Night Crow Master Chapter 307


Chapter 307: 307

The void, or space, doesn’t make much difference .

In the field of vision, there are endless stars .

The radiant plane of the astral plane .

Some are spherical or ellipsoidal planets, some are irregular bodies that have nothing to do with the sphere – these are the planes of the astral boundary .

Art’s body, the shadow of disaster – like smoke and black fog of black clouds, floated in the void .

The shadow of disaster does not need to breathe air, and there is no air in the body .

Floating in the air is thin and almost nothing in the void, there are not too many anomalies .

The only feeling is that the body is being pulled around, just like paint spreading in a liquid .

Art controls the body, gathers together, and stops the spread .

Then, his eyes swept through the void in front of him . It seemed that there was nothing in the void . In fact, there was a plane of the astral plane not far from him .

From a three-dimensional perspective, you can’t capture it at all, and you can’t get into it .

But it does exist there .

It’s not hidden by any means, it’s – it’s in another area .

Countless sheets of paper can be folded into a three-dimensional shape – two-dimensional and three-dimensional .

The superposition of numerous three-dimensional objects is the way to create four-dimensional objects .

The glory world itself is a four-dimensional space world, not a four-dimensional space-time of three-dimensional space and time, but a four-dimensional space world in space .

The glory plane is a three-dimensional space plane .

The glory world itself includes countless glory planes, or parallel planes, parallel worlds .

However, at present, the will to glory does not put creatures on other planes of honor .

For example, there is a building, each floor is a glory plane, and now in the world of glory, only one glory plane contains creatures .

The other parallel planes are empty .

And the glory world is a huge four-dimensional sphere – or something .

Beyond the glory plane, there are many astral realms, most of which have no parallel plane, only one of their own .

Art reaches out his hand .

If the number is used to indicate that there is the glory plane of creatures and all kinds of races, which is the plane layer of No . 01, then the astral realm in front of him may be in the eighth or ninth layer, or negative eight or negative nine .

Br >

What if we want a brand-new theory of space and time?

Yat touched his chin and thought, smug .

This is a theory that art had never been exposed to in the original world .

Three dimensional space is the most stable, so most of the world is based on three-dimensional plane .

“This astral plane is not touched by any other wizard, and the coordinates of this plane do not appear in the plane of astral transfer . ”


To be more careful, Yat did not use it directly to break into the astral realm .

At present, he only has Apocalypse level three and multiple level three . He has not mastered the four-dimensional space movement magic .

Moving in three-dimensional space is from point a to point B on a piece of paper, while moving in four-dimensional space is from one paper to another .

Because of the lack of coordinates, he can only vaguely see an illusory outline in front of him through the unique perspective of the shadow of disaster .

The outline of the astral realm .

At this time, the starbird will be used –

raise his hand and press it on his head, and then his palm will shine .

The light fell on the hat, casting the outline of the hat on his chest .

Apocalypse control shadow!

The shadow crow Lord’s extraordinary power is activated, and the shadow on his chest expands and condenses into the form of crows .

Then –

hat trick!

The spirit of the shadow of disaster, as the energy of magic, instantly disappeared a large part .

The shadows were then replaced by a few dark purple, crow like birds .

[lv14: creatures that roam in all planes of the void are harmless .

Void essence · shuttle lv14: deals extra damage to space protection .

Astral shift lv14: active, move to a coherent astral realm .

Astral homology lv14: active, homologous creatures into corresponding planes .

Strength: lv8, physique: lv6, agility: lv13, spirit: lv14]

it’s really troublesome to find this kind of bird .

This bird is a creature in the void, and the existence of one of the innumerable species of void belongs to the void as well as the predators imitated by blue blood extraction . This kind of bird will roam around in the void and invade the world at will .

However, unlike other void creatures, this bird is not too aggressive and will not attack other creatures like an empty race –

or, they are less harmful than their own value .

Their body materials are very good space materials .

For many worlds, starbird itself is a very good resource . No one will refuse to send good materials to the door automatically .

Although there will also be some species in the void, disguised as starbirds or parasitic on starbirds to invade, it will not change the fact that we all like the door-to-door material of starbirds .

Dozens of crowed starbirds fly around ATT, and the purple black track forms a beautiful star ring around art .

“Help me to have a look –”

with a wave of arm, the bodies of these starbirds flash in the void .

With the fluctuation of space, dozens of starbirds disappeared in the air, just like the portraits on the paper were instantly erased and became blank .

“It’s amazing . ”

Although there is a part of lyndt’s memory, but watching the film and seeing the scene, the feeling is not the same .


Share vision!

It’s a fantastic perspective .

Starbirds are moving in four-dimensional space . When they travel through space, the perspective is similar to the real four-dimensional perspective .

Countless details juxtaposed together, like an unfolded design .

On the first few floors of the shuttle, at this location, is nothing else .

But on the sixth floor, there’s a huge rock, or meteorite, floating .

When starbirds bypass the meteorite from layer 6 to layer 7, they can see the infinite details of this meteorite from a four-dimensional perspective .

in a moment, countless information and countless repeated patterns are captured in the field of vision .

This huge flow of information, let the shared vision of Yat can not help but be stunned for a time .

Thinking Network –

Art subconsciously opened the thinking network, ready to process the information through powerful computing power .

However, at this time, starbirds have captured the seventh layer of information .

It’s the body of a void creature .

The corpse of an empty creature that has just been killed .

The huge information brought by the four-dimensional perspective has once again hit Yat’s mind .

And . . .

it was the devil who killed this void creature!?

Art widens his eyes and looks at the frost blue devil that appears before the Raven starlings .

Heart, brain, bone, skin, blood vessels – all physical structures are laid out in the view of the Raven starbird .

Frost blue, evil spirit sea and soul, also juxtaposed in the field of vision .

Moreover, there is a pure white light spot, hidden in the soul .

At the moment of seeing him, the spot of light trembled slightly .

Then the devil, or flo, who occupied the devil’s body, heard the voice:

“we have been found! Start the magic circle

Flo is still a little hesitant, or he doesn’t want to start a spell at all .

But, instead of waiting for him to react, the pure white light of holiness lit up and stung Flo’s soul .

And in this moment, he forcibly controls flo .

The frost blue magic array resonates with the dark purple on the dead bodies of void creatures .

The next moment, a violent space wave, rippling up .

“What’s going on?”

Yat has not fully reflected what has happened, and can only reluctantly activate all the defensive magic and skills on his body, forming dozens of strong defenses around his body .

Ding –

it is like the sound of metal hitting the stone wall, which diffuses instantly .

The powerful space storm envelops all the surrounding space and sweeps the nearby void and the nearby plane into it –

the eighth and ninth layers . . . Until the 16th floor .

In the opposite direction, all the way to the glory level surface of Yat was swept in by this dark purple space storm .

The long-lasting strange sound rings in the void and spreads like a ripple .

“Oh, no!”

The power of space storm, even Yate, is hard to resist .

In front of the space storm, the magic defense layer around him was quickly torn up layer by layer .

Although he continued to replenish, the speed of replenishment was much slower than that of destruction .

The space storm caused by the explosion of the empty creature’s body has swept through dozens of layers . The sound of Ding Ding continued to ring, and the space storm formed turbulence in the void, forming a vortex like cavity, which completely involved art’s body and the last few layers of protective covers .

With repeated noises, the last few layers of shields are rapidly weakening and are torn apart along with the protection that Yat forcibly replenishes .

“Damn it! It won’t last long! ”

Art’s face is a little ferocious . The situation is too dangerous for him .

The last shield is torn and the invisible crow shield lights up to transfer damage .

No way!

Master crow!

The essence of emptiness · shuttle!

At’s body, instantly from black gray to dark purple .

Although not very familiar with, but at this time, can only force the use of starbird ability out of this area!

All efforts are made to activate the power of starbird, and the light of space fluctuation is rising –

in the space storm, the dark purple power is also very unstable .

Art’s body, completely involved in the space storm, then through the passage created by Flo and lyndt to leave the world of glory .

The next moment he disappears .

A huge force swept through the void and wiped out the space storm completely, leaving only that space passage .

A figure appeared .

Half a second later, another shadow appeared .

This is a huge eye . It looks at the whirlpool like space passage, and its eyes are full of dignified light:

“how can . . . ”

the future eye . . . . . .

the person next to him looks at this huge eye:

“are these people important? Do you want to come back? ”

“Did you do it?”

The giant eyes of the future turned slightly and looked at him:

“bashamennong . ”

“I didn’t expect that you had been promoted to multi level six secretly . ”

“Just by chance . ”

Bashamennong smiles and goes straight into the space passage .

“Goodbye, little eyes under glory . ”

“The eye of the future looked at the closed space passage for a long time, and finally uttered a sentence:

” this is a big problem . ”

PS: it’s really fatal to make a forced transition .

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