Night Crow Master Chapter 283


Chapter 283: 283

Taclancha, west of Myra, Doria .

A team of extraordinary professionals is marching along the river .

And art is disguised as a bard, hanging far behind this professional team .

Gloria, who lives in the body of the dead bird, stops on Yat’s shoulder, with a pair of crow eyes, and looks at the people below . He is about a kilometer away from the team . They don’t find the existence of art .

The reason is –

[phantom essence · invisible body lv14: on the initiative, the phantom bird hides its body and enters the invisible state . 】

combined with the magic of covering the breath, one of the most powerful mercenaries in this team could not detect his existence .

The perception ability of the shadow of disaster also enables Yat to hear sounds hundreds of meters away without strengthening his perception . In addition, he has six layers of magic that can strengthen five senses . . . .

Yat can hear their conversation clearly .

As for why Yat cares so much about their existence . . .

shared vision

in the line, a female mercenary turns her attention to two blonde Men nearby .

Two blonde youths laughed and talked to the others .

A blonde grey eye .

A blonde with red eyes .

Noticing her sight, the young man with golden hair and red eyes turned his head and showed a coquettish smile:

“what’s the matter? Lola? Did you fall in love with me? “

” it’s not . ”

The maid replied indifferently, though this man is much worse than his master .

“It’s a pity ~”

“OK, wiggs, you’ll be disgusted if you tease Lola again . ”

The young man with fair hair and grey eyes and a sense of nature gave a gentle smile, then turned to Lola with a cold face:

“Lola, how do you feel now? There is no sequelae to the potion, is it

“Philore, I checked it . It’s a regular potion . ”

Before waiting for the maid Lola to answer, wiggs opened his hand with a smile, “the reputation of the maritime chamber of commerce is still trustworthy . ”

Wiggs, a young man with golden hair and red eyes, is another apprentice of the mercury Duke . He was expelled from the door wall by the mercury Duke more than a year ago .

In addition, the other party has been promoted to Apocalypse level 1 and become a Apocalypse level 1 wizard .

Lola’s gaze glances over a row of rings on her opponent’s hands, one of which is a bandwagon, which binds the other party’s psionic contamination .

Wiggs was good at alchemy, and art knew that .

The poem of destiny!

After the target was designated as wiggs, Yat got the fate of wiggs –

born in Sierra County, he was the son of a baron . He showed a fairly good wizard talent when he was young . At the age of 10, he was already a low-level wizard apprentice .


When he and his father and his subordinates blocked the demons together, because of the devil . . . Because of Flo’s intervention, his father died, and he almost died . However, it was discovered by Delite and elty, who went to Sierra county at that time, that dilit, who was only of high strength, killed the horned demon called by Flo and saved wiggs .

Flo . . . Is that the trouble maker again?

After that, wiggs was taken to the Earl of glora .

His brother inherited the Baron status, but because of his brother’s lack of strength, he did not pass the noble trial, only inherited the knighthood .

After that, wiggs learned some alchemy knowledge from steward Yvonne in the castle of Duke mercury .

As with Yat, he was not taught alchemy by the Duke of mercury himself, and shortly afterwards he left the Earl of Gloucester for a journey .

During his travels, his alchemy and strength gradually grew, much better than the ordinary low-level wizard, but not the evil and abnormal growth speed of the son of sorrow .

After about three years, he was promoted to the middle wizard apprentice, and then promoted his strength with a relatively gentle growth curve .

Five years later, when he was trying to steal the king salamander’s treasure, he met ferol and filona, who were seriously injured, and saved them .

Two or three became friends and traveled together for nearly a year .

Then, there should be a change here –

this time point is the time point when art was attached to Claudio and appeared in the glory world – around June 20584 .

The original track is that around December 20584, they found traces of blood witches near the Viscount of red rose .

At this time, it is the story that Claudio runs wild in the village outside the Viscount of red rose, slaughters the whole Hunter village, and is taken after by bashamennong, the son of chaos .

At this time, several people did not intersect . Art left the hunter village, met the blood Duke in the blue rose Viscount, and then left .

With the help of soli EBO, the new Elven elder hidden behind wiggs and others, wiggs and others found the traces of the blood Duke .

This time point is may 20585 .

Weigs and others in the discovery of blood wizard traces, went to remind the red rose Viscount, thus led to the blood Duke .

Moreover, they helped the prince of rose, let the prince of rose be reborn on the Countess of blue rose, and gave the Duke of blood a heavy blow and the power of the kingdom of Allen was re washed .

That is, around February 20586, Yat has just inherited the territory from the dead Earl of fileck .


Later, because wiggs and others helped the Duke of rose, they took the proposal of the queen of the elves to reach an alliance agreement with the Duke of mercury, fast . Although it was not successful, it did not fail .

Then, somewhat disappointed, wiggs left the Earl of Gloucester, following philore and filona .

After that, because they interfered in the affairs of the blood Duke, they were retaliated by the power behind the blood Duke, the dela empire .

Sorie EBO, the fairy elder of Apocalypse level 5, was on the verge of death . At the last moment, she gave her power to the twin wise philrol and philona, and wiggs gained some benefits .

After that, in order to consolidate their strength and avoid the enemy, they carried out long-term training .

When they reappeared, it was already around April 20588 .

Filrolfilona is already Apocalypse level one close to Apocalypse level two, and wiggs has just been promoted to Apocalypse .

After they had a fight with ELTI near kangobot, art appeared and saved elty . But wiggs was seriously injured . Philore and Fiona escaped with Vignes .

After that, in order to save wiggs, philore and filona took viggs to live in seclusion in white harbor outside kangobot for nearly half a year . Then they left the kingdom of Allen, all the way through the kingdom of Barcelona and went to the kingdom of Lansu in the northwest . They wanted to pass through the kingdom of Lansu and return to the forest of elves .

In the later tragic epic, wiggs became a powerful assistant to philore and Fiona, and had many conflicts with art . In the end, he was regarded as an abandoned son by the fairy queen and died on the battlefield .

Because of Yat’s reason, the fate track has changed a lot .

Now it is about August 20585 . According to the original plot, art . . . Claudio has just entered the maze of hesitation, and has not yet got the wandering and phantom eyes . The three men of wiggs have just uncovered the plot of the prince of blood .

The butterfly effect of art’s action made a difference .

Through Laura’s vision, art looks at them .

These people have already come to this place, and now philore and filona should have gained the power of sori Obo, the elder of the elves .

However, the five level Elven elder did not die in the hands of Dera Empire, but in the hands of . . . The elf queen?

What’s the situation?

The queen of the elves and the Duke of mercury killed the elder elves together?

Art didn’t check the details .

It’s OK just to check the fate track . If you can directly probe his mentor mercury singer or Elf queen through prophecy magic, it’s still more dangerous –

his mentor will prophesy magic, which is no doubt .

And the queen of the elves, too, has mastered the means of prophecy .

At present, Yat has no plan to fight against the strong man of Tianqi level 6, and he can’t fight .

The system panel appears, and art scans the taskbar .

What’s the mission around here?

At last, art’s eyes were fixed on a task .

[(optional) task: shatter ruins · spirit cage

task level: lv18

task content: make weigs lules Serra kill the high elves sealed in the spirit relics and corrupted by magic, prevent the double Sage from obtaining the ancient books of the spirit, and let the wigs and the elves have a gap .

Time limit: before August 20589 .

Mission area: Barcelona .

Success reward:

elves corridor lv15-18 (x3), according to the degree of completion reward]

spirit corridor?

Art knows about the elf corridor .

This thing is closely related to the high elves, or it is the source of the high elves’ ability to use elemental power .

Art had the origin of the high elves and human race, the blueprint of life .

However, except for the development direction of longevity and physical quality, there is basically no big difference between human beings –

human beings are mainly spiritual, weak in strength, physique and agility, strong in learning ability, but short in life, belonging to short-lived species . High elves are mainly spiritual and agile . Their strength and physique are weaker than those of human beings . Their learning ability is weaker than that of human beings, but their life span is long .

There is no big difference between the two, and . . .

the high elves have no affinity for elements . In other words, they are almost the same as human beings, just in the ordinary degree .

Their element affinity comes from a structure called “elf corridor”, which allows them to be compatible with elements .

In short, it’s an extra accessory, not the original structure of high elves . When the spirit of glory creates elves according to the origin of race, it adds the elf corridor, which makes them acquire the affinity element ability far beyond human beings .

However . . .

unfortunately, it is not the blueprint of the wizard corridor, but the finished product .

After carefully looking at the pattern on the task reward and confirming that there is no “blueprint” mark, Yat sadly shakes his head and then turns his attention to several people .

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