Night Crow Master Chapter 285


Chapter 285: 285

The blood red fog diffuses on the earth, from time to time, the thick fog will ignite a flame .

The chaotic and burning flames burn the surface of the earth with dry cracks .

There are not a few normal plants here . Even the extraordinary plants that can adapt to the high temperature have become demonized plants in this chaotic and hot blood mist .

Art held out his hand, and an unknown, confused, hot hand gripped the cannibal plant with the sharp teeth of a beast that had bitten him .

The right hand gently pinched its neck – or should be the position of the stem .

“Ho ho –”

the mouth on the petal kept swinging wildly and tried to bite at art, but its attack was in vain .

The natural ability of the shadow of disaster, the touch of disaster, had already affected the cannibal plant before Yat launched an attack .

Yat could see that the ordinary fortune endowed to him as the creation of the glorious world fled from his body as if he had met a natural enemy .

Without luck, it loses all the ability to resist adversity .

The right hand clenches, the red black strength gradually invades its body, will tear its body .

Like a balloon, the magical cannibal was blown to pieces, landed on the ground, and then burned .

At the same time, at’s other arm expands into a huge, unreal black red arm, full of uncertainty and confusion .

The giant hand flits through the air, holding in his hand the fate of being driven away and cannibalism ready to escape after death .

The black thread of doom, like a cobweb, blocks the blue and black threads in the middle .

People with strong luck will avoid danger and get harvest because of various “accidents”, which is also known as “luck” .

And bad luck . . . Can put people in danger .

The strength and quantity of fate and bad luck are the important basis for judging the development direction of one’s destiny .

With the magic hand’s grasp, the luck and doom are absorbed into the body, filtered by the system, and become a negligible part of the experience bar of crow mage and night wizard .

“It’s so demonized . ”

The huge, illusory hand retracts and becomes the original arm .

His eyes swept around, the walls of the ancient city, pieces of broken walls in the surging heat flow, twisted and shaking .

“There are signs of being attacked by holy light divinity and magic of order attributes . ”

The sense of chaos is weaker in some places and stronger in others .

This fog, full of chaotic magic, interferes with perception .

After using the ability to demonize crows, art can not completely avoid the interference of this sense of confusion .

“Chaos . ”

Just as crows symbolize bad luck .

In the pluralistic world, the devil is the symbol of “chaos” and “evil” .


Whether it is the fate of the trajectory or other, the world needs to be orderly, and represents chaos, with the essence of the devil, is the vast majority of the world will not like things .

Apocalypse shadow crow Lord!

The silhouette of the shadow crow Lord emerges and disappears . Art controls the shadow and condenses into the shape of a crow .

Hat trick!

A wave of spatial fluctuations swept up, and the shadow shaped crows disappeared in an instant . Instead, 50 dark red crows appeared in place .

Their bodies are huge . The smallest one is about the same size as a wolf, and the largest ones are nearly three meters high, which is even higher than a folk house .

Just like a real one .

But no matter how big or small, their eyes are filled with madness and confusion, and they tend to attack each other and even attack Yat .

The nature of chaos is . . .

it’s hard to do .

The contract chain composed of the chain of doom can firmly control their actions, but still can not change their chaotic nature .

This is one of the reasons why Yat didn’t capture too many devil birds to turn them into crows . He even spent most of his time in the state of seal . Instead of breaking the contract, he sealed them .

After all, you can’t tell when you can use it .

Like now .

The demonized crows are entangled with the magic of chaos, burning the flames of chaos .

The feathers on the body, like a piece of flame condensed into the general, constantly swaying .

After they are exchanged by hat trick, they stay in place, with the crazy and destructive desire in their eyes constantly fluctuating .

“Dear ones, I will be very sad if you look at me like this . ”

There was a smile on art’s face, but because of his half demonized state, his smile was very ferocious, and his shark like teeth were black and red”Go ahead, your playground . It’s in there . ”

His eyes turned to the wreckage of the ancient city twisted by the heat wave .

“Yaya –”

like crows singing and animal roaring, fifty demonized crows flapped their huge wings of fire and flew up .

Looking at such a scene, art’s face also showed a ferocious smile .

Then, he stopped:

“in order to avoid the influence of the fog of the abyss, it seems that it is not a good choice to actively demonize . . .

Art’s right hand covered half of his face, and the power of chaos constantly magnified his feelings of killing, madness, impulse, and fighting, while prudence and calmness were covered by these magnified emotions .

Mechanized mind . . . .

preparing to use a spell will bring him back to calm . At was surprised to find that he even resisted the idea of becoming calm .

He is resisting, resisting becoming calm, wanting to be crazy, wanting to fight, wanting to kill, eager to destroy, eager for disaster . . .


Yat suddenly found a thing .

Most of these desires are not from demonization, but from his noumenon .

He sincerely hoped that disaster would happen, just like instinct .

Demonization enlarges his emotions and leads to the desire for disaster and destruction as “bad luck” and “black crow” .

Before this desire, the Three Outlooks he established as “Wu Yatu” were nothing .




“I see . I see . ”

At last, Yat realized that his personality, in front of the nature of bad luck, was insignificant .

It doesn’t matter what his personality is . His personality is a virgin and a destroyer, both the same .

The purpose of the system is only one – to cultivate “bad luck” and “black crow” so that he can grow to the strength that a conceptual biology should have .

For the system, even if he died, it doesn’t matter . As “bad luck”, Yat will reorganize again . At that time, although he is not dead, his personality will disappear .

No original memory, no original character .

It is true that he is still he, but . . .


Should the essence of an intelligent life be his memory and personality or his body?

If a person loses all his memory and personality, is he still him? In other people’s eyes, there is no problem with “amnesia” .

But what about the person who has lost his memory?

For example, in his previous life, when virtual reality online games flourished, a fantasy topic often discussed was copying memory and personality to computers and machines .

So, is the body the noumenon, or is the memory and personality attached to the computer and machine the noumenon?

If it is the former, then the body is born a new personality, then he is still the original he? If you clone many of the same bodies, then, what is it?

If it is the latter, then if a memory and personality are copied many copies, then who is the noumenon?

The first one as a blueprint? Or . . . All of them?

Why distinguish?

All of them, can’t you?

The noumenon hidden in the shadow of disaster is constantly fluctuating, and the consciousness of Yate, which was originally floating on the surface, has also penetrated into it and penetrated into the interior of the force of doom .

The system is completely indifferent to this .

From the very beginning, it was created for the purpose of nurturing bad luck, just as art had guessed . It doesn’t matter what kind of personality the host has .

How many times the host has died is the same . As the concept of “bad luck”, after death, bad luck will be reorganized again . It is only necessary to create a new personality based on a suitable personality according to the procedure .

This is the “system” . This kind of rule creation, when it is created, has already set up a program .

There are two ways to interrupt this process .

The first method is to destroy the system . The system is a kind of rule-based creature that imitates the rules . The essence of the system is multiple seven levels .

In other words, the level is the “prop” of multiple seven levels .

The essence of a system is the same as a magic, a program, which is a template for training according to the set training route, in order to make the bad luck grow stronger .

After destroying the system and losing the host of the system, everything needs to grope for growth .

The second method is to destroy the concept of “bad luck” completely .

Let the pluralistic world completely lose the concept of “doom” . And art, he doesn’t know .

What he wanted to know about level 9 was covered up by the system, or . . . Deleted . Only information that could be inferred and not directly related to the other party was retained .

For the concept level, knowing the other party’s existence can be perceived by the other party .

So, you can’t even know .

The way to deal with it is to delete all information about the other party .

The memory of the body that the system takes away from lenter is directly deleted by the system .

Before art grows up to be able to compete with the conceptual creatures that exist everywhere, that is, level 9, he has to minimize his exposure .

Once exposed, there are other concepts coming in – to control him .

Not every conceptual creature is powerful enough to ignore other conceptual creatures like time .

Killing a conceptual organism is not only useless, but also harmful to the multiverse .

How to maximize the interests, of course, is to eliminate their personality, shape a new personality, in order to achieve the purpose of control .

Art did not know these things, and with the information he could know, he could not infer them .

But . . . It didn’t stop art from doing it .

“Wuyatu, it’s me, the black crow, it’s me, and bad luck, it’s me . ”

“The crazy me is also me, and the cautious me is also me . ”

Art took a deep breath, his eyes shining .

The next moment, he took the initiative to accept this desire for destruction and disaster .

Instead of constantly fighting against this desire and finally being swallowed up by it, it is better to take the initiative to accept this desire and assimilate it .

Active and passive are two different results .

“Me, that’s me . ”

“Bad luck, it’s me . ”

“I’m bad luck . ”

In his body, ominous and invisible black doom surged, as if he had untied some bondage . At felt a sense of pleasure from his heart .

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