Night Crow Master Chapter 311


Chapter 311: 311

As Fiona walks into the supermarket, art stops at a few edges near the door of the supermarket .

Standing on the branch, I watched a boy, two women and three eight or nine year old children playing the game of husband and wife’s family with great interest, and did not pay any attention to whether the jeans’ trousers or skirt would be dirty .

A rare leisure .

In the glory of the world, most of the time, he is constantly trying to become strong .

I don’t have much time to spare .

But who doesn’t want to be more leisurely?

Even for him, it is difficult to understand that among the various works of traversal in the past life, those people were practicing all the time and were tired of practicing and becoming stronger .

What’s the pleasure of the life of continuous rotation of the axis every day, every minute, and every second, just like a machine?

They can do it, but art can’t .

Naturally, it is necessary to become strong in practice, but he also wants to be leisurely sometimes .

Ever since he accepted the disaster instinct, Yat has a more destructive idea . When the two ideas are mixed, all kinds of “prank” ideas will emerge from time to time .

For him, it’s just a handy prank, but for others, it’s not a prank .

Creatures that are often mischievous end up “dead . ” .

For example . . .

Yat turns his head and looks at a tree snake next to him, a brown, one meter long snake with stripes on its body .

The opposite side was staring at him .

Although it looks the same as the snakes on earth, the snake here seems to have a very keen sense of vision . Even if Yat doesn’t move, it doesn’t look away .

When Yat raises its wings, its pupil position also moves up and down along with the track of the wing movement .

“Hiss -”

the snake’s letter divided into three trigeminal parts spits out from the snake’s snout and swings it up and down, drawing the chemical molecules in the air into the vomeronasal organ to confirm the taste of Yat .

Why in the case of keen vision, but also strengthen the sense of smell?

Yat thought, puzzled .

But at this moment, the tree snake’s curly body suddenly compacts, and then its body flicks, and its open snout pours at Yat .

The sharp fangs in the mouth of the vertical trajectory clearly floating in art’s eyes .

“Let’s play . ”

When the serpent comes, only half a centimeter away from Yat’s body, art’s wings lift up and control the feather to harden instantly . The hard feather like steel is patted on its head from top to bottom .


The sudden attack made the snake have no reaction time and ability at all . Its head was directly pressed on the branch, and the fangs that had not been able to retract went directly through its jaw and nailed to the branch .

The next moment, Yat raised a paw and pressed it on its head, so powerful that it could not pull out the fangs .

The second half of the viper’s body swung and rolled up Yat’s body .

Att is not moved . Now the body still needs to block the venom, but the binding –

slowly unfolds the wings, raises the other claw, takes apart the snake’s binding attack, and then twists its body around the tree for several times and ties a bow .

“Well . . . It’s my first attempt to tie a bow on one side . ”

Looking at the snake wriggling and trying to get rid of it, Yat doesn’t feel it .

“It’s cruel . There should be no animal protection people to strongly condemn me, right? Killing animals? ”

Art yawned .

Although this world is not his original world, but let him have a sense of familiarity .

Now this country is called France and Italy . . .

the integration of France and Britain?

This kind of name makes him think whether French and British names are simply and roughly mixed together, and the region is different from the map of previous life or should be called former life .

But you can see the outline, and the position here is probably Europe of the earth .

The territory of this country includes parts of Europe, Africa and the Middle East .

I want to play games online . . .

unfortunately, the technology here is not so developed . At least, when Yate used Fiona’s mobile phone to check information, it did not find any VR technology, and it did not develop at all .

In a somewhat backward world, weapons and other things are quite good, but there are various kinds of scientific and technological weapons equivalent to nuclear weapons .

But for art, who has opened his eyes, this power is nothing .

The B53 nuclear warhead with the equivalent of 9 million tons of TNT is equivalent to an lv20-lv24 spell, that is, lv20-lv29 magic . In the glorious world, even one tenth of his magic defense could not be broken . The recent space storm that tore up all his defenses, even the shadow of lv20’s physical disaster was torn by the space storm .

By contrast, it’s nothing .

Some creatures, always holding a sense of inexplicable arrogance, think that their place is the most powerful .

There is an old saying that there are people outside people, and there are days outside the world .

Arrogance is the worst thing .

Fiona also stepped out of the supermarket as att watched the snake’s body struggle grow weaker and weaker .


She looked around, looking for art’s place .

Then she felt only a gust of wind blowing through the bottom of her woollen overcoat . She felt a chill in her body, and then there seemed to be something more in her pocket .

When she looked down, she saw a mass of black feathers curled in her coat pocket:


Art looks up, looks at her, and yawns:

“go home, Fiona!”

Gather the sounds together, and only Fiona can hear them .

” . . . OK . ”

Some doubts Fiona also did not say anything, with dinner to go home .

. . .

when Fiona left the supermarket, it was already a little dark . When Fiona did not find a taxi and chose to walk, it was completely dark after walking for half an hour .

As she walked along, the girl complained to Yat:

“I knew there was no taxi left, Angus, we need to walk another half an hour!”

There are no street lights near this road . You should be very careful when you walk .

But for Fiona’s complaint, art did not answer, but closed his mouth, a pair of crow eyes looking around .

“Well? What’s up? Angus? ”

Fiona is a little confused . She doesn’t know why Yat suddenly stops talking .

Then she turned her head and looked around . Without strengthening her vision, she could not see that there were poisonous snakes moving on the road more than 80 meters away .

The reason why art is silent is that the target of these snakes is not Fiona .

“Be quiet, Fiona . ”

Art said .

Fiona didn’t know what it meant, but she didn’t know why . She just thought Angus was right and wanted to listen to Angus . Then she shut her mouth obediently .

The terms of the contract modified by att act on Fiona’s soul, which makes Fiona trust and obey Yat from the bottom of her heart .

Although the contract strength is not as strong as the contract to capture crows, the brainwashing effect is about one third .

After Fiona calms down, art observes the situation carefully .

It was a female magician, who looked at the group of poisonous snakes with an ugly face to Fang Zheng . Then she raised her hand, waved a white magic wand like a musical baton, and said in a voice:


A white light flew out of the wand and flew toward the snake on the ground, hitting a snake that had already reached her feet .

Then, the snake’s action stops, and its body breaks into pieces of flesh and blood .

Nearly 50 poisonous snakes were still rapidly approaching the sorceress .

“The flames are surging

The Red Star flew out of the wand and fell to the ground, spreading out the flames like a firebomb .

The spread of fire killed more than a dozen snakes, and then formed a huge flame barrier in front of the remaining snakes . The high temperature of the flame prevented the snakes from approaching .

However, just at this moment, an invisible blade came from the other side, passing by the wand, leaving a deep wound on the sorceress’s left arm .

“Disperse . . . Ah!”

The magic spell that the sorceress was about to recite was interrupted by severe pain . She stepped back a few steps and waved her wand in her right hand:

“protect yourself with vegetation!”

The grass under her feet grew and expanded rapidly, and entangled into a circle of grass and trees in front of her eyes .

At the moment of magic formation, another invisible blade flew from the direction just now, cutting a gap in the grass and tree wall .

But because the sight was blocked, the invisible blade did not cut to the female mage behind .

“Damn it, I’m hogmott’s protection teacher, who is it . . . ”

the witch mage looked at the wall of vegetation that had been penetrated and bit her lips:

“disperse the snake ants!”

A white powder, like smoke, flew over the gradually extinguished flame, fell on the snakes, and then disappeared .

The movements of more than 30 poisonous snakes became stiff, and several of them had turned their heads and were ready to leave .

But at this time, a black and gray smoke came from another direction and sprinkled on the snakes . The serpents stopped leaving, hissed, and went straight through the fire and rushed in the direction of the sorceress .

In the forest, a magician wearing a black robe and a mask on his face, and his face under the mask showed a smile:

“after killing Martha, the strength of their college will decline . . . At this time, the reformers will . . . ”

he did not find that a pair of crow eyes were staring at him .

In other words, staring at their battle is quite speechless .

How to say, the power of these spells is . . .

is very weak .

Very, very weak .

In the world of glory, it is just a low-level apprentice .

I don’t know what level these magicians belong to in this world .

If it is the lowest level, the strength of the world should be very high, and the highest level should also have multiple four levels .

But if it’s the middle level or even the top level . . .

then it’s the top, that is, it’s about the second level of diversification .

“Keep looking at the situation . ”

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