Night Crow Master Chapter 254


Chapter 254: 254

The sorceress used all her strength to control the ghost ship and launched an attack –

countless dead spirits howled, the spirit bodies continued to dissipate, decayed and disintegrated into negative energy . When they gathered together, they would gush out a beam of negative energy just like before .

However, the negative energy separated from the disintegration, after moving for a short distance, is abstracted and sucked into the black fog .

At the same time, art’s mind was running at a high speed, and the sorceress secretly prepared to launch one Apocalypse Level 2 and three Apocalypse level 1 spells .

After interfering with and dissolving four spells, the negative energy that makes up the spell is removed by the high-speed array .

And the countless tentacles of death octopus?

Under his control, the huge black fog, like his outstretched arm, surged and formed hundreds of dark hands . Nearly a hundred huge dark hands grasped all the tentacles of the octopus of death and squeezed them hard .

The tentacles of the dead octopus are directly crushed by hundreds of dark hands, just like a balloon full of water, and the flesh and blood of the octopus fall on the ghost ship and the sea .

Before the flesh and blood falls on the deck, the negative energy that is filled in it is completely removed by the spell array .

The flesh and blood of octopus, completely dead, landed on the deck and on the sea .

The dead octopus, which was wounded by the spirits of the ancestors summoned by the sirens, had lost more than a dozen tentacles, and the remaining nearly 100 tentacles had also been cut off .

It has only four tentacles that are attached to the hull to fix itself on the ghost ship .

It does not feel pain, after being pinched off a large number of tentacles in an instant, it is still a little confused . It does not retain much intelligence, and still waves several amputated tentacles, trying to follow the orders of the sorceress to launch an attack .

At the next moment, nearly a hundred dark hands gathered together and dived into the water . They grabbed the section of each tentacle of the octopus, and then pulled it out .

The octopus, the God of death who has lost the ability of resistance, is directly dismembered by one hundred hands .

The flesh and blood scattered and dyed the sea water blue-green .

Then, a black mist, surging into small black ropes, flew to a pale blue crystal flying out of the brain after dismembering the octopus .

There are more than 200 talisman runes carved on it, forming various control types of necromancy .

A Necromancer’s core .

“No! No

The necromancer cried out in despair .

However, art has no interest in her acting . This is the core of death octopus, not the life box of sorceress .


Her life box –

at the same time that the shadow chain seized the core of the dead, hundreds of the same chains also penetrated into the sea, locking all the flesh and blood of the octopus .

The sorceress’s life box is hidden in these flesh and blood .

In half a second, Yat has already checked out all the more than 2000 pieces of flesh and blood, and has targeted at a piece of rotten meat which is no different from other flesh and blood .

Among the nearly 500 shadow crows, 100 of them changed their tracks and flew in the black fog with the same wonderful and regular track, forming a new magic array .

The chains of shadow grew denser and smaller, but also stronger, and then they bound the flesh and blood around them .

This time, the panic on the Deathly sorceress’s face became a bit real, but also with a bit of trance and bewilderment .

She could feel that her consciousness became more and more blurred as the dark chains bound her life box .

The consciousness projected out gradually disappears .

The spell engraved in this body has been unable to be used . It is not because of the lack of negative energy . On her body, she can use the amount of Apocalypse level 1 magic twice . However, because the connection between the projected consciousness and the master consciousness is blocked, the projected consciousness quickly disappears .

She didn’t have time to use the spell .

The vision gradually blurred, and the female warlock’s body fell to the ground, and the roots and branches of trees that spread from her body gradually hardened, and fixed the body on the flesh and blood deck .

In the cabin, a corpse who had just stood up fell down at the same time .

A pair of eyes watched the body fall, did not leave, but continue to monitor .

In the dark fog, the chains of shadows bring back the life box of dorkley, the sorceress .

It looks like flesh and blood, and the breath is exactly the same as that of rotten meat . It’s disguised quite skillfully . If you don’t use magic to identify it carefully, you can’t see it at all .

The black inscriptions on the shadow chain are constantly agitating . The negative energy in the life box is constantly copying the talisman rune, trying to construct a necromancer spell . However, each time, the array will interrupt the first Rune when it is formed .

She can’t do any magic at all . After several futile attempts, the life box began to try to break the shackles by force – trying to break through the shackles directly with a large amount of negative energy .

But it is still in vain .

With the powerful computing power of the three thousand brains of the shadow crows and sirens, every bulge of negative energy will be accurately hit by the magic array .


She has no way to gather enough negative energy to break through the shackles .

Dorkley tried again and again, and every time, without exception, she felt that her resistance had been accurately broken, and despair filled her heart .

Apocalypse Shadow Lord lv15 .

Second level shadow crow Lord’s power to launch .

The shadow of Apocalypse II forms a chain after chain . The shadow crows change their flight path and position again, forming a seal .

Art wants to seal the life box with shadow chain, and . . . Let the life box and shadow chain merge .

Even if it didn’t work, dorkley resisted again and again, trying to meet the weaker hope with repeated attempts .

The sorceress cursed, cried bitterly, and begged for mercy .

But Yat did not pay attention to her at all, and she could not cooperate . Her will would would not have any influence on the result .

The chain of shadow is constantly winding on her life box, layer by layer . There are some black traces similar to liquid on the chain —

that is the blood of several shadow crow Lords .

There are also pieces of small, powdery, dark spots of light –

using the spirit of the shadow crows to trace back, forming soul fragments .

It also contains some directly removed soul debris .

He will combine the blood, soul debris and shadow of the shadow crow into the life box .

He’s going to make a dead crow .

Even if you fail, you can create an immortal shadow .

Led by promi, assisted by the count of Susi, more than 100 crows worked hard to study the soul .

This technique allows non crow spirits to be transformed into shadow crows, but requires a high strength spirit .

This is a new approach .

There’s another technology – making dead crows .

However, it also requires a high level of spirit, a high level of Necromancy knowledge and ability to control negative energy . Now, only Prometheus can operate .

At most, it can only produce dead crows below high position .

These two achievements have brought him closer to the goal of resurrecting crows .

Using the souls of several apocalyptic necromancers as materials to make the shadow of dead crows, as long as they succeed, they will be able to gain a stronger ability to control negative energy . . .

reviving crows will increase the success rate of making dead crows .

At the same time, Yat controls the shadow chain, and binds the Sorcerer’s life box into the shape of a crow .

He also uses his own Apocalypse to activate his own realm .

Ready .

The mind runs at a high speed, repeatedly calculating various possibilities, and then, the shadow crows around the life box, re form a new magic array .

The huge power of shadow forms a compulsory fusion of the core of life box and the shadow of crow form .

Once there is an abnormal shadow, at the moment of the abnormal, Yat will immediately make up for it and re calculate .

The shell of the life box is gradually replaced by the shadow, and the soul in the life box is also in a weak state due to the damage of the life box, and is injured without death .

While controlling the soul of the sorcerer and preventing her from moving, she uses the shadow to replace the life box accurately and quickly .

When the life box is replaced, a hundred shadow crows will be used at the same time .

Catch crows .

Capture failure

. . .

after more than 80 prompts of capture failure, a successful capture appears .

[shadow of dead crow Lv16: it is a kind of undead shadow created by forcibly fusing the soul life box of the necromancer dorkley with the shadow .

Synthetic soul · undead shadow Lv16: does not need to eat, breathe and sleep, the body is uncertain, and can be recovered by swallowing shadow and spirit body .

Apocalypse · immortal Lich Lv16: the energy damage outside the holy light system is reduced by 20%, the negative effects of immune fatigue and bleeding are reduced, and the benefit reduction effects of other psychic types are reduced by 32% .

Spell master · necromancer Lv16: master some necromancer spells below Lv16 .

Supernatural essence · curse shadow lv4: when the dead crow directly contacts the target, it will lead to fear, fatigue and cold state . Attributes: strength — physique: -, agility: 68, spirit: 534]

when he saw the information bar, Yat breathed a sigh of relief .

It worked .

Although it is not the first time to create the shadow of dead crow, the material used to create the shadow of dead crow is the soul of other demons .

The shadow of the dead crow created is similar, but no necromancer can control negative energy .

Before death, one of the Necromancers can’t make shadow because one of them is not strong enough to make shadow .

The ability to control negative energy is far less than Prometheus .

“Hoo –”

and now, it’s done .

In the information column of dead dark crow shadow, there are no non crow creatures . You can’t get crow mage effect .

Gripping the gray glove slightly, a bone shield appeared in front of Yat .

High level necromancy – skeleton shield .

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