Night Crow Master Chapter 301


Chapter 301: 301

Hughes noticed the battle on Yat’s side, of course . However, because he also encountered enemies, and there were still many enemies, he did not have time to be distracted and concerned about the battle of “Karan” .

At the moment when the explosion sounds and Hughes slightly differentiates his heart, numerous dense negative energy missiles fly towards Hughes .

“I’ve been prepared . ”

Hughes said to himself, then raised his hands . There were countless talisman runes on the harp shaped magic props .

A necromancer spell that has been enchanted on a spell item is lit .

Apocalypse Level 2 Magic: howling abyss!

From the harp, one by one, the undead burst out and howled one after another . On the track of sound diffusion, frost and frost condense and form, forming a huge abyss .

Not only in the air, but the sea under his feet was frozen by the frost full of sense of death .

With Hughes’ body as the center, the sea surface with a radius of nearly 500 yards freezes in an instant . Even within the scope of the frost spreading, the sea surface with a depth of nearly 300 yards also forms a hard ice layer .

A dead sea animal hiding under the sea was completely frozen before it could attack . In its open mouth, rows of sharp teeth like lampreys were clearly visible, just like amber .

In the air, the abyss composed of countless howling walls also blocked countless negative energy missiles . After the subsequent negative energy broke all the ice walls, it suddenly found that Hughes had disappeared from the howling abyss .

In three directions, one of the three Apocalypse level II necromancers has a smile on his face –

because of the angle of view, he thinks the other party has been hit .

However, the two warlocks were alert and dignified in their doubts . They did not find the situation like this fool .

“Where has he gone?”

Under the sea, the frozen sea animal, like a lamprey, surges with negative energy and breaks the ice around . The huge sea animal swings and waves .

There’s a crack in its forehead .

Half of the body of a necromancer, dressed in an old aristocratic dress of the Dera Empire, protrudes from a crack in the head of a lamprey .

Even in the sea, he does not have any abnormal, as a dead soul, the sea water will not have any impact on him, even if the sea water will enter his body .

At this time, his face was tense and dignified, and there was a trace of disbelief .


Because he didn’t want to explore the ontology out of the fusion of sea animals, which was not what he wanted to do .

At this time, all the Necromancers heard the sound of waves in the sea and on the sea —

continuous sounds, like some kind of folk song, and like an epic chanted by a bard, are constantly ringing .

The next moment, the three necromancers suddenly found that there were ghosts around them .

They have instruments in their hands .

In a flash, the trio remembered Hughes – that was their unique spell .

Creation Department, life system Apocalypse Level 2 necromancy – the necromancer orchestra!

The three necromancers didn’t think much about it and immediately wanted to defend .

However, they found that they could not control the body at all, and the use of negative energy was abnormal .

The reason is the constant music .

The musicians of the dead have already started to play, various instruments –

string instruments — violin, Viola, cello, bass .

Woodwind instruments – Piccolo, flute, Oboe, alto Oboe, clarinet, bass clarinet, bassoon .

Brass instruments trumpet, trumpet, horn, trombone, tuba, tenor

percussion instruments: timpani, Grand Army drum, small military drum, Gong, cymbal, tambourine, triangle iron, castanet

Color instruments: Piano, harp, xylophone, aluminum clavichord, clavichord .

Thousands of dead souls are surrounded by countless musical instruments, just like the pageant of a large concert .

And their conductor, it was Hughes who played the dead .

With the U-shaped Harp in his arms, Hughes’s pale fingers kept moving up the harp .

The three apocalyptic warlocks, incredibly, found that their own negative energy was completely suppressed and out of their control .

And their bodies, also in this large-scale symphony concert, can not help dancing, but in their strong desire to contain, should have been beautiful dance, become very stiff, like a funny clown .

“Vulgar, ignorant, totally ignorant of the beauty of music . ”

Hughes sighed as he plucked the strings of his harp .

The arm of negative energy stretched out from behind him, a beautiful female ghost, waving with a baton . When he finished this sentence, he put his right hand on the harp .

In an instant, all the dead made a rude move, and they destroyed the instrument at the same time .

The original beautiful and magnificent symphony, in an instant, became a source of noise . The terrible noise converged into a bunch, combined with negative energy, and fired at the three Necromancers .

In an instant, two necromancers were torn apart by the terrible sound wave of negative energy, and their flesh, blood, bones and soul were instantly torn apart .

There was only one – the necromancer who combined with the sea animal like lampreys, whose lower body, the sea animal, had been torn apart by negative energy sound waves, leaving only the upper body .


However, the body and soul, which have been penetrated by negative energy, are on the verge of being broken . It is impossible to use powerful magic again .

Hughes flies to his side . Negative energy swings out . Necromancy is used .

The Necromancer’s face slowly became stiff and then submissive .

“What are your plans and how many people are there?” While maintaining necromancy, Hughes asked .

“The three of us deal with Hughes, Hadd against Karan, balauk against dorkley, and the rest to . . . ”

the necromancer slowly said the plan .

“How strong are they?” Hughes frowned and asked for details .

You don’t need to worry too much . There are a lot of people in Maiya . Even if there is danger, it will not be broken so soon . What you need to worry about is dorkley and Karan .

” . . . I’m sure she’s going to hit dorkley hard, but I don’t know that she’s also prepared a spell . It’s not sure that Karan will die . All his spells have been exposed . It’s hard who has been ambushing him for a long time, and has prepared various magic tools for Karan’s magic . . . ”

hearing his words, Hughes’s brows frown tighter, and it’s true After joining them, dorkley seldom does it directly . Even Hughes has not seen her do it directly several times . However, Karan, because she often works with them, Hughes and the enemy know very well .

Karan is good at attacking necromancy, and is relatively weak in protecting himself . Once attacked, it is really dangerous . The violent explosion just now . . .

Karan may have been . . .

just as Hughes was about to crush the soul of this man and turn him into a soul slave, a familiar voice sounded in his distance:

“Hughes, you are finished Are you tied up? ”

Hughes looked up in some consternation, and then saw Karan .

The other side flies to him at a very fast speed, and then stops at a place close to 100 meters away from him .

The long grey robe on the other party’s body has been damaged by about a third . The broken cloth strips are floating in the wind, and the mask on his face also shows signs of fragmentation .

Hughes has learned that these are very powerful defensive props, but they are not broken .

“Are you all right?”

Seeing the other person, and feeling the soul wave that the other party has deliberately let go, after confirming his identity, Hughes said with a sigh of relief .

“Fortunately, Hardy was ambushing me and almost killed . ”

Karan, or art, said:

“dorkley’s support has arrived, and we both magically drove him back . ”

Then Hughes felt a lot of dark shadows on the bottom of the sea .

That’s a group of high-level sea animals . The leader is the crazy shark .

When they arrived, they turned again, led by the wild shark, and swam toward the direction where the sea devil led Maiya and others to leave .

“What’s the matter with Dorothy? There’s another warlock named balauk ready to deal with Dorothy . ”

Hughes named “Barak” and then outlined the distribution of the enemy’s strength .

After hearing what he said, art frowned, and then said in Karan’s voice:

“then I’ll support Dorothy, Hughes, and you’ll help Maiya as soon as possible . ”

Then, without waiting for him to say anything more, he flew directly in the direction of dorkley .

Looking at his back, Hughes couldn’t help but be stunned, and then a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth:

“it seems that there are people who value it . ”

Hughes preferred sentimental people who could be called companions and sentimental than necromancers who were not human at all .

And Karan, in the previous relationship, although it was not without feelings, but did not see that he showed enough feelings for anything .

It seems that there is really something to do with Karan and dorkley . After all, they have joined hands with him . According to the information previously found, the two have cooperated for decades or nearly a hundred years .

Although he became a dead spirit, Hughes did not give up the gossip attribute .

After two clicks, Hughes waved his hand, and the souls of the three slain necromancers were reorganized and condensed into three dull souls . Then, into the harp in his hand .

After all this, Hughes looked around and immediately flew in the direction of the sea devil .

. . .

on the other side, flying to the halfway point of Kalan, the tip of one’s foot scratched on the surface of the water, and an imperceptible and ominous black smoke entered the water .

Then, he got into the body of the necromancer, who had been waiting under the sea for a long time . No, the dead crow shadowed hard’s body .

Ten seconds after Kalan disappeared, Hadd’s body emerged from the water . After subconsciously trying to straighten the top hat, but not touching anything, Yat grinned awkwardly and politely, and ran after Hughes .

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