Night Crow Master Chapter 300


Chapter 300: 300

[dead crow shadow Lv16: a kind of immortal shadow creature created by forcibly fusing the soul life box of necromancer Karan with shadow .

Synthetic soul · undead shadow Lv16: does not need to eat, breathe and sleep, the body is uncertain, and can be recovered by swallowing shadow and spirit body .

Apocalypse · immortal Lich Lv16: the energy damage outside the holy light system is reduced by 20%, the negative effects of immune fatigue and bleeding are reduced, and the benefit reduction effects of other psychic types are reduced by 32% .

Spell master · necromancer Lv16: master some necromancer spells below Lv16 .

Supernatural essence · curse shadow lv8: when the dead crow directly contacts the target, it will produce fear, fatigue and cold state .

Attributes: strength –, physique: -, agility: Lv9, spirit: Lv16]

while flying, Yat glanced at Karan’s attributes .

Necromancer transforms himself into a necromancer, which is a common way for material level creatures to upgrade to spirit level creatures .

The Lich’s life box still retains the material body of “life box”, but it is mainly soul . It is an incomplete material creature promoted to Spirit creature .

The shadow is between the spirit level and the material level . The immortal shadow is more advanced than the Lich life box in combination .

Dead dark crow shadow has the advantages of immortal shadow, without the defects of Lich’s life box . Relatively speaking, it is a combination of the advantages of the two, but also has the disadvantages of both .

The biggest drawback, in the Pokemon way, is four times the dim light .

After flying for more than ten seconds and advancing about two thousand yards, Yat also encountered the enemy .

Under the sea, the current surged, and suddenly rolled up three columns of water, forming sharp, fine spines, from below to Yate’s body .


But . . . It’s a pity .

When Dangdang!!!

With the sound of metal hitting each other, highly condensed water, like metal, hit the same hard black and blue shield .

Negative energy shield!

Art, who had expected it, used necromancy to resist .

But to avoid doubt, art is not going to use any other spell this time . He only uses necromancy .

With the continuous impact of water droplets, the strong negative energy shield is hard to spread out, like a swollen balloon, which will fly with negative energy droplets .

Seeing this, in the opposite direction, hundreds of meters away from the sea, an empty area, a necromancer smiles .

On the cold face, showed the intention of killing .

“Karan, you’re dead this time . ”

He knows all the information about Karan, and he has been preparing for the behavior and fighting style of Karan for a long time .

This time, you can kill him!

“It’s a pity, Kalan, that I won’t let you choose the way you like to die . You can bury yourself in the sea! It will never give you a chance to revive again

The attack just now is just interference . The real killing move is the second level spell that he has already started to cast silently .

The side effect of silent casting is to lengthen casting time or reduce casting power, but it can reduce casting fluctuation .

With the ability to hide casting fluctuations, you can silently prepare to cast a second level spell .

And more than one!

Without hesitation, he clenched his hands and launched two second level spells –

two powerful negative energy surged . The spell that had been accumulated for a long time was launched at this moment .

The first one is the binding spell –

a thread of dark blue silk emerges from the body of a small fish on the sea . At the moment of gushing out, these silk threads instantly expand by thousands of times, forming a series of dark blue giant snakes, flying to Yat from all directions .


Creation is Apocalypse Level 2 spell: snake soul prison!

They’re not very aggressive, but they’re very powerful .

On their bodies, negative energy inscriptions are constantly flashing, interfering with the surrounding space .

In the area they surround, you can’t use space magic to teleport, and you can’t do it by speeding up your speed . After the huge snake soul, there are many filaments .

If a spell touches these snake wires, they will explode instantly .

The shadow of the snake coming from all directions sealed all the space that could be escaped .

In such a situation, another spell follows –

the same as the fury storm, but pays more attention to the creation of killing . It is Apocalypse level II spell: death storm!

The negative energy curls in the air, forming countless crying and Howling spirits . With the negative energy with strong penetration, it shoots at the snake soul prison .

When the death storm hits the snake soul prison, it causes a strong explosion .

Whether Karan chooses to flee or defend, he will surely die!On the face of the necromancer, there was a proud smile .

However, at this moment, he suddenly saw the other party turn his head and smile at him .

“You think too much . ”

No! It’s an illusion!

Karan is wearing a faceless mask and a cloak . How could he have a smile!?

Want to get distracted by hallucinations, take the opportunity to escape!?

How can you succeed!

Without any hesitation, the snake soul forms a cage and binds Yat in it . The death storm has also touched countless snake souls .

Thousands and tens of thousands of snake spirits exploded in an instant, and the negative energy formed a strong impact, interwoven with the death storm .

With Kalan’s body as the center, an area of 500 yards is completely shrouded by a terrible negative energy explosion .

A huge round hole was blasted out of the sea by the strong impact . The lowest point was nearly 300 yards away from the original sea surface . The waves lifted off formed a huge wave wall of 700 yards high .

“Resentment . . . ”

the necromancer just wanted to say something, but suddenly he found that in the center of the explosion, a black sphere was floating .

Huge waves, high walls falling from the sky, reveal the sphere completely .

“What is that?”

The Necromancer’s eyes widened .

He saw that there were more than 50 layers of magic shields stacked together to protect the most central Kalan .

Shadow, flame, frost, sea water, magic power, psychic power, etc .

the shield layer formed by various forces wrapped Karan’s body firmly in the center .

Why are there so many forces?

The necromancer spoke to himself in disbelief, watching the layers of shields disappear .

However, at this time, he suddenly felt a pain in his body, and then something penetrated into his spiritual sea and invaded his soul area . The black shadow constantly penetrated his body, and together with the strange soul power, he constantly reversed and transformed his soul .

The necromancer, who can’t move at all, can only look helplessly at an illusory black figure, put his finger in front of his mouth, and look at the other person in a low voice:

“Shhh –”

“be quiet, the transformation will soon be over, don’t worry, it won’t hurt – capture the Crow -”

the next moment, he feels a pain in his soul and loses consciousness completely .

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