Night Crow Master Chapter 264


Chapter 264: 264

Eye of blood, eye of devil, eye of devil, eye of chaos, eye of death, eye of phantom, eye of hesitation, eye of prophet, eye of night, eye of water, eye of cage, eye of shadow, eye of eternal night .

The eye of the devil and the eye of the devil coexist with the eye of the devil and the eye of the devil .

The shadow eye merges with the night eye and becomes the eternal night eye .

More than four years later, at this time, the original Yat was Apocalypse II, close to Apocalypse III .

And has 11 different kinds of magic eyes, but not too much to do with crows, and crows have a relationship .

Or, there’s no good relationship .

In the fifth year, art became a new star in the territory of Duke Allen, known as “count of the devil’s eye” .

And because of the status of prophecy wizard, alchemist and potion scholar, they are respected by many people, and their status is gradually consolidated .

Moreover, because of his bad luck constitution, he has not weak attainments in curse magic, but also strong in frontal combat effectiveness .

After that, because of the hesitation of the great beast’s blood, art’s body became too big – close to six meters .

In the process of searching for materials, he was taken as the enemy by a marquis wizard’s slave and a group of Cyclops near Mount Tera . When they counterattack, they found out what they were doing secretly . After exploring, they found the remains of ancient Cyclops .

Through the eye of the dead, art acquires the one eye that still retains the power of fire .

By combining the power of the dead eye and the one eye of fire, art gets the eye of the underworld .

But because of art’s action, the fourth level Marquis wizard regarded him as an enemy .

After he managed to hurt the Marquis and fled, he was ambushed by the purgatory opera flo .

When flo was pursuing, he met the desert sacrifice in the desert, and they had a fight . At this time, ansuzi suddenly appeared and attacked flo . The three men fought for a wave, so that art, who was seriously injured and dying, could escape .

He tried to escape into the shadow world, but because of the sudden appearance of ansuzi, the son of the abyss, which interfered with space transmission, he did not return to basatona, but came to the Starr Empire and prophesied the kingdom of witches .

Because of his bad luck constitution, he attracted a large number of dead birds when he was dying . These birds wanted to eat him and get the huge bad luck attracted by him .

At the time of death, Yat killed all the dead birds, pulled out all their eyes and made them dead eyes .

However, it was at this time that his body was already dilapidated and more seriously injured . He summoned a large number of magic eye families through the magic eye .

The magic eye clan in the shadow world, the magic eye family in the phantom world, and the magic eye family living near the Starr empire .


After killing them by cruel means, art filled their bodies with their flesh and blood, and became a half demon eye clan from human beings .

Moreover, the curse of the devil’s eyes appeared on him . However, he was very familiar with the abilities of the magic eyes . Instead of being affected by the curse, he got the curse eye .

After that, art met master Edgeworth, who came to the Starr Empire, when he was recuperating and recovering .

After a careful understanding of his situation, master Edgeworth has tailored a set of methods to integrate wizard blue blood and magic blood .

Then art followed master Edgeworth from the remote empire of Starr to the Arabella Empire and stayed on his territory .

Five years later, art solved his problems and successfully promoted to Apocalypse III .

At this time, Flo, as an expert in affairs, caused chaos in many places in Rongguang . There were several conflicts between the basatona Empire and the Arabella Empire, and the atmosphere was very tense and explosive .

In order to avoid a war between the two empires, Yat is ready to return to Barcelona to make some efforts .

However, when he returned to basatona, there was a change in the port of the dead, and Hughes the undead became one of the rising powers of the necromancer colony .

In addition, Hughes killed many mermaids and sea people, and had a conflict with Tina, who had saved Mary .

Mary also appeared to help Tina, and when art knew about it, he rushed to help Mary .

However, at this time, the queen of blood, the apprentice of the Duke of blood, who captured Donna with art, appeared and stood on Hughes’ side .

Because of the contract with the prince of blood, he can’t attack luff .

But he didn’t want to attack Mary either, so he chose to leave directly and let it be .

Donna, who had intended to help Hughes, also chose to leave after finding out that he had left .

And then there is an increasingly chaotic world situation, and more and more conflicts and wars .

. . .

“it’s an epic of ups and downs . “After watching the original fate of “art Angus crawledo”, art can’t help but sigh . All kinds of magic eyes are really in line with the name of “the eye of the night” . The speed of growth is also very fast .

In less than a hundred years, he has changed from a weak scholar who has no power to bind a chicken . . . An ordinary person who has no power to bind a chicken, to a strong man of level 6 .

Then he killed the other children of sorrow in a reasonable way and became one of the winners of the tragedy epic .

If everything develops according to the track until the end of the fate, then the glorious will as the destiny will, will gain a lot of destiny power .

It’s a bit like the great ambition of Buddhism . If we can accomplish it, we can gain powerful power .

The closer to the development of the trajectory, the more detailed the trajectory and the larger the goal, the more power of destiny can be obtained .


A creature whose ultimate goal is Apocalypse level 6 . If it grows to Apocalypse level 6 according to 50% of its target trajectory, it will gain a very huge force of destiny .

The power of destiny is so huge that it consumes more resources than it needs to cultivate a strong man of level 6 . It is not level 6 of apocalypse, but level 6 .

The six levels of Apocalypse defined by the glory world are lv35-lv55, which is equal to the three to five levels of the pluralistic world .

The sixth level of the multi world is lv60-lv69 .

Moreover, for the sake of insurance, there are more than one destiny track set by each world .

For example, art’s final fate has left the glory world, died in the sad epic, and finally became the dogleg of glory will like the eyes of the future .

Now, art has understood that his own body is a “black crow”, a “conceptual creature”, a bad luck, and a black thing hidden in the soul area of “art Angus crawledo” .

For him, this body is just a shell that can be abandoned, not the most important, but he does not intend to give up the body .

It’s hard luck . He can be a good host .

At the same time, it can help Rongguang to complete other destiny trajectories .

Clone a body and let it grow in the original way of “art Angus crawledo” to become the real “eye of the night” .

And he grew up the way he wanted, through the cloned body .

If it’s another body, it’s not the son of sorrow . If you act arbitrarily, it doesn’t matter . By the way, he also needs to sort out his own abilities . His current abilities are a little too complicated and need to be sorted out systematically .

However, it is a pity that there is no parallel world in the glory world, otherwise he would not have to be so troublesome .

A world that has developed long enough will not have only one time line .

The more powerful the world is, the more difficult it is to build a parallel world .

The strength of the will to glory is seven levels close to eight levels, with the highest strength as the fifth level, that is, the sixth level of apocalypse, it can establish many parallel worlds .

Multiple parallel worlds run in different trajectories . Once accidents occur, they can be adjusted to reduce accidents and improve the completion rate of destiny trajectories .

The will for glory itself seems to have the idea of establishing a parallel world .

But the world is quite young .

Glory world, only about 50000 years of history .

For a world, 50000 years of history is indeed very short .

This world is not like the world in which art lived as “wuyatu”, with a long history .

The world of glory has a history of only 50000 years from its birth to the present .

There is no history of evolution of “human” from the ancient ape to the human . When the human race appeared in this world, it was already “human” .

The same is true of most races like elves .

It’s the origin of race purchased from other worlds, from the profiteer of the earthen pot . According to the origin of the race, the race is created according to the drawings .

There are many native races in Rongguang world . For example, the first generation of ice race is the original race created by Rongguang’s will .

But the first generation of ice race did not live up to her wishes, and soon died .

Some of the more successful biological races should be phantoms .

This creature similar to the plane life of the underworld is a unique creature created by the will of glory .

But art is not sure .

Because his cognition of the world of glory is only part of his memory .

However, he will not try to leave the glory world until he grows up to level 4 and level 5 .

For now, glory world is a safe place for art . He is now a temporary worker in the glory world, and because he has signed the covenant, Rongguang will not do anything harmful to his interests . . .

wait a minute . . .

suddenly, Yat thought of something . . .

both sides can’t do anything that damages the interests of Rongguang’s will .

It is beneficial to the will of glory to let the creatures in the world of glory follow the path of destiny . Then, if the creatures in the world of glory fail to follow the predetermined path, it will damage the interests of the will of glory?

So, on the other hand, if Yat doesn’t get what he deserves, is it even a loss of interest?

“What a cunning woman . ”

Although he thought he was very cautious, his experience was not as good as that of a man who did not know how many years he had lived and who had built a world class seven strong man .

This contract also has a lot of room for operation .

Att’s eyes are on the taskbar

how to do it needs to be carefully considered . However, it is an important thing to take a few tasks and try to determine .

To separate oneself from the identity of “art claredo Angus”, we need to change our body, race needs to be considered carefully, and we need appropriate race .

It’s better to have a race that has something to do with bad luck and crows .

Br >

for Barca, the focus of his task is to find the source of his body, which is just a task of searching for the source of his body .

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