling the circle did not deceive Yat at all . After all, through the memory of crotti and Martha, Yat has completely mastered the terrain here .

The reason why Martha did this . . .

“little girl, it’s still too young to want to expose my horse’s feet through magical creatures . “Although revealing “true identity” is planned, it’s too early .

It will take him a while to get to the bottom of it .

. . .

time comes to night .

The entrance ceremony is at night, or dinner time to be exact .

The place where the entrance ceremony was held was in the hall of hogmott .

The freshmen walked into the hall and sat around long rows of tables according to the college and grade .

Hundreds of candles were lifted into the air by the magic power, and the dark auditorium was illuminated by the light . The ceiling was specially opened for the moonlight .

The mysterious magic atmosphere is rendering the whole space . Even the freshmen of the magician family can’t help but immerse themselves in this grand ceremony .

As an enchanter, art stands on Fiona’s shoulder . Although it will be more enjoyable to look down from this angle, he still looks around .

Black cats, crows, blackbirds, owls, mice, squirrels . . . All kinds of small creatures are quietly around their owners .

The power from the “calming mantra” has affected these small creatures with weak resistance to magic .

Then, art raised his head and looked at the four flags hanging on the high platform of the auditorium above the preaching platform .

Pure white unicorn, green Griffin, black bat, brown gorem .

The flag is painted with the logo of the four colleges .

Under the four flags, there are eight small flags .

They are:

the first side:

the shield is at the back, and in front is the composite pattern of wand and sword crossing .

The second side:

on the blue background map, the constellations formed by numerous pale yellow stars are constantly changing – Astrology .

About astrology, astrology, celestial movement and so on .

The third side:

a fuzzy pattern similar to the brain, which can be associated with a different scene every time I look at it .

The subject of various illusions and illusions of magic .


the pattern of a Western Fire Dragon and a phoenix entangled with each other — Magic biology branch

it mainly studies creatures, including magical creatures, and various creatures including demons, as well as various magic related to creatures such as controlling demons and animalizing .

Fifth side:

many human figures wearing simple magic robes — ancient magic department .

The subject of Archaeology and the study of ancient magic .

The sixth side:

a slightly terrifying pattern formed by skeletons and dark blue background – the study of undead, spirit and various curse magic .

Seventh side:

a huge potion pot with bubbles of various colors floating out of the pot .

The study of potions and alchemy, including the manufacture of potions and magic props such as wands .

The eighth side:

the flag of a black cat riding a broom – basic application department .

The subject of various basic magical applications such as magic and flying .

The academic flag is static, but the content and pattern of subject banner are dynamic images .

The position of the flag has obvious implication .

For example –

the flag of astrology and Phantasia is under the flag of Unicorn .

The flag of the family biology lies under the flag of the Griffin .

The flag of necromancery and ancient magic is under the flag of black bat .

The flag of alchemy and basic application is under the banner of gorem .

Only the flag of the protection division is independent .

This represents the main research direction of each college .

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