Night Crow Master Chapter 282


Chapter 282: 282

More than half a year passed quickly, and the countess Myra’s crisis did not end . However, the increasingly chaotic situation around her and the sudden slowing down of her competitors’ offensive helped to preserve her position as count .

At least, in the eyes of outsiders, that’s right .

And in the dark, the whole of Myra County, has been controlled by art .

Whether it’s the Vatican or the nobility or the mercenary guild .

From the bottom up, nearly half of the supernatural has been controlled by art – most of the people who have used the blood implant have become att’s servants .

It’s not the crow puppet skill .

The skill of crow puppet is controlled in the form of appendage and can be detected .

The contract to capture crows is in the form of a contract and cannot be detected .

At present, Yat has become the real master of the four counties under the Duke of taclancha .

And no one has been able to unveil the dark curtain through prophecy, which is unknown, as if nothing had happened – except that a few members of the taclancha family were accused of collusion with the devil and then attacked .

These nobles are not the core of the taclancha family, and they really collude with the devil –

nightmare birds, frost birds, hellbirds, these creatures from the hell plane, with a strong smell of the devil . It is no doubt that the people who have been possessed by them are infected with the devil’s smell .

When the whole house was filled with a strong smell of devil, and “coincidentally” was found by the Holy See clergy, all this became a solid hammer .

Countess Myra also became the object of suspicion, but after “careful” identification by the Holy See, Countess Myra was cleared of suspicion .

Then, the suspect points to a handsome young noble Earl of the lenchard family, sur clendor lunchard .

Under the joint action of the Holy See of light and the aristocratic court of taclancha, it was found that the Earl of sur not only had many young ladies, but also had affairs with many noble ladies and the wives of extraordinary people .

The number is close to one hundred .

When the incident was found out, the original names of “playboy” and “amorous sur” were changed into “stallion”, “Mr . sur who likes his wife” and “count of stallion” .

The names spread widely and then somehow leaked to the women’s husbands, who united to protest against the aristocratic court .

Although this Earl of Sur is a real stallion, he still has a little brain . He has not attacked the Apocalypse level of the supernatural or the wife and daughter of the noble wizard . All the men who are green are under the apocalypse .

Then, after the joint investigation of the noble court and the Holy See, nearly half of these women were in collusion with the devil, and one third of them were magic or fetishists .


The discovery surprised both the court of Lords and the Holy See, and quickly controlled them .

After using the magic of searching memory and soul, we found that before they became the bedmates of the Earl of Sur, they were already lust worshipers or magic men . After draining many men, they turned their targets to the amorous stallion count .

It seems that the Earl of stallion likes to use various kinds of medicine to maintain his “masculine style” . It is a good supplement for this group of magicians and worshippers, so it is regarded as a long-term lunch box .

Then came the names of “count of potions”, “count of desserts”, “count of grain reserves”, “stupid sur”, “toys of lust” and “anthropomorphic x-ware” .

After detailed investigation, it was found that nearly one third of the Earl of sur’s subordinates had collusion with the devil, and even some of them were devil worshippers and devil warlocks .

The final result is that the Earl of sur himself did not collude with the devil, but as the object of penetration of the devil, he was a victim .

However, he has also become a laughing stock among the aristocrats .

Both the lenchards and the clendos have announced their complete severance from the Earl of sur and have taken back the family name .

That is to say, from now on, there will be no such person as sur clendor lenchard, only the “Earl of sur”, the Earl of sur without surname .

The end of this Earl of sur was rather miserable . All the people who had colluded with the devil were disposed of, and most of the rest of his subordinates ran away and were unwilling to stay under him .

And his more than 100 bed mates, most of the unmarried women, were cheated by his clever words . After knowing his bad deeds, they completely disconnected from him, and those wives were divorced by their husbands . They were also ashamed to stay in these places and stay away from here .

Although there are still some married or unmarried women addicted to his bed skills with special effects and did not disconnect from him, they did not dare to show up and hide in a corner because of the popularity . The sorcerers and the fetishists, to say nothing of them, were disposed of by the Holy See together with his subordinates .

The nobility may collude with the devil, but the Holy See will not tolerate devil warlocks and devil worshippers – because of the will to glory .

Now, the Earl of Sur, in a new guise, continues to stay near Myra County as a visiting wizard .

He didn’t believe that he would become a dessert for the magicians . He didn’t believe that his subordinates would collude with the devil . Therefore, he wanted to find out the culprit . It must be someone who framed him . How could sur not be aware of the devil’s situation .


He thought over all his enemies, whether they had been in conflict with him or might have resented him . The wary Earl of sur even regarded every man who looked at him with envy as the object of suspicion .

Of course, it also includes art .

For this situation, art is also quite speechless .

He did not have a direct conflict with each other at all . To be exact, he only met the count of sur on one side . Among the bed companions of the other party, there were many magicians and fetishists . It is true that Yat did something about it, but it was just adding fuel to the oil –

among the opposite bedmates, there were only two fetishists and a magician .

What Yat did was to summon a couple of lust demons from the devil’s plane, let the hellbird use the crow puppet skills to control them, and then let them share their strength with the bed mates of the count of sur .

Then, with the abilities of dead dark crow shadow, misty crow man, and puppet bird, they can modify their memory to make them think that they were cult or magician long ago .

Because it is mass-produced, if there are a few Apocalypse Level 2 or above, who major in psychic magic, they can find out the situation . However, for this group of psychic sorcerers and fetishists whose average strength is only middle, it is not so easy for an apocalyptic wizard who specializes in psychic magic to find anomalies .

Moreover, the aristocratic courts and Holy See of Myra county and the surrounding three counties have been infiltrated and controlled by Yat . It is still very simple to operate in a dark box .

Now Yat is the local emperor of these four counties .

In this case, everything is logical and becomes a hammer .

And Yat is not aiming at this Sur, but just giving him a lesson and letting him become one of the pawns of the taclancia turmoil .

Yat will not let the pieces directly controlled by him become the object of turmoil . The Duke of taclancha is at least a level five wizard . However, he still wants to avoid direct conflict with the other party .

Look at their crow affinity skills – lv18 .

In theory, it is able to control an LV (18 + 18) ravenous birds or creatures with the blood of Corvidae .

Tianqi level 4 is lv25-30

Tianqi level 5 is lv30-45

Tianqi level 6 is lv35-55

multivariate level 3 is lv30-39

multivariate level 4 is lv40-49

multivariate level 5 is lv50-59

multivariate level 6 is lv60-69

that is to say, in theory, Yat can control the crows of multiple three levels, and also control the creatures of Tianqi level 5 and even Tianqi level 6 But Apocalypse level 5 and Apocalypse 6 span a lot, and there are even overlapping areas .

If there is a problem in judging the level, a captured crow tosses it over, and the other party’s level is lv40, that’s a big problem .

After looking at the experience bar of crow mage staying at lv18 and approaching lv19, Yat can’t help sighing .

Now, he has done all the low-level tasks that he can do as much as possible . However, there seems to be no low-level bad luck items in Rongguang will . In the past three months, he has obtained most of the low-level bad luck items .

Now, most of the things he can get are all kinds of race sources and magic source sequences, as well as other kinds of items with chicken ribs . There are almost no bad luck items .

More than half a year later, he has already done most of the tasks that he can achieve and obtain at this level . The sum of these bad luck items can’t make him upgrade to lv19 .

The rest of the tasks to get the bad luck items are tasks that take time to do .

This is also the reason why his level has stagnated . The experience bar of night wizard has been upgraded to lv14 by killing demons and demons, and the professional level of agent has been upgraded to lv10 in a large amount of mission experience .

But these two professional levels can’t give him a jump in strength . As the gap between different levels of power increases, his promotion curve is still growing, but the growth curve has slowed down .

However, compared with the one or two hundred years when the first-class wizard was promoted from Apocalypse II to Apocalypse III, it was still very, very fast . Even the sad children of all kinds in the world will take about 5 years to upgrade from level 2 to level 3 .

Compared with him, it’s very slow .

Because art has captured and made all kinds of crows, and has acquired various skills through the crow mage, his ability now has become balanced .

What kind of skills, regardless of attack, defense, protection, recovery, transfer skills, he has .

Even because the skills are too complicated, relying on Yat’s own computing power, it is impossible to effectively combine all skills . Only by using 300 or so thinking networks with computing power above lv10 can we achieve this goal .

“Hoo –”

art took a deep breath and looked to the West .

There are twelve counties in taclancia, three Marquises and nine countesses .

The four countesses have been controlled, and there are eight more www . mylovenovel . com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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