Night Crow Master Chapter 275


Chapter 275: 275

In addition, in the original game settings, life class can’t be improved by fighting and killing experience .

This rigid system is completely in accordance with the rules of the game .

He can’t want to switch between night wizard and raven mage’s classes, and transfer the agent to the main class column .

But . . . He has tried to raise the level of the agent by devoting some of his bad luck experience .

I can’t .

After a rigid operation of the abdominal Fei system, he found a problem .

That is, the promotion of this generation traveler’s life career needs the power of destiny .

Where do you get the power of destiny?

There must be some connection between luck, doom, and the power of fate, but because lyndt has little memory of these things, Yat is still unclear .

But what we know now is that the power of destiny can be obtained through the tasks related to the destiny track . Only by assisting in completing the destiny track or disturbing the destiny track can he obtain the power of destiny .

Because of his agreement with Rongguang will, he can only take the first step to help the world accomplish its task .

And because of this agreement, he can’t kill the creatures in the glorious world like before . However, to make up for it, there are many tasks in the mission to clear away some characters who should have died and should not continue to exist according to their fate .

It can only be said that . . . Is better than nothing .

He sent a lot of crow servants, according to the corresponding level of mission to clear these characters and forces .

And . . .

the glory will also give him an opportunity to kill as much as he can –

[void] series of tasks, similar to the task of fighting against the invasion of the void, is to go to the defense line of the star world and kill the inanimate creatures .

[devil] series of tasks: kill the devil as much as possible, and the top-level task is to kill the devil as much as possible . The highest task is to destroy the molten fire abyss of frost hell, which is similar to destroying the totem spirit controlled by lyndt .

Although Yat has many means, his current strength is Tianqi Level 3 up . With crows, he can play the strength similar to Tianqi level 4 .

But with his caution, it is impossible to rush directly into the frost hell or the molten abyss .

Artest doesn’t want to touch the task of hypocrisy now .

He was not afraid of the Reinhardt’s avatars, but it was dangerous to touch him .

What’s more, lyndt’s separation has been in the glory world for so many years, and it is impossible for the glory will to be eliminated .


As far as Yate knows, there are many levels of six, not the castrated version of “lv35-lv55”, but the multi world level 6 represented by lv60-lv69 .

The seven elements of the will, the seven elements of the will, are the shadow of the future .

The creation of the glorious world, except for them, are all fruits and vegetables produced by the will of glory and planted to harvest the power of destiny . The castrated version of Apocalypse level 6 cannot be compared with the multiple level 6 .

Castrated version of Apocalypse level 6, the strongest of which is equivalent to multiple five levels, in front of level 6, there is no resistance .

There is no creation that can be separated from her control in the glorious world .

And the glorious emperor who “successfully rebelled against fate”?

It was just a joke .

The fate of the glorious emperor’s “resistance to success” is also the track set by Rongguang’s will .

At the moment of reaching the set goal, he is easily wiped out by the will of glory and becomes a free energy returning to the world .

The creatures in the glory world, in addition to the will of each plane, are puppets under the wire .

So it is impossible that the will of glory cannot fail to deal with the avatar left by lyndt and created to devour faith .

It’s just because the glory will itself and frost hell behind the world will after the world will, seriously injured, in order not to add an opponent, so let the other side action .

If Yat were to deal with them, then there was no doubt that Yat would be the first line of defense between the will of glory and Ryan .

Art is not stupid enough to be a shield .

Therefore, he will not take up the task until he is promoted to the corresponding level, at least until he reaches lv40 .

Moreover, when att reaches lv25, the core breakthrough is completed, and he has the ability to resist the flow of void through the world, Yat will leave the glory world first and look for other low-level worlds .

In this seven level world, he is too limited . Whether it’s the speed of the upgrade or anything else, the restrictions here are not good .

Moreover, after knowing that he was put together by the glory will, he was not so kind as to continue to be a civil servant and help her work .

When he really has the strength to talk with Rongguang will, he will come back .

Moreover, from his memory, there are some names of organizations that he cares about .

For example, “gamer”, “main temple”, “nightmare space” .


These nouns make him very concerned .

After reconfirming his plans for the future, Yat breathes a little, and his body condenses into substance .

Then, he opened the taskbar of the system, and the next task was –

[(optional) task: fuse

task level: lv25

task content: to cause conflicts between the taclancia family and other nobles, and to cause civil strife in the family .

Time limit: before April 20590 .

Mission area: Barcelona .

Success reward:

any bad luck item (x1) of lv20-lv25 will be awarded according to the degree of completion]

now the time is June 20585, that is to say, he has 5 years to complete the task .

Although I have known a lot of things, I also have a considerable understanding of various things .

However, in the concept of time, art’s idea is still completely short-lived .

Five years is a long time for him .

You know, it’s only a year since Yat came to this world . . .

thinking of this, Yat can’t help laughing . In a year, from a weak, ordinary thief who had to be careful to attack the key points and worried about killing him, he became a Apocalypse Level 3, and his overall strength reached Tianqi level 4 Many people take life and death, and they can easily become the powerful ones with the explosive power of missiles .

Every wizard is a missile launcher or a missile launcher capable of continuous missile launching .

A Apocalypse Level 3 wizard can continuously use at least 20 and up to 100 Apocalypse Level 3 spells .

About 50-100 apocalyptic magicians .

What is the magic power of Apocalypse Level 3?

Like the doomsday sign used by Yat last time near the port of cassia, the single damage range is 600 yards, which is about 548 meters .

The nuclear bomb in the past life of ATT – the nuclear bomb “little boy” exploded in an island country . The explosion power of the missile is equivalent to 13000 TNT equivalent missile head . The air explosion height, or the explosion radius, is about 580 meters .

This explosion range is the scope of primary explosion, that is, the scope of direct damage caused by explosion, rather than the scope of various hot lines, shock waves, air waves, radiation and radiation dust .

The difference between magic and little boy is that it’s not explosive damage, it’s a direct impact of energy .

The damage range is highly banded and does not decay quickly . Therefore, the damage does not spread beyond 600 yards .

For what?

In order to improve the damage, but also to reduce the spread .

Territory and dominion are important to wizards .

The Sorcerer’s magic is calculated precisely . In order to reduce the energy loss, the damage of the sorcerers has been banded down to reduce the spread range of the damage, concentrate the damage and improve the damage intensity .

The smaller the damage range, the more power you use, the higher the damage . This is also the difference between single and range spells .

Historically, early spellcasters had little effect on damage, and the greater the spread of damage .

An apocalypse Level 3 spell, without any binding, is a 10000 TNT equivalent atomic bomb .

A wizard of Apocalypse Level 3 is a nuclear launcher capable of continuously firing 20-100 10000 equivalent atomic bombs .

Therefore, the war in the history of glory world, the more powerful the caster, the more tragic the war .

What about Apocalypse level Four?

But the gap between the Apocalypse level Four and Apocalypse three .

Feeling his power, Yat sighed .

. . .

Barcelona Empire, high above the sky .

Huhu –

along with the whirring wind, the fixed giant airship has been lifted for a long time, passing through the clouds at a speed exceeding the speed of sound, leaving a trail in the clouds .

Art stood on the deck of the airship, comfortably blowing, his eyes narrowed slightly .

Around him, there are circles of magic barriers, flashing soft light .

They block the strong wind and transform them into synergy energy through a complex array of spells . And the wind that came into the airship, blowing on art’s face, was just a breeze .

After special deployment, the wind with fresh flavor is sent out from the complicated magic array ring, which can pacify the spirit and adjust the body and mind .

As with other people around, lingering around him for a long time .

“That’s good . ”

Compared with the technology of previous life, art can’t help sighing because of the different history, the use of energy, and the level of life, many things are different .

Human beings in previous lives are too fragile and have a very short life span . There are many things that can’t be done at all .

At the next moment, the sound came from the airship .

“Welcome to the taclancia class III sightseeing airship . The estimated time for this trip is . . . ”

Yes, it is sightseeing . This is a sightseeing boat .

The wizard of Apocalypse level 4 has been promoted to four dimensions by means of superposition promotion . On the way to promotion, they need to be familiar with space magic .

“Supersonic” sounds very powerful, but in front of them, it can be said that snail crawls .

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