Night Crow Master Chapter 290


Chapter 290: 290

No one, including the summoned volcano demons, found no one . An ominous black fog left the forest priest’s body and went underground .

At the moment when the black fog left, the forest priest’s eyes became empty and incomparable .

At the next moment, wiggs, standing behind the side of the space crack, also threw out a spell –

Apocalypse level I spell: furnace of fire!

The hot, lava like, spherical flame flits past the crevasse of space, past the mountain demon’s arm, and hits the demonized genie’s body .

The defense weakened by art only depends on demonizing the spirit’s body and soul, and can’t block the magic of the furnace of fire .

In an instant, the body of the demonized spirit turned into a mass of coke, and the high-temperature flame furnace continued to burn the body of the demonized spirit which had been turned into coke . Within a few seconds, the body of the demonized spirit had turned into fly ash .

His soul, too, was melted in the furnace of fire .

Philore and filona did not expect such a thing at all . Fiona widened her eyes, looked at the soul that had completely disappeared in the furnace of fire, and watched the blank face of each other disappear with the high temperature flame .

“This . . . ”

but at this time, the space crack suddenly closed .

The volcano demon, who was trying to get through the space crack, was still reaching forward and trying to catch something, but the closure of the space fissure directly broke its arm .

“Hateful human beings!” (abyssal language)

with the angry and unwilling roar of the volcano devil, the space crack is completely closed .

Half of the arm, more than 10 meters in diameter and more than 70 meters in length, fell heavily on the ground, and the strong vibration spread around .


But wiggs fainted and fell to the ground because of the devil’s roar which was no more than 20 meters in a straight line, and the deafening roar with a strong mind bombardment .

Ferona and philore, who were still hesitant and did not know what to do, seemed to notice something . They turned their heads and looked at the sky in the distance . Without hesitation, they rushed to wiggs and held his body up . All the perceptive and accelerated magic and props were opened at the same time, and they fled in the direction far away from the broken ancient city .

Nearly a minute after filona escaped with wiggs in her arms, a holy milky light flickered in the sky 100 meters above the volcano demon’s arm, and then a figure in a priest’s robe slowly solidified .

He frowned and looked at the arm on the ground .

“Volcano devil? Apocalypse Level 3 or apocalypse 4? The space here has been reinforced three times . How can the seal decay so quickly

The bishop murmured, his face puzzled, and the white light around him made the fog of the abyss unable to invade his body and affect him .

He did it himself . This is part of the diocese .

He was also the first to notice the situation here .

Then his eyes swept into the distance, where filona had fled .


The bishop frowned, and the power of the light rose again . He would use space magic to capture filona and others .

But at this time, a strong wind element fluctuations, with a very fast speed, far away hit, interrupted his magic .

In this case, the bishop could not help frowning, and the power of the light rose again, and he was ready to fight back against those who attacked him .

However, the other party’s action is to stop him .


The one who used the wind elemental spell to disturb him has left .

“Are they fairies, too?”

The bishop stopped, thought for a moment, made a judgment, and just as he was about to do something, two more waves of space rose near the devil’s arm .

Then, two sorcerers in aristocratic costumes appeared one after another in the fluctuation of space .

One is only Apocalypse level two, is the nearby count, the other is the Apocalypse level Four, is the marquis .

The Marquis of Apocalypse four, after appearing, first looked at the arm, and then turned to the Bishop:


“Lord torland . ”

And the count wizard also bowed his head and showed enough respect to the strong man of Apocalypse level 4 in the capacity of Apocalypse Level 2 .

“Can you tell me what happened? Bishop torland? ”

The Marquis sorcerer, speaking to bishop Toland, had a mild tone, but also a little haughty .

However, Toland did not respond to this . The Marquis of rurrans is an old Marquis, and there are even rumors that he is going to be promoted to Apocalypse level 5 .

It is only 30 years since he was promoted from Tianqi Level 3 to Tianqi level 4 . His strength is not as good as that of the other party .

“Someone called the volcano devil . There were witches and fairies here before, and some elves stopped my pursuit . “Toland gave a short answer .

“Lord torland, are you a demon warlock?”

The count wizard thought for a moment, then asked in a voice .

Summon the devil, the biggest suspect is the demon Warlock .

“It shouldn’t be . . . ”

Toland shook his head . He didn’t find the smell of devil warlock, devil, wizard, spirit, and . . . Devil .

And this was also discovered by the Marquis, whose figure flashed and appeared in the church in the center of the broken ancient city .

After torland found out the other party’s action, he also used teleportation to follow him .

The two appeared in the church one after the other .

When the Marquis wizard swung his arm, a spell was sent out, and the fluctuation of his power covered the whole church:

“detect evil –”

then, bursts of burning red light full of evil meaning lit up as the feedback of magic .

And their attention was not on the burning red evil light, but on another faint, imperceptible frost blue light .

Cunning, weird, evil .

This is . . .

“the light of the devil Warlock . ”

The Marquis, turning his head, looked at torrand and said in a positive tone .

“Well . ”

Torland also nodded . Although it was very subtle, it was undoubtedly the light of the devil Warlock .

The devil warlock designed it all .

“Marquis of ruence, you should be able to find the wizard of prophecy? I think a prophet wizard should be able to find out

“Well . ” The Marquis of ruence nodded .

. . .

and hundreds of kilometers away from the broken ancient city, a cloud of black fog in the form of crows broke up and formed a human again .

This man, of course, is art .

He raised the corner of his mouth and said to himself with a smile:

“flo, Flo, I hope you like this gift . ”

His eyes swept over the “add destiny” skill, through which he forcibly linked the devil’s breath to flo .

As long as you use the prophecy to detect that evil breath, you’ll find flo .

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