Night Crow Master Chapter 277


Chapter 277: 277

Art was not surprised at the arrival of this woman .

In other words, part of the reason why he got on the airship was also because of this somewhat unlucky lady .

From women, Yat can feel the fluctuation of spiritual radiation of Apocalypse I and Apocalypse II, as well as the fluctuation of banded props .

this is a kind of tool specially made by witches to solve their own power dissipation and can absorb the spiritual pollution .

Such props can contain the spiritual energy that the wizard can escape at any time, which is beneficial to the stability of one’s own realm and the entry of the road .

However, such props need to be customized, not ordinary wizard can have .

Either they have a lot of alchemy, or they are looking for a reliable alchemist to manufacture .

In the kingdom of Allen, he has seen such things in many sorcerers .

Earl durard, Earl fileck, Marquis congerbert, etc . , all wore such things .

After improving the basic road, we don’t need this kind of things . We can send and receive them freely . But for the Wizards from Tianqi level 1 to level 4, such things are still very precious .

Without a little capital, we can’t get such things .

A few days ago, from another crow servant who had already appeared in taclancha, Yat got detailed information about Miss Angela .

A countess, who is in trouble, may lose his position and needs help .

A trigger for conflict, isn’t it?

It is absolutely impossible for him to stop the sad epic, and Yat has no good intention to help a group of guys he doesn’t know . If he wants to stop the sad epic, no matter what else, an old woman will be a wizard, an alchemist and a potion scholar .

The medal on his chest was shining slightly .

The young male wizard came up and deliberately stepped between them, smiling at Angela:

“just by chance, this is KrO Blair from the Starr empire . ”


Angela’s face was a little stiff when she saw the man, but the look disappeared in an instant, and replaced by a natural look .

But Yat noticed that Miss Angela lowered her eyelids and covered up her dissatisfaction .

And the fluctuating thoughts – “really annoying”, “no way”, “it’s up to him now”, are clearly captured by Yat .

At a moment’s thought, art conjures up other situations in the data .

Alchemist, potion scholar, crisis .

I see . Is this the person who can delay the crisis?

The thought was fleeting, and in an instant, Yat had figured out the situation .

The male wizard, however, became a little more cautious when he heard that Yat was from the Empire of Starr, but after hearing the name of Yat, his prudence was reduced a lot .

The wizard’s name is basically three or even four paragraphs . The name also contains the honor of the family –

for example, he –

sur clendor lunschade

clendor is the name of the mother’s family, and lunschade is the name of the father’s family .

From the name, we can see the inheritance of a wizard .

As a wizard with powerful power, he is naturally aware of the influence of blood on a wizard . Therefore, witches pay more attention to tradition, especially basatona, which is the most important Empire among all empires .

Cro Blair’s two paragraph name represents only one —

that is, the father’s side or the mother’s side, and one of them is an ordinary person .

If the party has certain strength, even if it is not a wizard, it will also bring its name .

But if you don’t have a surname, there’s no doubt that it’s a civilian .

As for the other possibility – both parents are from the same family?

That has another form of naming .

It is only possible that one of the two paragraph names is a civilian .

That is to say – bastards .

Although he didn’t say it, the word came out of sur’s mind . For Yat, he was labeled as “bastard”, “low blood” and “beyond his ability” .


Travel wizard? Want to catch up with the taclansia?

Sur glanced at Angela and a lot of thoughts came out of his mind .

Then, he pulled out a voice to Anqi:

“although the problem has been solved, it is still dangerous without the protection of magic array -”

a smile appears on sur’s face .

Angela was angry in her heart, but when she thought of her current situation, she could only bear it for a while .

Her only helper now is sur . “Mr . Blair, see you next time . ”

As Angela turned to leave, she waved to Yat, turning the possessive young wizard black .

After Angela left, sur turned his head and looked at att with a forced smile:

“so, Blair, see you again . ”

He looked, his lips moved, he said a word, and with a warning look in his eyes, he turned away .

Inexplicable hostility .

Under the difference of strength, Yat can clearly detect the hostility of the other party and capture the arrogant contempt of the other party .

The top hat was pressed, and the corners of art’s mouth cocked slightly .

Yes –

the fuse has been found, the gunpowder has also been found .

“What do you think, Gloria?”

Art turns his head, reaches out his finger, touches Gloria’s beak, and pulls his finger away before it bites back .

“Yaya –”

flapping her wings, Gloria flew from att’s shoulder to the top of his head .

The next step is action –

“what are you doing, Lizzie?”

By contract, art speaks to a crow servant .

. . .


At the other end of the contract, on top of a huge merchant ship, the figure of a beautiful woman pauses, and quietly walks to the edge of the deck .

“Check all the information and influence of this man . ”

As the voice sounded in her soul, a woman named Lisse saw a scene .

Art sent her the image of the male wizard named sur .

“This man . . . ”

Lisse observes the image carefully . A man in a silver modern wizard’s robe is as straight as a sea cliff orangutan, and the medal on his chest is highlighted .

“This is . . . ”

“the family emblem of clendor and lunschade, and the border is the combination of a Marquis of the clando family and an earl level family of the lunschade family . ”

After taking a look at it, Lizzie said with certainty .

But this male wizard, she doesn’t know .

Lisa bowed her head and responded to the owner on the other side of the contract line:

“sorry, master, I don’t know this person . ”

“Sur credo renchard . ”

Art replied, “you can check all the forces that are related to this person . ”

“Do you need a hand? Master

There was a sharp flash in Lisse’s eyes .

The powerful brainwashing effect of capturing crows is combined with brainwashing magic, which makes this noblewoman with siren sea demon blood become a loyal servant of Yat . Moreover, she, who is more belligerent, immediately wants to start .


Yat is also very clear about the character of the female nobleman who met the siren sea demon group sent by him during the voyage and was captured:

“just check all the information, and then continue to run your Chamber of Commerce . Don’t make any unnecessary moves . ”

“Yes! Master

Lisse nodded her head in response and followed art’s orders faithfully .

After art cut off the contract communication, she raised her head and turned to the cabin . Apocalypse II’s psychic powers were constantly fluctuating, and the enchanting and seemingly soul piercing nonsense spread around her .

Inside the cabin, one siren siren is using a metamorphosis spell to transform itself into a human pose .

“It’s all ready . In half an hour, we’ll be here . Take the props and don’t be found . ”

“Yes! Chief

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